Dear Forum Sodales and Atlas Games,
I have been a lurker here for a very very long time. Recently, I was suprised that I was unable to find a chunky good chronological timeline of the Order that was up to date, beyond this excellent but ancient post from 2006: Hermetic Timeline
The one-pagers from various supplements not really scratching the itch either.
With that as a base, I decided to do what any enterprising magus would and I took it upon myself to research and deliver an upgraded version to enjoy for myself and my sodales, and that can quickly be ready to share with the young and curious magi at your table for many adventures.
It's still a work in progress and not entirely completed, but in the spirit of Bonisagus, I'm now sharing my discoveries as they are currently in the hope that you all can help me fill in the missing pieces and correct my egregious errors:
I have updated with most of Arm5e canon (the appendix has details of what's been done and what's still to do) and multiplied the page count (now amassing well over 100 pages. EDIT: 200+ pages).
My sodales are welcome to post suggested updates and corrections here, but it can also be done directly as comments on the document itself. I assure you I will take them all into account, if just but mockingly ;).
As such this document should be considered a freely put together fan resource for the Ars Magica game, and no infringement on the rights of Atlas Games or anybody else is intended. Please continue to support Ars Magica and Atlas Games by buying all the excellent supplements available!
UPDATE 1: v2.01 Work is still very much in progress, I update this from time to time and I want to review the remaining Arm5e works before I consider it a full release. You're welcome to use as-is but understand it's updated more or less live for now (just did a major review for the Levant).
The document settings allow you to comment in it directly, which a few of you have done and there are accepted edits and additions thanks to that! Keep them coming (or let me know here).
UPDATE 2: v2.02 and 2.03 Another dozen books added, and the hefty (and difficult) Normandy Tribunal book incorporated - resulting in about 30 more pages of timeline. Only 5 more locational books left before all ArM5e books have been reviewed...
UPDATE 4: v2.04 Four more books done and only The Contested Isle - The Hibernian Tribunal remains out of all ArM5e. It may take a while since it seems to have a lot of dates and I've never read it before. After that, I may return to some previous editions or enhance the existing a bit. I'm not yet fully satisfied with all parts.
Currently at over 150 pages vs version 1.1's 45 or so.
UPDATE 5: v2.05 All ArM5e books have now been trawled (Hibernia was exhausting to do, but a lot of fun!). Added & fixed quite a few other things. Clarified several Novgorod entries. Added more suitable "historical" magic entries. Cleaned up many entries. This is getting very close to what I would call a "Complete Arm5e Canon" chronology. Feel free to help me nail what I have missed!
UPDATE 6: v2.06 Several comprehensive rereviews and fixes around founding of the Order, Schism War and a lot of additions to the Rhine Tribunal from Guardians of the Forest - as well as some trawling through older 3e and 4e supplements.
I'm nearing the point where I can consider this a full release of "The History of Magic and The Order of Hermes" covering all of the (valid) Ars Magica's supplements officially released, throughout the editions.
From here on it's more or less only fixes and clarifications needed. Now is the time where I really could use some help from my sodales filling in what's been missed, misunderstood or erroneously compiled.
UPDATE 7: v2.07
Yes, I'm still polishing and improving this from time to time (it's being used in my own campaign).
I just rereviewed, updated and expanded Grand Tribunal and Tribunal rulings up until 1179, mainly based on source material in ArM4e, specifically Hermetic Law and Politics. I felt there where interesting nuances that were lacking in the chronology previously. Many tribunal entries should be better and make more sense now but more can probably be done.
Page count is now 187. Also another reminder that anyone with a google account can comment directly in the document to suggest improvements and fixing errors.
UPDATE 8: v2.08
It's been a few months. I'm still polishing and improving this from time to time (it's being used in my own still running campaign) as well as sorting out the community suggestions for fixes and improvements. It's pretty much at the point where I don't foresee me doing more major changes really.
