Leap of the Homecoming destination

So you can teleport someone else's familiar with you, without prerequisites? Most of those are going to be well under Load 2. And the same goes for talismans, of course.

I was going to allow teleportation with anything which is light enough to not be counted for encumbrance.

Which would include eg. shapeshifted magi?

I can just see it: 1 guy teleports, and brings along the rest of the party, temporarily turned into mice.

I did not say anything about no requisites :slight_smile: But yes, as long as you can beat his magic resistance, you could teleport someone's familiar with you. As long as it is a small familiar, that is.

We considered Load stuff so you could teleport with weapons and armor, and a backpack. If you say "zero load only" you will have problems bringing any equipment with you.

I see no problem with the "mice teleport beam". Plenty of warping for everybody after a few teleports in any case.


Truth be told, I don't like the exception to the rules the "no requisites needed" bring. I like my rules to have as little exceptions as possible.
BTW, if my serf's parma doesn't fail me, you'll notice the CR are also present for The Unseen Porter.

It also makes teleporting slightly harder, which ain't a bad thing IMO.

I tend to agree with this.

Still, that's 1 point of Warping, no?

As do I.

As for bringing others along, I would generally not allow an additional being to be transported. Ars Magica separates beings from items, and I don't see a problem with this separation. If you want to transport multiple beings, use T: Group or cast the spell multiple times. I can see one exception to this: the being is a Part of the magus, either by being the magus's talisman animated or by some sort of Muto magic to change the being. For example, I had considered an enchantment to change one character's familiar into a tattoo on his body, which should make the familiar a Part of him while the effect is active, and perhaps that would work.

Yes, warping can be a problem. This is why we tend to prefer other methods. For example, we had a magus make rectangular sheets of mail and enchant them as flying carpets. We tried to restrict such flight to nights to avoid mundanes watching us fly overhead.


[quote=" Peregrine_Bjornaer, post:2, topic:7008, full:true"]
The spell description for Leap of the Homecoming says "Transports you to any place to which you have an Arcane Connection." The Rego Corpus guideline for Level 35 says "Transport the target instantly to a place to which you have an Arcane Connection."

Does the fact that both passages use the word "place" inherently prohibit you from using either LotH or an equivalent spell to teleport to a person for which you have an Arcane Connection?

A follow up question: If the arcane connection of a person is to someone who has magic resistance, does the spell need to penetrate in order to work? I assume yes.

There was a huge thread debate about this not long ago. It's actually come up a number of times. For example:

Great! Any conclusions?

Oh, gosh, I thought you'd posted a new thread. I didn't realize you'd revived a thread from 8 years ago!

No problem! There are a lot of good conclusions in this thread. I like the idea that the arcane connection can be a person/animal/etc. If you assume this works, would magic resistance need to penetrated? I assume yes.

a more recent thread about this topic
