Can I take a 1000 square foot lab? It will take a bit of extra work, but it might be worth it. Especially if we train some people in magic theory.
That would be a Size +3? Yes, that should be within the capabilities of the spell.
In reference to the First Meeting thread...
For the Wizard's Communion, you need D:sun to help with the Aegis. Not sure if anyone has that or not. I am assuming that the one on a lab text at the covenant is not D:Sun.
It's been house-ruled to where you can do a D: Momentary, as long as the spell that it's being linked to is started immediately. (Mainly because I think it's ridiculous that one of the most commonly used spells in the rule book is useless as written. Same thing with parma and any spell with a duration other than "momentary" - there's a wee bit of wiggle room as to where one spell ends and the spell you cast to continue it begins.)
I'm finally getting back to everything. I'm just now over that illness, nearly 8 weeks after it started. Ugh! Still looking for a job; getting a lot of interviews is good, but it takes a lot of time. Plus my grandmother and cat died. So it's been a roughly end of winter/early spring.
Beatrix will do this for him. She is quite happy to build her reputation as a great necromancer. Plus, she can do it in one season so the commission is reasonable - she does need to feed Günther. Once she has her lab she'll be extracting at 5 pawns/season, so picking up 4 pawns for a season of work isn't worth it. But if you have lab texts for multiple of the ReHe or ReTe things, doing two in a season would be worth her while.
Of course, she will need a lab to work in first.
The price was standard Verditius rates. So she'd get 12 vis total (4 Co to make the device and 8 Vi vis profit). So that's 8 pawns for a season of work.

The price was standard Verditius rates. So she'd get 12 vis total (4 Co to make the device and 8 Vi vis profit). So that's 8 pawns for a season of work.
Yes, which is why the one project is worthwhile and the others aren't without lab texts.
Ah, now your comment makes sense.
I'm nearly caught up except for my companion. Hopefully by the end of this week.
I added a new section on the wiki page for major characters. I put familiars below companions. I'm working on editing Günther's page. At least you can now see what he looks like. Also, I think one or two of the magi listed on that page never actually joined, the players bowing out before the game started. I'm hesitant to remove any name, though, since I would probably erase the wrong one.
I also caught a question. I noticed I had Günther listed with Confidence. I'm not so sure that is correct. I would think familiars would not start with Confidence without the Self Confident Virtue. It was probably just stuck there from cutting and pasting things.

Faithful Note Stand
ReHe 20
This item is a wooden lectern with enough space on its top for a magus' lab notes, as well as an inkhorn, a small knife, and several quills. The stand moves around to follow the magus so that he is never far from his own lab notes. He only need turn to consult his notes or make further comments in them. The note stand adds +1 point to General Quality.
(Base 10, +1M Conc, +5 item maintains concentration - final level 20)
Commission Price: 2 He vis (or equivalent) + 4 Vi vis
A note first, I would second the comment about the Bookstand of Hespera: this is basically the same so +2 to Texts would be more appropriate. First, it's good for consistency. Second, I really don't like everything giving bonuses to General Quality as it seems inappropriate because it ignores the flavor of the item. Also, just being able to repeatedly add bonuses to General Quality by making magic items gets abusive.
That being said, if you want a Bookstand of Hespera, Bea could take this commission. I've realized she needs two. One season will be used to make the first one. Then she can make two more in another season. Still, as before, she will need to have a lab first.

A note first, I would second the comment about the Bookstand of Hespera: this is basically the same so +2 to Texts would be more appropriate. First, it's good for consistency. Second, I really don't like everything giving bonuses to General Quality as it seems inappropriate because it ignores the flavor of the item. Also, just being able to repeatedly add bonuses to General Quality by making magic items gets abusive.
I've no trouble if people would rather that device give a bonus to Texts. But if that's the case, I'm not going to want it. I've already got bonuses for Spells and Items being built up. And since you can only get bonuses in two categories in your lab, adding bonuses to Texts would achieve nothing. I'd probably replace it with an item that gave bonuses to Spells or Items.
Are we close to wrapping up the remaining Day's Blank Slate threads (Beatrix, Corbin, Hope, and Isobel)? Or at least to where I can get started on the next chapter?
I'm happy that the Corbin thread has demonstrated a fair introduction to quite a few characters; that's all I was after. No problem to put a bow on it and close it up.

Are we close to wrapping up the remaining Day's Blank Slate threads (Beatrix, Corbin, Hope, and Isobel)? Or at least to where I can get started on the next chapter?
I would think so. Bea has had the opportunity to meet a couple magi, and Lili has introduced herself. I still need to get around to introducing my companion, but he's not one of the magi (yet?) so that might actually be better shortly anyway because of how I see him arriving.
Isobel's story has served its purpose. It introduced her and her familiar to the saga. It can close.

Are we close to wrapping up the remaining Day's Blank Slate threads (Beatrix, Corbin, Hope, and Isobel)? Or at least to where I can get started on the next chapter?
Yeah, I'm sure our characters could discuss their plans for a while longer, but I don't see anything else that would really advance the story a whole lot.
Also, every character who has Confidence gets a Confidence Point.
Go ahead and advance your characters through Spring of 1221. The next story thread will be the Loch Leglean tribunal meeting, which starts August 1, 1221...right smack in the middle of Summer. With the amount of time that the meeting will take, and travelling to and from, it will probably nix any lab activity for that season; book studies, teaching, and training should still be doable with the appropriate penalties for time lost.
I will also open a thread for the time from Spring 1220 to Spring 1221 for any rp/interaction type stuff that anyone wants to do.
Just out of curiosity, what is our ability to exchange vis on the open market? Can we be assumed to be able to trade vis at standard Mercere rates with redcaps?
Also, does surplus covenant vis get distributed to the magi? If so, how much and how do we decide who gets which flavors?
More questions:
What is our ability (if any) to commission magic items from Verditius crafters (at standard Verditius prices)?
Are items of quality available on the open market? Can they be commissioned as well?