Perhaps I missed something from before I got here but you make it sound like this was some sort of challenge or something. Im not sure I see any theme or thread that makes your spells a "set" per se (other than being a collection of spells incorporating differing TeFo combos).
Im also puzzled by the title of your "Spell as Bolt Talisman as Crossbow" spell unless you mean to have a comma after "Bolt". Otherwise it makes no sense in English whatsoever. Upon reading in that light it does make sense.
However, the effect itself puzzles me since there is no listed "base 5" guideline under ReVi and the effect itself is essentially that of a Watching Ward, which must be equal in level to the spell (or sum of multiple spell levels) that it holds. Care to clarify your reasoning for a level 10 effect capable of holding a spell up to 3x its magnitude?