We had this file on the lex hermeticum yahoo group. It's a few years old so it doesn't have any of the fifth edition stuff in it but it is pretty extensive.
The Chronology of the Order of Hermes (Version 1.1)
Compilation and comments by Timothy S. O’Brien, based on diverse authorities.
Advice and critique by Erik “Primus Consilius” Tyrrell, Wes “Wesilisimus Maximus” Divin, Timothy “Austrus” Ferguson, Andrew “Quatres Partes” Gronosky, and Frank “Postdiluvian” Sewell.
This is a chronology and limited history of the Order of Hermes, intended as a free supplement for the Ars Magica role playing game. It was created to serve as a research tool for storyguides and players, not as an attempt to define the Mythic Europe setting or to alter the established Order of Hermes. It is written mainly from the point of view of a particular magus of House Mercere, Radulphus Stilus, writing in the later Arien Age, probably past the 15th Arien Century (in other words, after 1360 AD). This magus is much more neutral than many historians of his age, but hardly without his own opinions.
The Chronology follows the following format: Date AD, Date AA, Event, Gloss.
Dates are given in the ordinary common era AD dates and in Age of Aries dates. Most events are noted as happening in a particular year and have no day or even month listed. Where they do appear, mundane months are the commonly recognized ones, and the AA months are the astrological ones. No attempt to use medieval months was attempted; there is no Kalends, Ides, or other such period notation: May 3 is May 3. The same pattern applies to the astrological months: III Cancer is the third day of Cancer. The astrological dates used assume that the astrological month begins on the dates indicated in a common zodiac, and may not be astronomically or astrologically correct.
Some actual historical dates may not coincide with other histories, mainly because authorities and historians tend to disagree. Events were mainly entered in the order found, but events inside the Order are usually listed before mundane events. Fictional events are noted in the year that continuity or legend claims they occurred. In a few cases, continuity dates are not consistent, and in these cases a range of years or an approximate date is indicated and a comment entered in the gloss. In many cases no specific date is given for an event, and the author has extrapolated an approximate date. Often, a range of mundane and Hermetic dates do not quite agree; this is usually an artifact of approximation and rounding.
The events listed are all drawn either from Ars Magica published material, real history, and real myth and legend. They are usually simple relations of the events as described in continuity, but in some cases limited space has demanded encapsulation. The bulk of the Peripheral Code is also included in the text, to give it historical context. Note: The author refers to event dates in AA, not AD. Events considered of great import to the Order are in boldface.
The gloss and the introductions to the centuries contain short comments, exhortations, references to related events, color commentary, plot fodder, or unsolicited opinions. The opinions noted in the gloss and the century introductions are strictly opinions of the fictional and somewhat diffident author. Readers are encouraged to disagree with him!
The intent of the author is to accurately represent the timeline of events of and surrounding the Order of Hermes, but despite being drawn from Ars Magica material this is not a publication of Atlas Games, is not canonical, and should not be taken as such. That said, the majority of the material herein is based on material under Copyright of Trident, Inc., doing business as Atlas Games. The remaining material is public domain. This document may be distributed freely without alteration so long as no charge or fee is assessed. It may be altered freely, but an altered version may be further distributed only if the fact of that alteration and the author of the alterations is noted in the introductory text.
This material herein is primarily the creation of a large number of writers and designers and a few dedicated editors, and the compiler can claim only to stand on their shoulders.
Ins and Outs
This is not an absolutely inclusive chronology. Some events were considered too trivial, remote, or secret to be included. Plot details of adventures have been generally excluded or included in an opaque manner. The exact year, or even decade, of an event may have been unclear. In some cases this has led to events not being noted.
The timeline includes events from all works for the 2nd Edition, 3rd Edition, and 4th Edition, including all of Atlas Games’ pre-ownership material, except for Tales of the Dark Ages and South of the Sun, and convention adventures. No attempt to judge the worthiness of these works or events has been attempted. If the reader dislikes a particular work or plot, the reader may choose to ignore the related events.
While the fictional author is assumed to be extremely well informed, he is not considered omniscient, nor even morally correct.
One exclusion that may be annoying is the lack of index references. Unfortunately, the compiler didn’t think of that until about half-way into the project. This may be for the best, as indexing would have further cramped the text.
The fictional author is assumed to be interested in certain mundane events, especially in relation to the Church and the other inheritors of the Roman Empire, and sweeping historical events which may interest magi of the Order (like Crusades, plagues, and social movements).
Some legendary or rumored magicians, the sort of people who magi would call hedge wizards, were also included, as were many classic philosophers, who proposed various concepts the compiler considers fundamental to Hermetic Theory. A few historical items were included because they seemed to be the sorts of things a mage would note: natural disasters, plagues, famines, momentous events, and unexpected or unusual astrological phenomenon.
The Verdi Competition has been calculated and included, from the Foundation of the Order into the future, based on established dates and historical clues. Similarly, the House Transylvania: Tremere conference cycle was calculated from the death of Tremere himself, also based on continuity dates and historical clues, but the other regular House meetings, for Tytalus and Bjornaer, have not been, as the compiler is not certain when they started.
One of the more obviously controversial inclusions is likely to be events beyond the established Ars Magica “present” (1220 AD/1359 AA), most especially events generated under the controversial 3rd Edition. Others may object to the inclusion of any historical events past the 4th Edition “present,” 1220 AD. The compiler has not taken it on himself to delete future events, but has taken the liberty of softening some of them in presentation. A break line after 1220 AD has been included to allow storyguides and players to more easily note this crossover into the “future” and, if they wish, delete it. Another break line is provided after the Grand Tribunal of 1228/1367 for the same reason. In the interest of having something more than the occasional House meeting cycles in these historical periods, the compiler has included some additional historical events and trends.
Naturally, some storyguides will wish to wander well away from both actual history and Order history. Hopefully, this timeline will be of some assistance in that effort.
Comments, disagreements, suggestions, and complaints may be sent to the author at merctim@yahoo.com. This email account is not checked daily, so please remain patient.
Historia Ordonis Hermae
A History of the Order of Hermes
by Radulphus Stilum filius Mercator scholae Mercandi Rerum Scriptor ab Harco
This History of the Order of Hermes is, sadly, incomplete. Accounts of many of the most interesting and crucial events in our history are lacking, related mainly by tradition or recorded only in the off-hand references of elder magi. Some of these events were not recorded, magi usually being otherwise occupied with experimentation and enchantment. Others, particularly Tribunals, were recorded, but the original records are lost, damaged, or destroyed. Perhaps more detailed records languish still in the libraries of Durenmar, Magvillus, and lost Val-Negra, but recovering them has not proved easy.
The following Chronology lists the mundane date, the Hermetic date, the Event, and the comments of the author. The Tribunal location of the Event is noted first, if known.
10,920 BC 1 AV Age of Virgo. According to the Egyptians the great civilization of this age is Atlantis, a continent beyond the Pillars of Hercules. The island was “larger than Libya and Asia (probably meaning Asia Minor) combined,” and a center of great learning and civilization. The Atlanteans mined the metal orichalc, landscaped their continent to their needs, worshipped Poseidon, and were ruled by royal twins. The empire of Atlantis extends as far east as Egypt. [Plato] This civilization’s reported age seems to predate the Creation according to many authorities. The author cannot say which is correct.
