house rules

Oh interesting!

So, question on rounding does affinity xp round up, or are we using half units?

Eitherway, for example, having Affinity+Puissant Spell Mastery and throwing in for any given spell,4xp -> 6xp and a score of 1+2 is distinctly not bad.

Though I'm guessing Puissant would grant +2 to the effective mastery score, and not add 2 more masteries?

Puissant applies to rolls, so it will give a +2 to casting the mastered spell. If you have Mastery 1+2, and took the Multicasting option, you will be able to cast two instances of the same spell, and not 4, if I understand it correctly...

correct on the multicasting example

affinity uses effective half points, also correct that the +2 would not add more masteries.

Are you allowing custom spells at gauntlet?

no, the apprentice had no time to develop them, they have only been taught standard spells.

What about 1. Variations of existing spells or 2. Spells for guidelines without a "standard" spell, I.e. Heavy Wounds in Perdo Corpus?

I'm going to still say no- basically you would have to have a parens who knew the advanced non-standard spells and decided to take the time to teach those particular spells to their apprentice.

Then I need to dispose of my From Ese to Ram spell, since it's a custom spell, and find another spell instead.

My issue with this is that there are pretty large holes with "standard" spells. i.e. Perdo Corpus goes from Light Wounds to Maiming, then to Killing a Person, with no Medium, Heavy or Incapacitating Wounds offensive spells inbetween. I might as well redesign my PC to be a creo ignem specailist because at least the standard spells are better for offensive uses.

It does give you a chance to diversify, and to later research such spells.

I would point this out - though some of the spells are from the two books @silveroak mentioned above as suspect, so may not be approved, it does fill a lot of those holes. It's just a collection of spells that are here and there scattered through all the Ars books.

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Keep in mind that your parens likely was not a perdo corpus specialist and did not have the same set of virtues and flaws that you do, and thus would likely not have a complete list of every possible spell you might want to learn to be able to teach you. that is the point of the limit at gauntlet to standard spells, not how to optimize your character but in what limits would exist on optimizing them.

Also, keep in mind that restrictions on spells known at gauntlet doesn't prevent your character from researching them, and that silveroak might just decide, given this game's particular background, that we'll have lab texts for spells that were researched post-gauntlet.

also keep in mind that I have asked about your character's ambitions- having a particularly juicy spell effect on your ambition list is acceptable and appropriate for a newly gauntleted magus.

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Ok that makes a lot more sense. Are "Standard Spells" Core only, or include spells from other supplements?

it includes other supplements- not MoH, Hermetic projects, or Transforming Mythic Europe though.

The guideline "sustain or suppress spell cast by another" under ReVi suffers the same limitations regarding enchantment as do MuVi spells. Note that a mage using an item does count as another unless the spell is cast by the item itself..

Quoting this here, for reference,

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When seeking an apprentice or familiar I will be using the rules from Apprentices to determine if you locate either. You may "assist" yourself to lower the perception threshold with one characteristic and ability combination, and there are of course differing abilities which may be used to assist depending on which you seek- social abilities will be far more useful in seeking apprentices while magical lore or animal ken will be more useful in seeking a familiar.