Horse of a different color

I think JL was offering qcipher the choice of Valerian or Rotgiers - not any characters offering Alexei the choice. So logic based on what the characters expect is probably not in play.

I don't think anybody has the chops to reliably spont Bitter Taste of Betrayal, unless they used the ceremonial casting chamber. And even so, it wouldn't be evidence to anybody else, just Alexei.

I mainly wanted to hear from others their opinions on it, and if they had any ideas for help. The bitter taste could be useful if it could be pulled off, maybe we could throw in some vis? If we catch him cheating, that could greatly harm him.

Well I'll pick Valerian. Probably not a good idea, but go big.

We'll cast the spells for the wounds and Maybe I'll try a Warding spell. I have the feeling he's going to cast a spell that will just drop all of my enchantments and knock me into next week. Any other ideas? I won't be able to make any rolls till later tonight.

Alexei feels great relief after the wound is bound and the pain released, with Michel's help he re-dons his armour and stands tall as he looks at his Sodalis of Mons Electi.

"Well my shall be my day or it shall be his. We'll find out soon enou. I will go make peace with the Lord and then meet him on the God intended. I can think of no finer way for this day to end. Look for treachery, e'en if it should cost me dearly, his crimes revealed will be worth it." He bows to them all and then leads his horse and Michel and Helmut away. Alexei takes some time to find a place in seclusion to kneel and pray.

He begins with the Act of Contrition and then the Our Father, before adding his own particular plea.

'Almighty God, please witness this day and lend your humblest frail servant the tiniest portion of thy might. Not for mine own glory or safety, but to reveal with clarity thy greatness and that treachery dares not prevail when Ye are present. Mine enemy is an enemy of truth and justice, thy Provinces my Lord. He lies upon lies, dissembles to prosper in ill gotten power. He mistakes tyranny and falsehood for order and law. Let this contest show his true nature, that none may mistake the snake that they share their table with. Not for me oh Lord, do this, but to lift the veil of treachery and deceit that has blanketed the Order for so long. Let my humble but most sincere efforts prevail in this earthly contest, as thou hast shown the paragons of thy servants on earth, no contest is won but through thee and thy providence. Most humbly do I ask this oh Lord, please help me this day against a foe superior in strength, but insignificant in virtue.'

He murmurs this prayer over and over again before finally crossing himself and rising to his fight, serene and prepared. He turns to Helmut a smile and places a hand on his shoulder. "Lead me on lad, 'Non Nobis and te Deum'"

Helmut is wiping tears from his eyes as he nods, and as Michel and he lead Alexei on his horse to the field Helmut's falsetto-sweet voice begins to sing.

Rotgiers takes his place at the lists, but then calls out, "I request a champion to play in my stead. I call Valerian of House Guernicus to stand as my champion." A number of boos call out from the crowd, along with calls that he's been disqualified from the games, which Cavillor takes up.
"He's been disqualified from the games."
Rotgiers challenges, "Indeed he has, but nothing enshrined within the code granting me my right to select a champion precludes choosing someone who has been disqualified. Nay, I would argue that the only way he could not be a champion is if he were currently awaiting his trial or otherwise cast out of the Order. Since neither condition is met, Valerian is my champion."
Cavillor considers for a moment, "Very well, Rotgiers, have it your way." The crowd seems somewhat mollified by the legal niceties being observed, but there is a murmur of discord running through the crowd.

Valerian calmly walks out onto the lists, while Rotgiers leads his horse away. Valerian casts a spell and a magnificent stone horse is conjured, and he mounts. He stretches out his hand and a stone lance that anyone could imagine is inhumanly heavy appears in his hand. "I'm ready for you, Chief Hoplite of Normandy. Let us to it."

Need attack and defense rolls...
Alexei using a standard lance?

Alexei sighs at the not unexpected turn. He gestures for his staff which is still enlarged as a lance and re-secures the leather boot upon it and hefts it before tucking it under his arm. "Have a regular lance ready." he says quietly to Michel.

"So Valerian...what accident shall befall me? Your patsy Rotgers shows his true courage and now you shall show your true colours! Watch these events all!"

With that Alexei spurs the horse and tucks the staff.

((Geez...a stone lance...oh boy.

Alright, I doubt a shield will provide much protection against that...but I do have a spell that might. I'm going to gamble here but I do need to know if I can even attempt this or if it's legal.

If I cast Wizard's Parry I have to touch the weapon, that could be with my hand or the Talisman. But since the staff is in use, I'd have to touch it, if I try that, I have to cast aside the shield then right?))