Circa 9500 BC Circa 1400 AV Sinking of Atlantis, according to the ancient Egyptians. The sinking was spurred by the recent impiety of the Atlanteans. To punish them the gods sent a great flood and sank the island. [Plato] The Civilization of Atlantis seems to predate that of the Old Ones, assuming they are not identical.
8467 BC 1 AL Age of Leo.
6608 BC 1 AC Age of Cancer.
C. 5000 BC C. 1600 AC Date of the Creation of the World, according to some Church authorities. [HoH] The exact year of Creation differs from authority to authority.
4451 BC 1 AG Age of Gemini begins. The civilizations of the age are Egypt and Babylon.
C. 4000 BC C. 450 AG Fall of the civilization of the Old Ones, per Arch-Mage Infamitus. Some magi equate this culture with Atlantis. [HoH] Either Infamitus or Plato seems to have the date wrong.
3760 BC 691 AG Creation of the World, according to the Jewish calendar. [History]
C. 3000 BC C. 1500 AG In Egypt, the Magus Imhotep counsels Pharaoh Zoser, also called Tosorthros. Imhotep raises the great Pyramids, discovers powerful healing rituals, and performs many wonders. His father was the god Ptah and his mother a mortal woman. [Legend, History] This great mage may have founded the Cult of Thoth.
2294 BC 1 AT Age of Taurus begins.
C. 2000 BC C. 300 AT Egyptian Cult of Thoth at its height, as indicated by the research of the Primus Fenicil. [HoH]
C. 1300 BC C. 1900 AT The ancient Kymric civilization flowers around Britainnia, guided by magician-priests, headquartered at Cimbrinsula, an island in the Irish Sea. In time, the Kymric culture is destroyed by the invading Gaels, the island of Cimbrinsula sinks under the waves, and the Kymric and Gaelic cultures merge into the Celtic people. The Kymric priest-magicians become the Druids of later years. [Tempest]
C. 1200 BC C. 1100 AT An Age of Heroes in the Mediterranean and Levant region. The great heroes Hercules, Ulysses, Theseus, Achilles, Aeneas, Jason, and Perseus roam the world, performing great deeds and slaying monsters. This is also an age of magic: the witch Medea, the enchanter Daedelus, and the sorceress Circe all belong to this period. [Legend, History]
C. 960-930 BC C. 1335-1365 AT The Reign of King Solomon the Magus, King of Judea. He raised a great temple to his God and a vast palace for himself. He was a great magician, able to summon all manner of spirits to work his will. His Great Seal is still a powerful ward and device for spirits and his Ring is said to be able to command them all. He could fly on the wind with a magic carpet and spoke the languages of beasts and birds. His wisdom was widely known; he answered the riddles of the Queen of Sheba and wisely judged the most perplexing cases. He ruled over mortals and spirits, brought the wealth of the world to him in his capital of the Levant, and explored the depths of the sea and the heights of the sky. [Legend, History]
C. 900 BC C. 1400 AT The dragon Pan Caudarax settles or is hatched in what will become Flanders. [TbF]
753 BC 1542 AT Foundation of Rome by the twins Romulus and Remus. The twins, raised by a lupa, form a band of outcasts and found Rome by abducting the women of the Sabine tribe. Romulus kills his brother Remus and reigns as Rome’s first king. [Legend, History] “Lupa” can mean either She-Wolf or prostitute.
C. 600 BC C. 1695 AT The time of the ancient Magi of Persia, who have inherited the magic of the Babylonian Chaldeans. [Legend, History]
C. 560-480 BC C. 1735-1835 AT Lifetime of Pythagoras, philosopher, magician, and mathematician. He was trained in Egypt and Babylon, and taught at his school at Croton. He postulated that the universe was mathematical (“Number is All”) and measurable, determined the ratios of music, proved his famous theorem, discovered irrational numbers, and founded a mystical brotherhood. [Legend, History]
C. 515 BC C. 1780 AT The Greek philosopher Parmenides argues that the fundamental reality of the world is timeless, unchanging, undifferentiated, and motionless, and that the apparent world is an illusion of the senses. His student, Zeno, argues the same and provides several paradoxes illustrating the concept. [History] A key concept of Hermetic Theory.
Zeno provides several classics of Criamon philosophy.
C. 500 BC C. 1795 AT Greek Cult of Hermes at height, per Primus Fenicil. [HoH]
C. 509 BC C. 1790 AT The monarchy of Rome is overthrown after the king of Rome, Tarquin the Proud, rapes his friend’s wife, Lucretia, who commits suicide. A Republic replaces the monarchy, which conquers the known world in the next five hundred years. [Legend, History] In some ways the Order resembles the Republic of Rome. Both are ruled by the wise men selected by their elders.
C. 435 C. 1860 The Greek philosopher Emedocles proposes that the universe is composed of four elements: fire, air, water, and earth. He also argues that love and hate (sympathy and antipathy) cause interaction of the elements. [History] Two key concepts of Hermetic magic.
C. 420 BC C. 1875 AT Flowering of the philosophies of Socrates and his students. Socrates is credited with developing the dialectic technique, promoting investigation, and claimed that Knowledge is intrinsically Good, and Ignorance Evil. [History] Socrates is also famous for his great wisdom, spurred by a genius spirit; he knew his own ignorance.
C. 428-348 BC C. 1867-1947 AT Life of Plato. He studied under Socrates, traveled the world, and later in life established his Academy, which lasts for eight centuries. He publishes his Republic, which advocates rule by philosopher-kings. Finally, Plato introduces important concepts of Hermetic Theory, including the Realm of Forms, a realm of ultimate, absolute, unchanging reality which appears in mundane reality as lesser manifestations; and the Chain of Being, the concept that the universe is an ordered whole hierarchy, descending from the Creator. [History] Some magi regard Plato as calling for magi to rule.
Plato’s work is based on the work of elder philosophers, including Parmenides, Empedocles, Zeno of Elcea, and most importantly Socrates.
C. 420 BC C. 1875 AT The magician Asclepius, a great healer, helps end a plague in Athens. [Legend, History]
390 BC 1905 AT Sacking of Rome by Celts, aided by the Druids. According to Primus Fenicil this is the impetus for formation of Cult of Mercury. [HoH, Tempest] Contradicts other writings, which place the Cult in Italy as early as the year 1700 AT.
C. 384-322 BC C. 1911-1973 AT Life of Aristotle. Student of many disciplines, auctor of logic, founder of the Lyceum school. He argues for the existence of a Fifth Element, finer than the four material elements, which make up the heavenly bodies and influence the mundane world. He argues against predestination, but allows that the heavens influence via the fifth essence. [History] The Fifth Element is identified by some magi as Vim.
336-323 1958-1971 AT Alexander the Great, student of Aristotle, conquers the known civilized world in the east, from Greece to Egypt to Persia to the frontier of India, in only 13 years before dying of overeating. His empire divides into petty kingdoms, but a new age of civilization briefly flourishes. [History] Some of the fundamental concepts of magic, the ideas of Magoi and Philosophers, met and mingled in this period.
C. 300 BC C. 1995 AT Greek philosopher Democritus introduces atomic theory, arguing that the world is composed of ultimately indivisible tiny essences, atoms. He also introduces the democratic system, a political method where participants rule by vote, a version of which is used by the Order. [History] Although Democritus was opposed to the supernatural, his atoms are thought by some magi as the fundamental components of the elements.
287-212 BC 2008-2083 AT Lifetime of Archimedes, mathematician and inventor of wonderous devices. Killed in the sack of Syracuse. [History, ME] There is disagreement over whether he was a magician.
