What decided you to use Rego rather than Muto for Bow of Moist Clay? Just curious; I can see it be done either way.
And it's hagiographer.
What decided you to use Rego rather than Muto for Bow of Moist Clay? Just curious; I can see it be done either way.
And it's hagiographer.
This easily wins my vote for best named spell.
The substance of the Bow is not changed. The spell only controls the bow's motion. The spell came first the name came later. I see Bow of Moist Clay to be much like a spell to instantly load a crossbow (but having a concentration duration rather than momentary).
A few minutes of reflection coniviced that my name and description are confusing.
Bow of the Sculpter
ReHe 10
R voice, D diameter, T individual
This spell is cast upon bow. For the duration of this spell the arms of the target weapon are bent back as if the bow were pulled taught. The bowsting will thus hang limp for the duration of the spell. The bow will naturally snap back after the spell is ended.
(base 3 +2 voice, +1 diam.)
This is the same spell but a bit more clearly rego rather than muto.
Cry of the Sapper
Pe Te 15
R Voice D mom T part
This spell destroys part of a stone structure (such as a wall or building). By using the spell in the correct location most structures can be made to collapse. To do this the player must roll a 9+ on a perception + Craft (architect) roll. Especially sturdy structures require a higher ease factor. Previous significant damage to the structure (such as prior castings of Cry of the Sapper) generally give a cumulative +2 on this roll.
(base 4 +2 voice +1 part)
Incantation of the Conscientious Quasitor
PeVi 15
R personal, D mom. T ind
Casting Incantation of the Conscientious Quasitor dispels any Hermetic mentem effects targeting the caster which have a level equal to or less than 35 + the roll of a stress die (no botch)
(base 15)
Spell as Bolt, Talisman as Crossbow
R personal, D diam. T ind
A spell of level 30 or less that is cast by the magus immediately after he or she casts Spell as Bolt Talisman as Crossbow is held in the the magus's talisman rather than discharged immediately. The held spell is cast upon the first item/object/creature that the talisman touches (not including the magus if the magus is holding his or her talisman at the time Spell as Bolt, Talisman as Crossbow is cast). If the held spell is not discharged prior to the expiration of Spell as Bolt, Talisman as Crossbow the held spell is discharged upon he casting magus (Parma applies as normal). Spells of range voice will not work with this spell unless the caster vocalizes as he or she touches the object which the spell will be discharged on, likewise spells of range sight cannot be effectively discharged unless the caster sees the target and so forth
(Base 5 +1 duration diameter)
Subtle Glance of Antipathy
InMe 10
Range eye Duration mom Target ind
The caster can detect if the target bears him any ill will and a general idea of how much dislike the target has for the caster.
(base 5 +1 eye)
Warm Welcome of the Muddy Hovel
R:Touch D:Diam T:Ind
(Base 5, +1 touch, +1 diam, +0 needed requisite)
A fire is transformed into a quantity of wet mud, perfect for slinging in someones face and harassing them out the door. A diameter of the sun later, the prudently disguised witch can witness a most amusing scene when the mud turns back to flames, causing distraction and minor damage (+0).
Insubstantial Blindfold
Cr Im 10
Range voice Target individual Duration sun
The image of a blindfold is created around the head of a creature. this image will move with the creature's head but it can not be grasped or physically interacted with as it has no substance.
(base 1, +2 range, +2 sun, +1 moving image)
Edit: 17 years later. This probably needs more something to have it move with the target, perhaps rego and intellego requisites perhaps something else. I wouldn't use it as it is.
Book of Indecipherable Scribbles
PeIm 15
range touch, duration sun target individual
This spells dulls and distorts the visual image of the target object making it muddled and indecipherable. This makes books unreadable and objects unidentifiable as to their specific identities. (Is this the knife that was stolen from you? "I can't tell")
(base 4 +1 range touch, +2 duration sun)
Attentive Perception
In Im 10
Range touch, duration sun, target group
The targets of this spell are completely aware of every species that their senses perceive throughout the duration of the spell. this gives the target a bonus of +3 bonus to all rolls to perceive phenomena and a -3 penalty to all rolls involving concentration. While the targets of this spell become aware of all that their senses perceive their minds are not naturally able to hold all of this information.