As mentioned, anyone with a google account can comment directly in the document to suggest improvements and fixing errors. I would like to ask the community's kind help with another pass of this this right now, as the there are discussions to sort out a release in nicer looking PDF format.
I would not mind contributions from Finis Terrae (I don't speak spanish), as well as the "TODO" list at the very end of the document.
OM version 2.10+ updates
- Numerous minor edits over the past year.
- Many crowd-source editing suggestions
OM version 2.20 The Finis Terrae update 2024-06-07
- Merged in chronology from the spanish 5e Iberian supplement “Finis Terrae”. Huge thanks to Kuni Mizomura al-Tŷtalī and Antomonio who kindly provided 120+ entries over roughly 11 pages of similarly formatted Chronology. Several fixes and merges still needed to be made for continuity (and an entry or two had different time from previously, e.g. Concietta 923 or 930), but this made it a lot easier (feel free to provide more such)
- You can find these as “Iberia” entries from 698 through 1218. Note: Not all Iberia entries are new.
- Some items were added to Grand- and Rhine tribunals.
- These provide some new excellent entries in the history of the Order.
- Note that Finis Terrae may not be seen as fully canon as it is by separate publishing and not available in English. However, IMHO all the entries fit in great with the rest and deserve the spot.
OM version 2.21 2024-08-08 minor update
- A bunch of minor fixes. Thanks for your suggestions too! Keep them coming
- I look at all comments and edit suggestions added in the document (it's open to commenting).
- Bumped a version and a note since I mainly fixed and a lot of Faith & Flame Provencal entries (just look for Provencal entries + there is a version history in gdocs).
- Removed "in progress" from the post title. I consider the doc "complete" without glaring gaps - everything important is in it from as good as every supplement. It's just lazily being minorly fixed, and of course additional selections from hermetic history can be made and entries clarified. I'll keep fixing errors and taking suggestions for the forseeable future.
OM version 2.22 update 2024-09-04
Belated rework and update on Pralix and The Spider War, more in line with the 5e and Thrice Told Tales in particular.
- Edited some, but mostly new entries 798 to 810.
- Moved several old entries out of timeline (saved in the Appendix entries)
- Brude Deathless was removed/replaced in 5e canon with Damhadh-Duidas (although several things still seem different, and they made his tradition Infernal! Not personally a fan of that…). The name change is likely to have his kinship with Damhan-Allaidh be more apparent in the name. Good ole Brude heavily features in 3e Lion of the North - Loch Leglean Tribunal - which I delved personally into earlier (and therefore it was heavily featured in the earlier timeline). Brude is now removed from timeline (as the name doesn’t exist anywhere in 5e). Old entries are in the Appendix items. The 1099 Entry was simply replaced with Damhadh-Duidas.
OM version 2.23 update 2024-12-15
- Thanks to Ptitboul who prompted further update to The Spider War entries at the beginning of 9th century. They’ve been cleaned up a bit further (including the Four Major Crisis Entry at the beginning - an earlier oversight). This includes the founding of Ex Miscellanea and Diedne vs Pralix fight. The earlier “Canon” date for founding of Ordo Ex Miscellanea does not make sense in relation with the Spider War. Date of founding has been moved from 816 to 811 to fit better with the rest of history. The 816 date was actually not part of any of the main 5e iterations (I could find no date set, or where I found that date eaerlier). Overall the Chronology should now be very much in line with what you’ll find in the Core Rules, Thrice Told Tales (has the 5e full appendix on the Spider War) and Houses of Hermes books.
One identified exception: According to Thrice Told Tales; “Pralix never rejoined the Order”. IMHO this really does not make sense as 1) Her entire Order did, and 2) She’s revered and noted as an additional Founder in so many other places. Her heart might not have been in it, and she stuck to Cad Gadu - but not rejoining, and not being at Grand Tribunal 817 does not make sense. - Several entries with Quendalon and Guernicus, including 817 Grand Tribunal have been extended.