C. 160 BC C. 2135 Plentarch codifies Mercurian Rituals into thirty eight spells. [HoH] These spells are lost to the common knowledge of the Order.
C. 150 BC C. 2145 Cult of Mercury at its height. The magic of the cult is little understood now, but they are credited in our history with supporting the Roman Empire through its thirty eight powerful rituals. It is known that Mercurian magic required large numbers of ritual participants, and it is believed that the Roman roads served to symbolically tie the Roman Republic and later Empire together. [HoH] The rituals of Mercury may have been to undermine the gods of the enemy, or to bring the favor of the gods to the Romans.
146 BC 2149 AT End of 3rd Punic War; destruction of the trading city Carthage by the Romans. The Carthaginians are massacred and enslaved, although some escaped to the corners of the Empire, others beyond the Ring of Fire, and others by sailing west into the Atlantic, to the island of Antilia. [History, Legend, SotS] The magi of Carthage left behind fragmentary texts, and some artifacts, now being investigated by Sansaron covenant.
139 BC 1 Age of Aries begins. Little is known about the history of the Cult of Mercury in this era. Certainly the Cult began this period at a zenith, active and powerful, the magic lifeblood of the Roman Empire. [HoH]
C. 20 BC C. 120 Rome: The period of the poet mage Vergil, in the city of Naples, who has learned magic, possibly from the tomes of Solomon. He is said to have prophesied the coming of a golden age heralded by the birth of a wondrous child. He owned a bronze head and animated a statue that would bite of the hands of unfaithful wives. He fell in love with Pheobilla, who betrayed him and arranged for the whole city to mock him. In vengeance, he deprived the whole city of fire for three days, except for fire gained from between Pheobilla’s legs. [Legend]
1 139 Levant: Three magi, each a great astrologer and wise man, one from Asia, one from Europe, one from Africa, travel from the ends of the world to witness the birth of the infant Jesus and bring him Gifts of frankincense, gold, myrrh. Each mage is a king, Gaspar the Young of Persia, Melchior of Saba, and Balthazar the Old of Sheba.
The account relates that the Magi had met King Herod, who sought the child Jesus to kill him, and after finding the child had a vision to evade the King, and returned to the countries by a different route. [Bible, Legend] Some claim that they abandoned their crowns and went to India to die. Others that they went to the city of Sewa, where they died after living 100 years.
One author calls them Hormizdah, Yazdegerd and Perozdh, another calls them Hor, Basanater and Karsudan.
C. 30 C. 170 In the reign of Emperor Tiberius, Roman law punishing poisoners is extended to those who use magic to harm others, raise storms, blast crops, raise the spirits of the dead, or incite love. The penalty is death. Note that all of these acts may be considered baneful.
C. 33 C. 175 The grown Jesus of Nazareth, who has become a wonder-worker, is executed by mundane rulers.
His followers spread word of his wonders and found Christianity.
C. 45 C. 185 Rome: In the reign of Emperor Claudius, a Samaritan named Simon Magus works many wonders in Rome. He cures diseases, raises the dead, makes himself invisible, animates statues, summons corpses from thin air, changes shape into animals, and flies though the air. Church tradition claims that he is exposed as a tool of the Devil by Saint Peter. He is said to have offered Peter silver for the secret of Peter’s magic. Refused, Simon is then said to have asserted his godhood, and announced that he would fly to heaven to prove it. St. Peter prayed to God and Simon Magus crashed to the earth and died. [Bible, Legend]
C. 50 C. 200 Hibernia: Era of Cuchullain, a great hero. [Legend]
61 200 Stonehenge: Destruction of the druid sanctuary on the island Mona Insula by Cult of Mercury and Romans, led by Governor Suetonius Paulinus. This was to break the rebellion of the Queen Boudicca, the Iceni warrior queen. [History, Tempest] Mona Insula, later called Angelsey, was also the site of the Diedne covenant now called Nameless Covenant.
C. 85 C. 225 The high priest of Apollo, Plutarch, predicts a coming cessation of oracles and the decline of the old gods. [Legend, History]
98 237 Christian missionaries vanish on mission through Ring of Fire. [SotS] The Ring of Fire lies in the far south of Africa, separating the World from whatever lies south of it.
108 247 The dragon Pan Caudarax departs Flanders for the “Ice Land.” He leaves behind a fabled hoard, including the Rosewood Crown, an oracular device. He vows to return on the day of the Cresent Sun to defend his hoard against the Warlock of De Panne. [TbF] The dragon’s name may be a scribal error.
129-216 268-355 Lifetime of Galen, a great physician and magician. [Legend, History]
154-222 293-361 Lifetime of Bar Daysan, a Syrian magician possibly ancestral to Founder Criamon. [Mysteries]
C. 250 C. 390 Alexandrine philosopher Plotinus founds Neoplatonism, argues that magic is the basis of all action and change, states certain basic rules of sympathy and essential nature, and further develops the concept of the Chain of Being. His followers, particularly Porphyry and Iamblichus, develop these rules into powerful rituals and divide magic into Theurgy, higher magic based on invocation of divine power, and Goetia, baser magic using compelled spirits. [History]
C. 260 C. 400 Hibernia: Era of Finn Mac Cool and his Fenian band, who patrolled their lord’s lands against robbers and invaders. They eventually become overbearing and are suppressed. [Legend]
Fifth Century of the Ages of Aries. This is the first century of a five hundred year dark age of magic. The century saw the decline of the Cult of Mercury from the vis vitae of Rome to a loose collection of minor enchanters. Some blame the rise of the Church and its rejection of the old magic for this collapse; others consider it a natural progression of life, from strength to death. The Cult remained for some decades as a dwindling political force and some less powerful magical applications were developed for individual uses. These applications become the foundation of the vulgar traditions that dominated before the organization of the Order of Hermes after the sack of Rome in 412. By the middle of the century, it is certain that the Cult could no longer cast its major rituals due to insufficient numbers of priests and low sacrifices.
272 411 Normandy: Three Christians beheaded on the road to the Temple of Mercury, in the city of Lutetia, now called Paris. [History]
275 414 A great plague severely reduces the Roman Empire. [History]
284 423 Administration of Roman Empire temporarily split between East and West. [History]
C. 300 C. 425 Zosimus of Panopolis, and his sister Eusebeia, both magicians, write a twenty-eight volume encyclopedia of magic and alchemy, now largely lost. [Mysteries] The great work may yet be recovered from some dusty vault.
303 442 Emperor Diocletian begins suppressing Christians and reviving the old religion. This continues until the conversion of Constantine in 451. [History]
305 444 Rome: Milan becomes capital of Western Roman Empire. [History]
306 445 Iberia: Synod of Elvira forbids communion be given to sorcerers who have killed others via magic, which it claims can only be performed through use of evil spirits. [History] This century sees wide condemnation of magic by the Church, most of it aimed at those who use magic for immoral purposes.
309 448 Another great plague reduces the Roman Empire over the next five years. [History]
313 452 Christianity recognized as the official religion of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine. [History]
314 453 Synod of Ancrya orders five years of penance for those who use magic for divination or healing. [History] The objection to healing is surprising.
