Hogsmeade Tavern

It does but Corvus has +1 refinement left over for taking over the lab. The Lab came with +3 refinement. Corvus' Magic Theory 4 - 3 refinement = 1 refinement adjusting the lab. This is from the sidebar on pg 118 of Covenants.

We used to play that adding or removing a major virtue/flaw took more refinement and seasons. I think it took +2 refinement and 2 seasons for a major virtue/flaw or Lab feature. I am not sure if that was a house rule or not.

Is that how it goes? The sidebar notes (in part) that:

So with a MT score of 4, Corvus' new lab would have a Refinement of +1, not +4. Technically, he would lose two Virtues from being "unable to incorporate all of its improvements into [his] method." (Though Perigrine may be hand-waving that away.)

Deleted post, I misunderstood

That is what I said. Corvus has +1 refinement rather than +3. He can not incorporate some virtues and they do not count to the lab total although he added a flaw from role playing. It does not mean the tree is not in his lab. It means he can not use it's bonuses for lab totals.

Ah, now I see. I grabbed the wrong end of the stick in interpreting what you said. Sorry for any confusion.

We've got a lot of unnamed books. That means there's a lot of "I'm studying the other Magic Theory summa," or "I'm studying the Creo summa." Seems to me it wouldn't be hard to come up with proper names for them so we don't have to keep using the bare numbers. Here's my take on some possible names. What do people think?

[tableborder][tr][th][left]BOOK[/left][/th] [th][left]PROPOSED NAME[/left][/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Creo Summa; L10 Q15[/td] [td]Substantiation[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Intellego Summa; L14 Q12[/td] [td]The Inquisitorial Eye[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Muto Summa; L17 Q14[/td] [td]Transformations of the Elements[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Perdo Summa;L17 Q14[/td] [td]The Art of Undoing[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Rego Tractatus 1: Q10[/td] [td]Spells of Translocation[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Rego Tractatus 2: Q10[/td] [td]Manipulating Things from Afar[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Rego Tractatus 3: Q10[/td] [td]Changing People's Minds[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Animal Summa; L17 Q14[/td] [td]The Nature of the Beast[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Aquam Summa; L17 Q14[/td] [td]Beneath the Waves[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Corpus Summa; L12 Q13[/td] [td]Manipulation of the Human Body[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Imaginem Summa; L16 Q13[/td] [td]De Imagine[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Mentem Summa; L13 Q13[/td] [td]Mentem et Manes[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Terram Summa; L12 Q15[/td] [td]Terram Mysticum[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Vim Summa; L12 Q15[/td] [td]On the Nature of Vim[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Vim Tractatus 1: Q10[/td] [td]A Primer on Harvesting Vis[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Vim Tractatus 2: Q10[/td] [td]On the Nullification of Magic[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Vim Tractatus 3: Q10[/td] [td]On Piercing the Veils of Regionnes[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Concentration Summa; L7 Q13[/td] [td]Techniques of Spellcasting, Vol. 1[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Faerie Lore Tractatus; Q10[/td] [td]On the Faerie Burgh of Loch Ness (Author: Scylla of Merinita)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Magic Theory Summa: L8 Q11[/td] [td]De Magia Sympathetica[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Magic Theory Tractatus 1; Q11[/td] [td]Numerology in Magic[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Magic Theory Tractatus 2; Q11[/td] [td]On Thaumaturgic Relationships[/td][/tr][/tableborder]

I missed that sidebar.

So, to recap-slash-retcon:

  • Angus, in Scylla's old lab. That lab has a Refinement of 0, but it has the Wrecked flaw, which will take two seasons to recover from. At the end of that time, the lab will have a Refinement of 0. Angus can take an additional season to improve it, raising the score to 1 (the highest he can have at this time).
  • Corbin, in Cainneach & Cináed's lab. With a current Refinement of 0 and the Basic flaw, he can take a season to be able to use it, with a Refinement of +1; he can take additional seasons to improve it, with the standard rules.
  • Corvus, in Drystan's lab. He will have to take a season to get a feel for it, but will have to bring the Refinement down from 3 to 1 (the max he can have with his current Magic Theory score).

I nominate Trogdor as "the hardest working player" for naming all these books. Legend.

When Corvus refines the lab, does that bring back the existing refinements or can he change them? My guess is the former.

I'd say the later; you can continue to refine as you wish, but having the materials and equipment would mean no justification needed fir where the exotic materials come from.

Actually Arthur is the one repairing the lab from its wrecked status, giving Angus more time for reading...

I'm hoping to be back more fully very soon. Things have still been crazy. I do have a job when this one ends. Our landlord is trying to kick us out before our final day in the apartment, which can't happen but is a headache. Buying a house isn't easy, especially from many miles away, but it looks like the dust is settling and life will be much improved in the near future.

Glad to hear things are looking brighter.

Since regulations vary by state I'm going to assume your assessment as to what your landlord can or cannot do is correct, on the other hand they can also be very nit-picky when it comes to the deposit, and I have known some who would somehow charge for issues which were in existence and even 'overlook' the documentation of them when you move out- in light of that it might be a good idea to find out why your landlord wants you out early (is it remodeling, does he have someone who wants the early move in date?) and see If there is some way you can meet what both of you need...

Yes, I know why. They have a lot of moves and want to get started working on each place, repainting and cleaning and the like. But the contract lists a specific date and it's the same one as listed on the calendar. The contract also says the date can be extended by request, but they don't have to extend it. They're not trying to push everyone. They just want to get into ours as early as possible. But as we'll be homeless for a couple weeks, we can't just vacate the place early easily.

When I can get to it (hopefully in the next few days) I would like to introduce my companion, too. He'll fit in well with some of the other companions, and having him around can definitely be useful for the covenant.

You might see about letting (some) workmen in early in exchange for some form of consideration...

I know that this sort of thing is why I paid for an extra month lease when I bought my home- moving was much more relaxed...

Oh, I would love to have been able to do that. But it doesn't work that way. It is required for the job to live at the job; being tied together that way I'm not paying rent and can't just sign for another month, especially since it's a yearly contract.

Random research-y post about time.

He can change them, since the previously existing refinements are lost when he redoes the lab. He can reconstruct them when he gets good enough, if he wants, though.