This spell was developed by Corvus of Mercere who cast it upon a flock of ravens every morning, he then enchanted the ravens to split apart and fly in wide circles around his covenant. in the evening the ravens would return and Corvus would use a combination of memory restoring creo (animal spells and memory reading intellego animal spells to learn of any new dangers to his covenant. Corvus sold a copy of his laboratory notes to Occulus of Gurnicus who intended to use a similar tactic to allow him to perform detailed investigations on locations that his grogs had visited without entering the areas himself.
(base 1 +1 touch, +2 sun, +2 group)
Watchman's Fire
ReIg 10
range touch, duration ring target circle
The fire targeted with this spell will burn at a slow and constant rate regardless of the availability of fuel or the strength of the wind. This allows a fire to burn throughout the night untended, and also insures that a fire is perfect for certain kinds of cooking and laboratory work. If the fire is loaded with a great deal of highly flammable material, large bursts of flame can be generated by breaking the ring of the spell.
(base 3 +1 touch, +2 ring)
That leaves only one spell left to complete the set.
Enchantment of Recklessness
PeMe 15
range touch, duration diameter, target individual
The target of this spell is unable to feel fear until the duration of this spell expires. Ustavious of Tremere created his spell to synthesize brave troops from soldiers who weren't as brave or well trained as his normal auxiliaries. He met with some success but his spell caused complications from the fact that the targets were no longer afraid of Ustavious after he enchanted them.
(base 5 +1 touch, +1 diameter)
Done [size=150]Done[/size][size=200] Done!!![/size]
January 2 2006 to December 10 2007, just shy of two years.
Perhaps I missed something from before I got here but you make it sound like this was some sort of challenge or something. Im not sure I see any theme or thread that makes your spells a "set" per se (other than being a collection of spells incorporating differing TeFo combos).
Im also puzzled by the title of your "Spell as Bolt Talisman as Crossbow" spell unless you mean to have a comma after "Bolt". Otherwise it makes no sense in English whatsoever. Upon reading in that light it does make sense.
However, the effect itself puzzles me since there is no listed "base 5" guideline under ReVi and the effect itself is essentially that of a Watching Ward, which must be equal in level to the spell (or sum of multiple spell levels) that it holds. Care to clarify your reasoning for a level 10 effect capable of holding a spell up to 3x its magnitude?
Boxer, if you read the thread,. you will see that this was a series of spells of level 10-15 (right-o).
What happened is that some pages ago, it was realized that several TeFo combos were being omitted from any of the new spell ideas. Then it did become a challenge to finish thye list. Sort of, at least
I really like the PeMe option. It has character and a plausible/undesirable side effect that make it plain cool
The hope was to have at least one spell for each tech + form Combo (see the first post). I originally envisioned that I would produce a significantly smaller proportion of the spells, but perhaps I was the only one who felt invested in seeing the thing through.
edited, but, truth be told, I'm not at all happy with that name. I'm ready to listen to any suggestions.
From page 161 under rego vim general
so, level 5 plus 5 magnitudes gives us level 30. I didn't write it up as a general spell because the point of the thread is to create spells of levels 10 through 15.
Xavi, Thanks for that. Indeed, I did not really feel inclined at this time to wade through several pages of posts.
Erik (sorry), thanks also for satisfying my grammatical angst and highlighting my oversight of the guideline in question. Yes looks good! Just wondering though , if under optimal circumstances the held spell is to be discharged "upon the first item (by that I take it you mean "subject" (including persons, animals or inanimate objects) the talisman touches" would all held spells be thus cast upon the wielder since the magus is generally consistently touching his talisman (and thus always the first to be touched by it)?
{edited to add: Definitely got a wandering mind tonight).
I had presumed that the magus would already be holding the talisman when the spell is cast and thereby be already touching the item not the NEXT object that the item touches but the previous. However you point out an ambiguity that I'll edit out. Thanks
(edit done)
I just finished putting all of the spells from this thread that I had few or no reservations about up on the wiki. If there's anything else here that you'd like to see posted there you'll want to take care of it yourself.