330 469 Thebes: Capital of Roman Empire moved to Constantinople by Emperor Constantine. [History]
C. 325 C. 450 Levant: The bones of the Three Magi are recovered from the Levant, and brought to Milan as holy relics of the Church. [History]
356 495 Emperor Constantine II closes all non-Christian temples. [History]
356 495 Normandy: Barbarian Alamanni invade Gaul. [History]
357 496 Emperor Constantine II forbids magic of all kinds, under penalty of beheading. [History]
360 499 The Huns invade Europe. [History]
360 499 Picts cross Hadrian’s Wall and invade Britannia. [History]
Sixth Century of the Age of Aries. This is a dark and little understood period. The Empire was collapsing under the twin pressures of barbarian invasion and civil war, and the Priests of Mercury were hard pressed to survive, much less record histories. The magic of the Cult of Mercury begins to change in this period, shifting from a communal activity to an individual craft. Each line develops an idiosyncratic understanding of magic, leading to vulgarization.
C. 370 C. 510 Normandy: King Gradlon of Brittany builds the city of Ys in the Bay of Douarnenez for his daughter, Dahut. Ys is built below sea level, behind a great dike, with sea locks to allow ships access to the port. Ys becomes a powerful capital in a short time.
Princess Dahut, a dissolute woman, takes a new lover each night and strangles him each morning. One day, a Red Knight comes to Ys, and Dahut falls in love with him. At his instigation, she steals the king’s key to the sea locks. The sea locks were opened, and the city submerged, and only King Gradlon escaped. The bells of Ys are still said to ring on stormy nights. [Legend] Details differ according to the tale teller.
The Red Knight is considered the Devil in Christian tales, but is often presented as a Faerie in Hermetic accounts.
Dahut is generally described as a druidess or sorceress. She seems to have owned a magical black mask her lovers were required to wear. It strangled them when she was done with their services.
391 530 Much of the Library of Alexandria burned by order of Emperor Theodosius, who wishes non-Christian works destroyed. Many of the great Alexandrine philosophers are persecuted, some killed. [History] See 781 AA.
395 534 Final split of Roman Empire between East and West. Emperor Arcadius rules in the East from Constantinople, while Emperor Honorius rules the West from Rome. [History]
C. 400-500 C. 500-600 Transylvania: Sometime in this period, a Balkan pagan named Muj undergoes a series of adventures and becomes a sorcerer. His line is eventually adopted by Founder Tremere. [Mysteries]
C. 400 C. 550 St. Augustine of Hippo introduces many higher philosophies to the Church, including the idea that the Church exists on a privileged level, removed from the cares of the world.
Augustine also argues that the old gods are utterly false, and that all spirits are evil demons, and that magic is based wholly on demonic aid. His opinions on magic influence the Church still. [History]
Augustine’s principle of elevation is also current among some magi of the Order, who argue that the Order is above petty mundane concerns. This theory was influenced by the immunity of the Church in Rome to sacking by the invading barbarians. Rome is later viciously and repeatedly sacked, and the churches not spared.
400-410 540-550 Visigoths invade Italy and sack Rome. Afterward they remove to Gaul, and eventually come to rule Hispania. They bring with them their magicians, members of the tribe and advisors to their kings. These magicians are said to be goetic summoners and enchanters similar to the Odin-followers of Ultima Thule. Their tradition dwindles in the coming centuries. [History, Iberia, Rome] It is not certain if the magicians of the Visigoths survived the conquest by the Moors. They may have contributed to the magical line of Flambeau, through Delendar.
C. 400 C. 550 Some Seekers claim that the Cult of Mercury fights a great battle against a dangerous and destructive old god, losing the best magi of the Cult, leading to its dissolution. [Rome]
C. 400 C. 550 A Sardinian mage of House Merinita claims that the Cult of Mercury could see the coming future and many fled into Faerie to await a new age. [Rome]
C. 400 C. 550 Terith of Jerbiton claims that the Cult of Mercury was corrupted by demons and the Cult had become diabolists, forgetting their old ways and ultimately disbanding. [Rome]
412 551 Cult of Mercury officially disbanded, over one hundred years after it became ineffective. The remaining Roman magi move out of the dangerous cities and gradually disperse into the countryside. [HoH]
429 568 Vandals invade Africa. [History]
452 591 Huns invade Italy. [History]
452 591 Venice founded. [History]
455 594 Vandals sack Rome. [History]
Seventh Century of the Age of Aries. This century saw a brief flowering of magic and heroic effort on the fringe of Europe. The Enchantment of Britain and the Court of King Arthur brought a thaw in the Winter of magic.
C. 465-525 C. 605-665 Stonehenge: Career of Merlin, greatest magician of Britannia. Son of a Faerie and a mortal woman, born able to speak, he first appears as a boy to King Vortigern of the Saxons, issues prophecies, and resolves a problem vexing the king. Later Merlin makes great wonders, transports the Stonehenge to England, and arranges the getting of Arthur by Uther Pendragon upon Igraine of Cornwall. He could change shape and made prophecies still studied today. Toward the end of his life he advises Arthur in the early part of his reign. [Legend] The final fate of Merlin is disputed. Some say he was betrayed and imprisoned by his apprentice, Nimue, Others claim he retired to the lands of Faerie or into a _egion. Some in the Church claim he was the son of the Devil.
476 615 Fall of the Roman Empire in the West. The Gothic conquest of Italy is finalized by the deposition of Emperor Romulus Augustus by the Goth king Odovacar. The Imperial robes and regalia are transferred to Constantinople. [History]
C. 510-575 C. 650-715 Stonehenge: Magical reign of King Arthur of the Britons under the Enchantment of Britain. This period sees a flowering of magical achievement, the crowning glory of Merlin, the wide influence of the magical Ladies of the Lakes, and many magical quests. [Legend] The Reign of Arthur is held up by some as a shining example of how mortals and magi can coexist.
C. 520-575 C. 660-715 Ultima Thule: Era of Beowulf, who slew an ogre and the ogre’s mother, and became King of the Geats. Late in his life he slays a dragon and is slain by it. [Legend]
540 679 Byzantine conquest of Italy. [History]
C. 555 C. 695 Stonehenge: Arthur’s kingdom is blighted, a terrible curse eventually lifted by the successful quest for the Holy Grail. [Legend]
C. 560 C. 700 Stonehenge: The Kingdom of Lyonesse, formerly a land or island of Britain off Cornwall, sinks into the sea after the death of its last heir, Tristram, after his treacherous murder at the hands of King Mark. Some claim the Scilly Isles are the mountaintops of this drowned land. [Legend] This whole quarter of the world seems to be sinking into the sea, if one includes Atlantis, Cimbrinsula, and the many Western Isles said to lie under the waves!
C. 500-600 C. 650-750 Greater Alps: In this century, the Golden Wyrm of the High Alps, Impothesse, begins to collect a hoard of gold, silver, and gems, seizing them from mortals. [WT]
Eighth Century of the Age of Aries. Another bitter period in the Winter of magic.