((Spells are supposed to be on yourself, your mount, or your weapons and armor. This spell may be seen as a violation of the rules, and also must penetrate.))

Fiona hisses an indrawn breath at this not entirely unexpected turn of events and leans forward nervously.

[color=blue]"Oh, Alexei, don't you dare get yourself killed," she whispers in Gaelic.

((OK that's what I thought could happen, we'll keep the shield, it is unbreakable from that buff earlier.))

Alexei crosses himself one more time before he spurs the horse. "St. Michael give me your strength, I implore thee!"

1d10+2 → [9,2] = (11) Now follow this up with a great Attack roll, please!

1d10+13 → [2,13] = (15) I asked for too much. Sigh, good defense please?

1d10+13 → [3,13] = (16) Ow...

((And so for my next character...))

Valerian's stone horse begins galloping towards Alexei on the lists, his stone lance held firmly at the same level, as if maintained by magic. It appears as if the stone lance is going to hit Alexei square on, and then Valerian lets out a cry, as Alexei's lance hits home, and the stone lance misses Alexei, miraculously. As the two pass each other to return to their position on the lists Valerian hisses, "I have no idea how you managed to move my lance, but you'll pay for that, Alexei."

Next round.

Fiona screams in joy at the top of her lungs, cheering on Alexei in a mix of Gaelic and Latin. (Think Spanglish, but different. Gaetin? Lalic?)

Alexei is mystified himself...he had a large jump on him from the starting line, but he estimated his pass was average at best, he'd set so rigidly to receive Valeran's strike. But not one to lose an advantage Alexei wheels the horse and spurs it quickly for the next pass, foregoing his usual bravado and instead choosing to give credit where it was most likely due.

Alexei begins to sing in a loud and clear voice which is soon echoed by Helmut and even Michel's craggy voice.

"Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam..."

1d10+13 → [7,13] = (20) OK, a bit better...boy would I like a nice 83 again...

1d10+13 → [3,13] = (16) Well...walk by faith, not by sight.

Alexei hits again, and Valerian misses again. Valerian begins cursing and drops his lance to the ground where it lands with a heavy thud. He turns to the judges and says "He cheated!" All of them shake their heads indicating they saw no evidence of cheating. An eruption of rage bellows forth from Valerian's throat and he disappears from the field.

Alexei is the winner of The Joust.

Alexei wheels the horse after the pass and is crossing himself and murmurs a quick prayer in thanksgiving. At Valerian's outburst his head wheels as if it was on a swivel. "You dare!" and starts trotting over, at the vindication of the judges Alexei calls out to Valerian. "Consider this a parting gift to dwell on Valerian, begone!" he shouts a moment after he disappears. After that he looks straight at Rotgers. "Did you see that? That was your moment flashing past you." he looks to the crowd and crosses his hand over his chest in salute and bows, allowing Michel to then assist him in dismounting. He immediately takes a knee and prays again.

"I thank thee Lord, for the strength and skill Thou leant me for this contest, my victory is yours alone for thine is the power, the might and the glory, Amen."

Fiona grins as she climbs onto the list field, helping Michel assist Alexei out of the saddle. After he kneels in prayer, she walks with him, trying to help support him if he lets her, and leads him toward where Korvin might be waiting to do the healing ritual (if I remember the discussion between rounds correctly).

[color=blue]"Once you're healed and well rested, Alexei, we should celebrate your victory," she whispers to him.

Accept you laurel wreath Alexei. We have until sundown to heal you.

Alexei seems reserved and at the same time ecstatic over his victory and receives his friends with enthusiasm. "Thank for the wound...I shall let it heal over time naturally. I earned it, I'll heal it and we'll save the vis, as God intended, it shall help me focus on the Lord for this victory. And you my friends, this victory is yours! Without your help I would never made it this far! I feel our fortunes are surely changing for the better!"

[color=blue]"I hope you will at least let me prepare something for your pain and to help you heal a little quicker," Fiona says.

"Yes my friend and I would greatly appreciate it so the wound heals proper. For now let us celebrate and cement our victory!"

Fiona grins. [color=blue]"I'm sure your friend will truly appreciate a thorough celebration when you're up for it. Just let me know when and where."

She spies a mopey-looking man standing politely off to one side.

[color=blue]"If you will excuse me, Alexei, it appears I have a visitor." She leans over to give him a kiss on the top of the head. [color=blue]"I will see you later."