- 830 Rome entry on Magvillus was fixed after maastrictian1 kindly pointed it out.
OM version 2.24 update 2025-02-20
- Added Ars Magica Open Licensing attribution.
- Fixed several dozen spelling and grammar errors. Thanks for reporting them through comments!
- Added non-canonical 1091 London Tornado for fun.
OM version 2.30 update 2025-02-27
- Beginning preparations for reformatting and PDF release. The intent is to make an open license “Pay What You Want” release on DriveThruRPG and possibly elsewhere. I will remain available for free.
- Updated Attributions on page 2 (feel free to let me know if I forgot anyone, or if you prefer to be removed or name-changed).
- Added new “What is this?” abstract at beginning of document.
- Added a Table of Contents
- Added 6 pages of Glossary of Terms (a significant update, and will make the document more self-contained).
- Fixed more spelling and grammar errors throughout. Due to the many non-standard words and language used, as well as present tense in main entries - this remains a toil. Always happy for your kind reporting through gdoc comments (I’m trying to make sure the attribution lists who’s helped with identified significance).
OM version 2.40 update 2025-03-01
- Another major update! (spending far too many hours, but enjoying it)
- Removing “Age of Aries” since 1) Ars Magica removed it with 5th edition, and 2) it differed from real-world astrological ages, which was quite a bit jarring. It really made no sense to keep it around.
- Removing Age of Aries as a concept and from all chapters, which resulted into needing new chapters segmentation. I ended up doing a completely new and more logical set that divides hermetic history into much more logical ages. I put some real thought into this, and I think it’s a great improvement:
- The Age of Creation and Exile
- A New Dawn and The Age of the First Magi
- The Age of Hermetic Predecessors (1685-250 BC)
- Rome and the Cult of Mercury (250 BC – AD 476)
- The Dark Age of Magic (AD 476–731)
- The Hermetic Ascendancy (AD 731–832)
- The Age of Ambition and Intrigue (AD 833–910)
- The Tides of Mars (AD 898–1018)
- The Age of Faith and Fire (AD 1018-1160)
- The Age of Dominion and Discovery (AD 1160- )
- The problem was now I had to write-up ALL new Ages headings, describing and summarizing the age at a higher level. This took a ton of effort and time. But the new headings here combined can now stand out as the complete high level story throughout Hermetic history (you can skip and read just them if you want). Should be a huge improvement in readability and enjoyment of the whole Chronology.
- Changed author’s foreword to match new structure.
- Since had to do that anyway, I reworked the early BC history quite a bit, making it more medievally biblical with maintained Ars Magica flavor. After all, this is what people believed at the time, “canon knowledge”. I realigned timings and dates more with various versions of Genesis and apocrypha (while trying to stay somewhat on Saint Jeromes version, it’s very early and suitable for here) - for example matching biblical ages and lifespans of Adam and descendants and timing on things and expected number of years in-between and between eden and the Flood so it’s all much closer to the actual religion now. Nothing was really removed, but prehistorical and biblical dates were moved around and a ton of things added to make a more engaging Divine Lore - and what people actually believe(d) - or at least the unreliable narrator, being a somewhat read-up christian.
- Added Gilgamesh in prehistory
- Cleaned and updated Imhotep in prehistory
- Changed Hiberian early history a bit when it comes to timing (matches better to various sources):
- Partholons arrival C. 2600BC to 2300BC
- Nemeds arrival C.2500BC to 1800BC
- Fir Bolg arrival C. 2300BC to 1400BC
- The Tuatha DĂ© Danann arrival C. 2100BC to C. 1050-1000BC
- Tower of babel moved from 2200BC to 3001BC, and solidified some interesting lore.
- Titanomachy moved from 3500BC to 3200BC
- Improved Mongol invasion and added several entries 1220-1260
- Reorganized appendix and versioning information a bit
- Minor errors and language in places
- This was the most fun update in a while (and I’m not making more of these I think). Enjoy!