568 707 Lombard conquest of Italy. [History]
590 729 Pope Geoffrey I establishes an imperial rule in Rome, repairs public works, and feeds the masses with doles of grain. His authority is strengthened after a plague ends after he has had a vision of the Destroying Angel sheathing its sword. [History]
610 749 An Arab merchant, Mohammed, begins to preach a new religion, Islam, in the city of Mecca. [History]
622 761 The prophet Mohammed is driven out of Mecca for promoting an alien god. He settles in Medina. [History]
629 768 Mohammed and his followers, the Muslims, begin a religious war that will eventually conquer the whole of the Near East and North Africa, and will reach deeply into Iberia. [History]
636 775 Muslim conquest of Syria. [History]
638 777 Muslim conquest of Jerusalem. [History]
642 781 Muslims conquer Alexandria and destroy its famous Library, burning 300,000 volumes to heat baths. This is the end of the Alexandrine center of learning. [History]
C. 600-700 C. 750-850 Greater Alps: The Dragon Impothesse, called the Golden Wyrm for her wondrous golden scales, burns cities and the realms of kings who oppose her continuing quest for gold and gems. She is opposed by the mortal kings, and brave knights are sent to slay her, but she is not defeated. [WT]
Ninth Century of the Age of Aries. This century is the seed of the Order and the rebirth of magic. The majority of this century belonged to the pre-Founders: Guorna the Fetid, the Pater of two founders; Delendar the fire-magician, pater of Flambeau; the unknown forebears of Bjornaer and Diedne, the two barbarian magi who yet were inheritors of organized magical traditions. The final third of this century belongs to their heirs, the disparate schools brought together by the genius of Bonisagus, who likely only developed his Parma Magica to live in peace.
671 810 Thebes: The combustible called Greek Fire is used to defend Constantinople from Muslim conquest. [History]
698 837 Iberia: Birth of Reculed Annaeus Seneca, to be Founder Flambeau, in Lusitania. [Iberia] This per Flambeau tradition. No documentary evidence.
711 850 Iberia: Moors invade Hispania. In time they bring the remaining learning of Rome to the cities of Hispania. [History]
712 851 Iberia: Reculed Annaeus Seneca apprenticed to Magus Delendar. Delendar, a powerful mage skilled in destructive magic, intensely trains the boy. [Iberia]
C. 714 C. 853 Iberia: An archbishop and six bishops flee the Moorish invasion by sailing west into the Atlantic Ocean. They land on the island of Antilia, and each founds a golden city, the seven cities of Cibola. [Legend]
717-718 856-857 Thebes: Constantinople is besieged by Arabs. During the siege the Emperor Theodosius is deposed and replaced by Leo III. Leo breaks the siege, destroys the Arab fleet, and ends further Muslim expansion into eastern Europe. [History]
722 861 Iberia: A glowing rider on a white horse panics the Moors at the battle of Covadonga. This rider is later identified as St. James by Dominion. [ON] Possibly Delandar?
See related event in AA 983.
725 864 Rhine: The Donar Oak, a long standing relic of German paganism, felled by St. Boniface. [Legend] Or possibly by Charlemagne.
730 869 Iberia: Delendar and Reculed battle Moors and Moorish sorcerers in a battle in the Pyrenees foothills. Delendar is killed in a massive magical attack after being separated from Reculed. Reculed destroys the survivors in a rage, and crosses the mountains into the south of France. Here Reculed takes the name Flambeau. [Iberia]
731 870 Trianoma meets Bonisagus, who has already developed a method of defending against magical attack, the Parma Magica. Trianoma becomes Bonisagus’ apprentice, learns the Parma Magica and begins approaching magi to come to his cave in the Alps to share magical secrets. [HoH]
731?-767 870-906 Magi council Bonisagus in his Alpine cave, debate many issues and develop Hermetic theory and the Code of Hermes. Many of these magi become Founders.
Bonisagus bases his Hermetic Theory on the ancient wisdom of the classic philosophers, moderated by the practical advice of experienced magi. Many of the Roman magi continue their old Mercurial magic traditions, which gradually dwindle as the Order grows and Hermetic theory takes deeper root. [HoH] It seems likely that Hermetic theory continued to be developed for the remainder of Bonisagus’ life.
Only Bonisagus is thought to have attended the whole of this period; the other Founders are believed to have come and go.
C. 731-767 C. 870-906 The mysterious maga Merinita comes out of the wilderness, and convinces the sorceress Bjornaer to abandon her tradition and join the new Order. Bjornaer is condemned by her former fellows, including the sorceress Gyongy. [HoH] The tradition that Bjornaer left still holds her House a grudge.
732 871 Provence: Flambeau helps Charles Martel defeat a Moorish army at the Battle of Tours, near Poitiers. This ends the expansion of the Moors into western Europe. [History, Iberia]
733?-? 872?-? Flambeau hunts and slays over fifty wizards across Europe to sharpen his skills for an eventual campaign against the Moors. Afterward, he meets Trianoma, is impressed with the Parma Magica, and joins the magi counseling Bonisagus. At some point in this period, Flambeau takes his first apprentice, Apromor. [Iberia] Flambeau was apparently impressed by the Parma blocking his attack on Trianoma!
C. 750 C. 890 Iberia: The high point of Muslim learning in Iberia. [History]
754 893 Frankish conquest of Italy. [History]
C. 700-800 C. 850-950 Greater Alps: The Great Golden Wyrm Impothesse, having collected a vast hoard of gold through seizure and tribute, retires to her cave in the High Alps, where she is only occasionally disturbed by foolhardy mortal knights. [WT]
The Tenth Century of the Age of Aries. The Order was founded only six years into this century and a new age of magic began. Most of the Founders still called themselves priests of Mercury, but in the coming generations magicians would find the title Magus enough. This was a century of great conflict, as Founders Flambeau and Tytalus hunted the greatest wizards of the age and gave them the choice of a life under the Order or death in Chaos.
The classic tale of this struggle is that of Pralix, the Thirteenth Founder, who organized a motley band of barbarian hedge magi into an effective fighting force, largely without additional aid from the Order. With aggressive recruitment by the Founders, this was also a century of great growth for the young Order. Most of the Domus Magnae were founded in this period, and they proved to be strong: only one has entered the Final Winter which has consumed so many younger covenants.
767, Feb 21 905, III Pisces Foundation of the Order of Hermes at Durenmar. Bonisagus is the first to swear the Oath. The Founders: Bonisagus, Bjornaer, Criamon, Diedne, Flambeau, Jerbiton, Mercere, Merinita, Guernicus, Tremere, Tytalus, Verditius. [HoH] The mundane and Hermetic date disagree in the histories, for unknown reasons.
767 905 First Tribunal. Although magi counseling Founder Bonisagus had been present for decades, this is considered the first meeting of the Order. Naturally, there are more than the Twelve Founders attending the Tribunal, including some or all of the magi who had been adopted by the Founders. Among the first decisions in Tribunal are the rules for Wizard’s War: The War must be declared on to the defending mage on the full moon prior to its beginning. The War begins on the night of a full moon and continues until the following full moon. Those who contine after this time are rogue and shall be Renounced. [HoH, WGRE] Trianoma may have performed the practical duties of the Praeco.
After 767 After 906 Founder Flambeau collects a school of apprentices in preparation for his long delayed campaign against the Moors, including Delendos and probably Abydaros. Founder Flambeau and his apprentices scour Europe for hedge magicians to battle. [Iberia]
He also attracts some new followers, including Maga Kypris of an Egyptian tradition, whose Lineage seeks the Phoenix, as she did. [Mysteries]
By this time Founder Flambeau’s first apprentice, Apromor, had matured into a full magus. He may have been a magus at the time of the Founding. [HoH, Iberia] Some accounts claim that Founder Flambeau took his first apprentices after the Foundation of the Order, others that he had already trained Apromor.
Traditionally, Apromor is an Arch-Mage by the time the rules for Wizard’s War are developed. The order of events is variously reported.
C. 767-770 C. 906-909 Founder Flambeau, hunting hedge wizards, destroys a band of three such hiding in the catacombs under Rome. These wizards drew power from an artifact called Vardian’s Skull. Flambeau shatters the skull and slays the wizards. Later, these catacombs become the site of Vardian’s Tomb covenant.
