Hagar qim horrible?

Seeing the pirates gone for the nonce, Garcin regains some of his composure. "Do we loot their stuff now, or leave it untouched for a possible ambush later?"

Antonius sight:

"What do you think they have that we don't have already ? No, and even if they did, I would buy it from them, not steal it. And think about it for a minute, what would you do to strangers you caught stealing your belongings ? I bet a silver coin that the smugglers or pirates that uses this makeshift dock have way more imagination than you do. The cave system goes deeper under ground, we might find what we came looking for here. Watch your step, it seems slippery around there while pointing at the path ahead and ... hum.. yes...."

The magus searches look around the dock for a minute, takes a pieces of driftwood, then speaks a few words of power. Suddendly, the a light brighter than a torch starts to emmanate from stick.

"There, it should help you. Sometimes, I forget that you can't in the dark. Let's press on."

(Spontaneously cast lamp withouth a flame. I can see in the dark, and the spells to see regios and vis are sustained by maintaining the demanding spell until sundown. Perception roll to see if there is anything of note in the first cave : Per 2+1 awareness +7 die roll = 10 + applicable modifiers)

"With all due respect, you misunderstand. The pirates in these waters prey upon the locals and take their water food and bodies as carelessly as you or I might pick an orange off an tree. Any discomfort we subject them too may slow them down at some point. For example, iron bolts are hard to get on these metal poor islands. Deprive them of their reserve and they have fewer to fling at honest merchantmen. Burning this dock would be another, although I'm sure they could find a new hole to hide in easy enough."

The cave you are in stands 30 feet tall and 45 feet wide, and the light you have does not reach the back from the entrance, though to be fair that light only reaches about 60 feet into the cavern. There is no vis or region entrances visible at the front, but further back may be a different story. Also while these caves do have a magic aura it is might 5, separate from the temple's aura, not aspected, and clearly does emerge from the natural beauty of the area.

(Silveroak: Antonius can see in complete darkness, as per the repellent flaw).

"I am aware that pirates have been raiding these shores, but it is my understanding that they came mostly from the barbary coast, not Malta proper. If this is the case, and when we have proof, then we shall act, not before. For all we know it might be local smugglers or fishermen. Sell slaves, loot and burn ? Garcin, let's continue, before you suggest that we rape their women."

Antonius goes deeper into the cave system.

Garcin shakes his head as Antonius heads off into the murk. The Don may be learned in the ways of magic, but obviously knew little of the ways of the world. Rape? Of course not! There weren't any women here! He hurries after the mage before the receding light leaves him in darkness.

The mage sees before the others where side passages attach to the main passage through holes which range from the size of a bear to the size of a largish cat. The main tunnel bends to the right and slightly downward where a major branch, which will require some climbing to follow, continues up and to the left.

"Looks like we will have to do some climbing Garcin and Henri. I don't suppose we brought rope.... That might be problematic.... however this in nothing I cant solve"

Antonius cast swift as the swallow and start to hover in place.

"Don't worry, I'll help you... Just don't do anything foolish", as the two grogs look at each other wary of what is to come.

He then proceeds to spontaneous cast a spell onto help them climb. Antonius will also spontaneously cast a spell to locate vis using hearing, as he thinks the echo in the cave systems would help, if any is present.

"Lets continue down the main tunnel, there will be plenty of time to check the other passages another time."

(ReCo 10 (Base 4 Move in any direction if the surface supports them, +1 touch +1 diam, ind)) 23 + 10 + 2+ (2 die (henri) +4 die (garcin))+5 aura = enough

The main passageway narrows to where it is cramped moving in single file, the widens again into a large "Cathedral" chamber with 3 tunnels leading off which appear signifigant, a dozen or so lesser tunnels, and a regio entrance.

" Alright men, what about a little break ? Since all that squeezing, I guess it wouldnt hurt to stop for a while, and maybe eat some found. What did you bring Garcin ?"

After Antonius rests for a few minutes and has a quick bite, he will look through the regio, to see what is on the other side. If it appears to be safe, they will attempt to cross it.

"I did pack some food, anticipating a full day expedition. I brought kapunata, something called hobz biz-zejt, a lampuki pie, and to wash it down, a ghirghentina red. It's gonna be a great lunch!"

On the other side of the region is what appears to be a similarly large cavern to the one they are in, only faintly lit with blue lights emanating from the walls and ceiling. He hears skittering noises, so it would appear the region I inhabited, though by what cannot be determined through such a casual glance.

For a while, Antonius is eating his portion of Kaputana in silence, after taking a long sip of wine he says calmly to Garcin and Henri:

"I am sorry I got angry at you Garcin. It is just that I need to be careful with everything I do you understand ? Maybe not... Hum... Do you know what I used to do before joining the caravan ? I was part of the Venatores, a group of magi that hunted demons."

He takes another sip and doesnt continue speaking before long seconds have went by.

"How do you think I got these eyes ? My parens used to say that sometimes, when evil men are possessed by a demon, their offspring may bear demonic features. And dont be mistaken, demons never act whitouth ulterior purposes."

"I am always second guessing what I do, asking to myself if what I do is it part of some demon's plan... That's why I try to follow the Scriptures as closely as I can."

The cavern fell silent, as the two grogs are digesting what they just heard.

Half an hour later, when they are done resting and eating:

"There is a regio that we will cross, it leads into a cavern that is similar to this one. I've heard noise but didn't see anything, so be on your guard when we cross into the regio, but don't attack anything that lives there unless I order you to do so."

"Thank you for explaining, magi rarely do." He pauses, takes a bite of his vegetable casserole, then continues. "I hate pirates. I want to go everywhere, see everything, and they are one of the largest obstacles to my desires. With the caravan, I have seen more wonders in a few scant years than in a dozen lifetimes spent in the Iberian mountains. Pirates infest these waters, and hide in practically every hole. If my fate is ever to be stuck on an island in the middle of the ocean, it will be because pirates have chased away the honest merchantmen."

He finishes a last piece of stuffed bread and wipes away the crumbs from the fish pie. "I'm ready" he states as he gathers his sword and shield.

Henri seems confused as to how to react. After a minute "Hospitals are much easier. Just help the patients, even the ones who complain."

"Perhaps we should send Henri back? He is not a fighting man, and could instead take word to the others in case we are delayed."

"I will not force you to go back or come in the regio, Henri. It will be your choice. If you think you can go back by yourself, feel free to go back to the encampment. Take the illuminating stick with you if you do. I do however think that it might be safer for you to stay with us. "

When Henri has made his decision, they cross regio threshold and arrive into the glowing cavern.

"I can run away if things get bad. I will come with you."

Crossing in you again encounter a vaulted cavern with specks of blue light like stars providing dim illumination of the interior. Again you hear the scraping of clawed feet on stone, skittering away in the twilight levels of near darkness.

Antonius is somewhat bothered by the clawed sound coming from the distance.

"Hum.... let's hope it's not a dragon. In any case, my wards should keep us safe as long as it is a magical creature. Well this is an intersting cave systems, I must admit I have never seem something like it. And that blue like coming from the cave walls is fascinating and could help us. I'll help you see better under these conditions; if we get rid of the torch, we might be less noticeable but the denizens of this cave."

The magus will cast eyes of the cat on both grogs, and afterwards, the leave the magical torch where the entrance of the regio is.

"Let's follow the largest tunnel, that way we will be able to better defend ourselve, if need be. Stay alert."

(Eyes of the Cat: die 8,2)