768 907 Charlemagne becomes King of the Franks. [History]
768-814 907-953 Reign of Charlemagne. This great mortal king wisely ruled Normandy, Provence, northern Italy, the Rhine, the Alps, and northern Hispania, expanded the realm of civilization, improved education, dealt justly with mortals and magi, and was considered a friend of the Order. His court did not fear magi or magic, and did not disdain to use enchanted devices. His twelve great paladins sought adventure across Europe and Africa. He was in time crowned Emperor of Rome, but all his works and wonders passed in two generations after his death. [History, Legend] Charlemagne’s court also clashed with many hedge magicians of the era, including the wizard Atlante.
770 909 Founder Mercere loses his Gift. He devotes himself to delivering messages in the Order. Unfortunately, Founder Mercere has trained only two apprentices and his magical secrets of transformation eventually fade from the traditions of his house. [HoH] Founder Bonisagus spent many seasons attempting to recover Founder Mercere’s Gift, but no progress was recorded.
C. 770-774 909-913 Founder Flambeau visits Durenmar with his train of apprentices. Inspired by the value of a stable base, he founds Val-Negra covenant in the mountains of the Pyrenees. Here he intensely trains his apprentices, pushing many into Gauntlets after only a few years. [Iberia] One of Founder Flambeau’s apprentices may have been Ignis Festi, who fought in the war against Dav’nalleous, but it is not certain.
772 911 Founders Tremere and Bonisagus develop Certamen. Both are apparently pleased to have developed a non-fatal method of dueling. The reaction of the other founders is unrecorded. [HoH] Some have pointed to this as the start of Founder Tremere’s machinations to control the Order.
773 912 Tribunal of 912: The Rights of Founder Bonisagus ruled to extend to all members of his House, including the right to claim another mage’s apprentice, and the requirement that magi of that House must share their discoveries with the Order, and that magi must share their knowledge with members of Bonisagus, unless they can convince a Tribunal that the magical knowledge must remain secret.
Procedures for lesser Tribunals set: a Tribunal shall consist of at least twelve magi from at least four covenants.
Hereafter the term Tribunal comes to be applied to territories ruled by lesser Tribunals and the Tribunal of the Founders and Primi is called the Grand Tribunal. [WGRE] This early use of the term Covenant indicates its antiquity. The term is also used at the early point to refer to the home of Founder Bonisagus, Durenmar. There must have been at least three others already, only five years after the Founding. These early covenants were mostly of a single House.
771 913 Rome: Charlemagne becomes King of the Lombards. He confirms Papal lands acquired in earlier decades, but asserts his sovereignty even in Papal lands. [History]
774 913 Rome: Pavia conquered by Charlemagne. [History]
775 914 Rome: Verdi covenant founded by Founder Verditius in Sardinia. [Rome]
776 915 Rome: Harco covenant founded by Founder Mercere in the foothills of the southern Alps. [Rome] This likely marked a reduction in Founder Bonisagus’ attempts to recover Mercere’s Gift.
778 917 Iberia: Battle of Rencesvals. King Charlemagne has conquered most of northern Hispania in a long campaign, except for Saragossa. He is approached by the Moorish king of Saragossa, Marsile, and convinced of Marsile’s good intention to surrender his kingdom and become Christian agrees to return with Marsile to France for the Moor king’s baptism. The Moors plot with a French traitor, Ganelon, to fall on Charlemagne’s rearguard, destroy it, and kill the commander, Roland, one of the French paladins. The rearguard is destroyed after a bloody battle in which Roland refuses to sound his horn to recall the main army until it is too late. Charlemagne returns on hearing Roland’s horn and slaughters the Moors. [History, Legend]
778 917 Iberia: Founder Flambeau repeatedly clashes with Founder Guernicus and other quaesitores over his interference in the wars between mortal Christians and Muslims. He is prevented from campaigning in 917 by a quaesitorial visit, contributing to the final failure of a new thrust into Spain by King Charlemagne. [Iberia]
C. 780 C. 920 Normandy: Carolinus, vulgar name Charles de Foix, the Mage-Smith of Charlemagne, trains apprentices who are adopted by Founder Jerbiton. Carolinus worked many fine magical works, possibly including the sword of Roland, Durendal and the magic mirror of Galienne. [Mysteries] The Mage-Smiths continue to flourish in House Jerbiton today.
782 921 King Charlemagne orders the organization of schools in his kingdom, and generally promotes literacy and education. [History] Sadly, the quality of mortal education has been very inconsistent over the years.
785 924 Rome: Earliest possible date for the Verdi Competition, perhaps to celebrate the first decade of Verdi. This date is also eighteen years after the Founding of the Order, probably setting the period of the Verdi cycle. The Verdi Competition is a House Verditius contest held at Verdi to see who has made the best enchanted device. [Rome] Unfortunately, records of this early period are fragmentary.
788 927 Iberia: Death of Founder Flambeau and several of his filii at the Battle of the Tower in Iberia; Magus Delendos is the sole survivor. He reports that Founder Flambeau struck down many spirits fighting for the Moorish sorcerers and finally struck down the whole of the enemy with a final mighty spell powered by a massive amount of vis, the first fons et origo. [Iberia]
Magus Abydaros filius Flambeau was not at this battle. He went on to study the less destructive aspects of Ignem. [Mysteries] Of course, we have only one witness to this battle, and he is unlikely to be all-informed.
Abydaros vanished into far Ethiopia some time after his pater’s passing.
789 928 King Charlemagne forbids sorcery and divination, punishable by slavery, and paganism and diabolism, punishable by death. [History] Sorcery in this case probably meaning maleficia, harmful magic.
793 932 Rome: Auctus covenant founded in Sardinia. [Rome]
C. 797 C. 936 Founder Tytalus bests the hedge wizard Evander of Ravenna in a game, and sponsors Evander to House Verditius, where he teaches the construction of astrological instruments. [Mysteries]
Prior to 799 Prior to 938 At an unknown point, Founder Merinita leaves her House to seek the spirit of the wilderness. [HoH] She is said to still appear to magi occasionally.
799 938 Quendalon, First Primus of Merinita, enters faerie woods, leaving Myanar in charge of the House. [HoH] Whether he entered at Maddenhofen Wood is not noted, although it seems likely; the forest is near to Irencillia.
799 939 Grand Tribunal of 938: Rules for Certamen set; it is to be respected as a method of resolving dispute; the guidelines for choosing Technique and Form are set; winning magi may not challenge again over the same issue until they have been challenged in turn; vis may be used in formal certamen. [WGRE] The Grand Tribunals following this one occur on a cycle of thirty three years, barring emergency Tribunals.
800 939 Rome: King Charlemagne becomes Emperor of the Romans. This closes a period of open friendship between the king and the Order, as the Pope is jealous of wise men outside the Church. However, Emperor Charlemagne does issue laws forbidding vigilante attacks against suspected witches. [History]
Flavia filia Jerbiton reported in attendance at the coronation. [HtM]
801 940 Rhine: Quendalon of Merinita exits faerie woods with ruby eyes, and preaches a new, faerie way of magic, which he claims would revolutionize magical theory. Primus Myanar claims that the Quendalon is actually a changeling, and mobilizes his faction to resist. An internal House struggle ensues. [HoH] The debate over whether this actually was Quendalon continues to this day.
802 941 Quendalon retakes control of House Merinita and converts it to his vision. Myanar and his followers are declared orbi of Merinita and adopted by House Bjornaer, where the line eventually dwindles and vanishes. [HoH]
803 942 Rome: Verdi Competition of 942.
803 942 Flavia filia Jerbiton, vanishes from the Order. [HtM]
807 946 Founder Tytalus enters Maddenhofen Woods to challenge the Queen of Faerie, and is not seen thereafter. [HoH] Hariste, his favored filia, may have become the first Primus of his House.
808 947 Normandy: Battle of Carnac in Brittany; the hedge wizard Dav’nalleous (called Damhan-allaigh in Gaelic) defeats a group of Flambeau and Tremere magi. The dark magician practiced bloody sacrificial rites to power his magic, and refused to join the Order, as it would mean giving up his magic to avoid interfering with mortals. [HoH, LotN] Human sacrifice was among Dav’nalleous’ rites.
810-816 949-955 Normandy: The Order makes war against Dav’nalleous. Some additional magi fight the sorcerer while he remains in Brittany, and are slain. [LotN]
810 949 Normandy: Dav’nalleous flees Brittany to Caledonia. He is followed and fought by magi, but they are defeated. [LotN]
810 949 Founder Jerbiton mentions his belief that Flavia, his filia, has likely died. [HtM] She had not. See 958.
814 (May) 953 (Tau) War Against Dav’nalleous in Britain begins, led by Pralix filia Tytalus, including several other magi, including Ignis Festi of Flambeau and a century of grogs. The expedition lands in Northumbria. The expedition is equipped with stores of vis, and Pralix is given the Robes of Dusty Dawn by Founder Verditius, now the robes of office for House Ex Miscellanea. [LotN] Most of the details of the war against Dav’nalleous come from the reports of Pralix herself, as she was the lone Hermetic survivor of the war.
814 (June) 953 (Gem) Pralix ambushed at Loch Oadh by Dav’nalleous and his magical allies. All the magi but Pralix and Ignis Festi are killed, as are the fifty grogs; these two magi escape. Pralix recruits local hedge wizards in the battle, including Brude Deathless, a powerful gruagach. In the coming year Pralix teaches some of the hedge magicians the Parma Magica. [LotN] Gruagach are wizards of Caledonia, with power to curse or gift, and to change shape.
There were many local hedge traditions brought under Pralix’s banner.
814 953 Death of Emperor Charlemagne, marking a decline in mortal scholarship. His empire divides into chaos in three mortal generations. [History]
815 (June) 954 (Gem) Defection of Brude Deathless after quarreling with Ignis Festi; Brude’s gruagachan followers leave with him. Battle of Loch Ochy; a near stalemate. Pralix retreats to Loch Leglean and makes a base camp. [LotN]
815 (July) 954 (Can) Pralix guarantees Hermetic status for all who follow her banner, and Brude Deathless returns. [LotN]
815 (Aug.) 954 (Leo) Battle of the Bloody Glen: Ignis Festi breaks with Pralix over offering protection to hedge wizards, storms from her camp, and encounters and duels with Dav’nalleous. The land echoes with their battle, in which Dav’nalleous is wounded but Ignis Festi killed. [LotN]
815 (Dec.) 954 (Sag) Night of the Sluagh: Dav’nalleous slaughters many wizards with a treacherous attack using the spirits of the dead. Fewer than a dozen magicians are killed, and Dav’nalleous retreats to the forest of Cad Gadu. [LotN] This attack is said to have taken place on one of the longest nights of the year, possibly the winter solstice.
816 (March 21) 955 (I Aries) Battle of the Great Light: Dav’nalleous defeated and apparently killed after a false sun summoned by the hedge magi banishes his dark allies. His body is laid out for destruction; before it can be destroyed it disappears and the guards watching it are slaughtered. Brude Deathless now reveals that some gruagachan can hide their souls and survive any fatal wound, unless their soul’s hiding place is harmed. [LotN] A great pity that Brude waited until this late date to reveal this important gruagach power. Research, magus, always research!
816 (June) 955 Ordo Miscellanea formed by Pralix filia Tytalus at Cad Gadu. The new Ordo includes an array of British hedge magicians. Pralix may have intended her organization to become the “beloved rival” of the Order. [LotN, HoH] “Cad gadu” means “abandoned army” in Welsh, referring to Dav’nalleous’s defeat.
816 955 Sporadic fighting as Dav’nalleous’ followers are hunted down; Clan Mac Gruagach joins Ordo Miscellanea. The Northern Guard, Praeses Septentrionalis, formed out of several new covenants to maintain a vigilant watch for Dav’nalleous’ return. [LotN]
817 956 After debate among the Founders and Primi, Trianoma travels to meet Pralix at Cad Gadu; Trianoma agrees to admit Ordo Miscellanea to Order as House Ex Miscellanea. [LotN, HoH] Apparently the Clan Mac Gruagach breaks with Pralix, as they are also noted as joining House Ex Miscellanea in 1126 AA.
817 956 Grand Tribunal of 956: The admission of House Ex Miscellanea confirmed. The Tribunals of Stonehenge, Hibernia and Loch Leglean created. Maga Pralix is now Founder Pralix. [WGRE] From this date to the Schism War there are Thirteen Houses of Hermes.
817 956 Loch Leglean: Holy Oak, a covenant of Diedne, founded. [LotN]
817 956 Stonehenge: The now Nameless Covenant, of Diedne, founded on Angelsey. The vile rites practiced here are best left buried. [HtM] The name of the Nameless Covenant was struck from all records after the Schism War.
C. 817 C. 956 Magus Anegin, a Welsh bard-mage, lawgiver, and seer, who had fought with Pralix against Dav’nalleous, joins House Bonisagus instead of House Ex Miscellanea. His Line continues to be famous for its political and mediation abilities. [Mysteries]
818 957 Stonehenge: Blackthorn covenant founded in south Cambria (Wales), sponsored by House Tremere. [HtM]
819 958 Flavia filia Jerbiton reappears after a sixteen year absence. She refuses to say where she has been and begins to search for a covenant site. [HtM] Flavia’s absence has been the subject of speculation since.
820 959 Stonehenge: Flavia filia Jerbiton founds Rosalba in the Yorkshire Dales. [HtM]
821 960 Rome: Verdi Competition of 960.
821-823 960-962 Stonehenge: Concordia covenant founded to meld the magical traditions of House Ex Miscellanea. It fails and disbands in two years. [HtM]
826-854 965-993 The hedge wizard Pendule refuses to join the Order, but teaches his magic secrets to several magi of the Order. Many rumors surround Pendule, whose sensual Imagonem magic is said to be diabolic or descended from Eastern traditions, but the effect of his teachings on his students are unknown. [HoH]
Before 830 Before 969 Founder Guernicus dies. [Rome]
830 969 Rome: Magvillus covenant founded shortly after the death of Guernicus. It is, or becomes, Domus Magna of House Guernicus. [Rome]
C. 831 C. 970 Saracen conquest of Sicily. [History]
832 971 Grand Tribunal of 971: The Rules of Certamen restricted to forbid using certamen to force a magus to violate the Code or give up his established rights, including the rights of praecones, primi, and quaesitores.
Ruling that a mage must provide his apprentice with three month’s training or risk losing that apprentice to another mage, if the apprentice agrees. [WGRE] This is the second Tribunal to enter the thirty three year cycle. They continue in this cycle hereafter.
834 973 Loch Leglean: Well of the Head, a covenant of Diedne, founded. [LotN]
Before 837 Before 976 Final Twilight or Death of Founder Criamon. The manner of his passing is not known outside his House. His passing is before that of Founder Verditius. [HoH]
837 976 Death of Founder Verditius. This leaves Founder Tremere as the last living Founder. [HoH] Presumably Pralix is also dead or Passed by this time.
838 977 Rome: Rellantali covenant founded on Sardinia. [Rome]
839 978 Rome: Verdi Competition of 978, the first after the death of Founder Verditius. Possibly the first competition, to memorialize the Founder of the House. Records are fragmentary.
839 978 Stonehenge: Cad Gadu chronicles notes the visit of a group of wandering magi. The wandering magi are noted in the records of Stonehenge from time to time hereafter. [HtM] This may be the wandering covenant of Semitae, foundation date unknown.
841 980 Rome: Calabria covenant founded. [Rome]
843 982 The tale Travels of Fedoso completed by Verderis, Primus of Criamon. This classic work has been used by generations of masters to teach their apprentices Latin, may be a ciphered prediction of the course of the Order, and is the center of obscure debate. [HoH]
843 982 Charlemagne’s empire divided among his heirs. [History]
844 983 Iberia: A glowing rider on a white horse, identified as St. James, appears to King Ramiro on the eve of battle at Clarijo, and assures him of victory. The next day the rider leads Dominion forces to victory. [ON] Magus or Saint?
847 986 Saracens nearly sack Rome. [History]
848 987 The Sundering of Tremere. Founder Tremere, last living Founder, has almost succeeded in dominating the Order through political intrigue and application of certamen over the previous decade, but is stopped in this year by a band of magi who strike his chief lieutenants by afflicting their minds, the Sundering of House Tremere. This strike was performed all at once by magi who penetrated the Founder’s covenant and broke key elements of the lieutenants’ minds. The identities of the Sunderers remain unknown. [HoH] This is a pivotal event in Hermetic history; the first serious inter-House conflict, the first known resolution outside the Code, and the first major negotiated settlement.
After 848 After 987 Stonehenge: Blackthorn covenant, allied with House Tremere, suffers a drop in political power following the Sundering. Rosalba covenant seeks to further this weakening. [HtM] This decline leads to the harsh policies of Blackthorn in the coming centuries.
849 988 Loch Leglean: Covenant of Peanhafel, inhabited by Pictish magi of House Ex Miscellanea destroyed by Diedne magi in support of a mortal king. [LotN] No known reprisal—woe that Diedne was not chastised before it descended further.
851 990 Rome: The Tribunal is subjected to a violent earthquake. [History] It is not known if this was a natural earthquake.
852 991 Stonehenge: Castrum Antiquum founded in the ruins of a Roman fort on Hadrian’s Wall. [HtM]
856 995 Thebes: An earthquake at Corinth kills tens of thousands. [History]
857 996 Rome: Verdi Competition of 996.
860s C. 1000 Loch Leglean: Activities of giants in Scotland monitored; found to be no danger to the Order. [LotN]
861 1000 Death of Founder Tremere, last of the Founders. [HoH]
862 1001 Transylvania: Tremere conference of 1001 (presumably at Coeris). This once in a decade meeting brings together the House for coordination of plans and operations. [HoH] Probably the first ten-year meeting, the year after their Founder’s death.
The Eleventh Century of the Age of Aries. By this century the Founders were dead or lost to Twilight. Their political positions were filled by the Primi; their social positions were in some ways filled by the Arch-Magi. This century must have seemed, to the magi living it, to be a period of comparative calm, although the ordinary struggles of life were certainly everywhere. Dav’nalleous returned to plague Loch Leglean, Wizard’s Wars flared, including one of the earliest examples of a covenant war, and the stability of the Order was threatened by a collection of scrolls found by Duresca. Although a time of the Order’s growth, this was also a century of growth pains, when House Tytalus allowed itself to play fatal games, magi made war on their sodales, and the authority of the Quaesitores undermined itself.
865 1004 Grand Tribunal of 1004: Magus Hercilion reprimanded, but not punished, for serving as a court wizard. Magi of the Order are hereafter barred from serving as court wizards. [WGRE]
866 1005 Stonehenge: Rector Maris covenant founded on the Isle of Man. It is destroyed within six months, apparently by the Order of Odin. [HtM] This is the first known attempt to establish a covenant on Man.
It is tempting to assign this destruction to magi of Diedne, as one of their main covenants was on the nearby island of Angelsey.
C. 867 C. 1006 The first meeting of the Arch-Magi of the Order, one hundred years after the Founding. They discuss many subjects, supposedly charting out the future of the Order. The only known result is an agreement to create a tomb for their deceased members. The covenant of Magvillus is charged with protecting the tomb of the Arch-Magi. [Rome] The reported charting of the Order’s future is unlikely to include such disasters as the Corruption, the Schism War, or the vampirization of Tremere. The influence of the council of arch-magi is probably much exaggerated.
870 1009 Rome: Potestas covenant founded in northern Italy. [Rome]
872 1011 Transylvania: Tremere conference of 1011 at Coeris.
873 1012 Stonehenge: Wizard’s War between Blackthorn maga Diana of Tremere and Rosalba magus William of Jerbiton. Diana victor after death of William. A period of skirmishing follows despite the efforts of Flavia of Rosalba. [HtM]
875 1014 Primus Fenicil of Guernicus reports his findings of decades of research: that the Order of Hermes is a manifestation of an order that dates back to beginning of history. [HoH] Why Fenicil declares the Order a manifestation, rather than an inheritor, is unclear.
875 1014 Rome: Verdi Competition of 1014.
875 1014 Stonehenge: Covenant of Sursum founded on the north coast of Cornwall. [HtM]
C. 875 C. 1015 Rome: Roman magi record in this period that magic has seemed to dwindle. This dwindling sets off a century of infighting among the covenants and magi of the Tribunal. [Rome]
C. 875 C. 1015 Rome: Juden of Verditius slays many clergy on the island of Sardinia, thinking to limit the influence of the Dominion and revive vis sources. His victims are held up as martyrs and he is Marched. Executed by a Flambeau Hoplite, his death by fire is credited to God by the mortal witnesses. [Rome] Juden is only the worst of the lot. Many other magi lash out against mundanes and each other in this period.
876 1015 Provencal: Doissetep covenant founded. [Covenants]
882 1021 Transylvania: Tremere conference of 1021 at Coeris.
887 1026 Belin, “the ideal Redcap,” dies. Her legend grows with each passing century. [HoH]
888 1027 Rome: Auctus covenant destroyed by magi of Verdi. [Rome]
889 1028 Loch Leglean: Several covenants of Praeses Septentrionalis destroyed by followers of Dav’nalleous, starting with Heart’s Delight; Flambeau and Tytalus magi sent to fight Dav’nalleous. [LotN] Little else is known about the Praeses Septentrionalis covenants.
890 1029 Loch Leglean: Dav’nalleous defeated at Caithness, but he escapes. [LotN] Rumor persistently places the Shetland Islands as Dav’nalleous’ base.
890 1029 Stonehenge: Flavia filia Jerbiton, founder of Rosalba, passes into Final Twilight, one day after finishing her final tractatus. Her covenant of Rosalba enters a new period of war with Blackthorn. [HtM] Flavia carefully prepared for her Final Twilight, leading to speculation that she had discovered a great secret about the last veil.
891 1030 Iamitu’krielle of Criamon apparently passes into Final Twilight