Chamber of Midnight
Perdo Ignem 15
Range: Touch, Duration: diameter, Target Room
A target room is plunged into complete darkness for the duration of this spell.
base 3 +1 touch, +1 diameter, +2 room
Chamber of Midnight
Perdo Ignem 15
Range: Touch, Duration: diameter, Target Room
A target room is plunged into complete darkness for the duration of this spell.
base 3 +1 touch, +1 diameter, +2 room
Since these spells were intended to be in the wiki to begin with, I am going to post them there soon unless someone objects...
Go right ahead. I was thinking about waiting until the list was full but at the present rate of about 1 spell per week that might take a while.
Apromor's Cloak
Perdo Aquam (15)
Range Touch, Duration Sun, Target Individual
Liquid comming in contact with the target is destroyed. This spell has only a limted capcity to destroy liquids and large quantites of water (such as mighty torrent of water or jumping into a pond) may breifly overwhelm the spell's ability to keep its subject dry. The target of this spell is unable to drink without using extraordinary measures, the spell is therefore most frequently cast only a few hours before sun up or sun down.
(Base 4 +1 touch +2 sun)
Aren't umbrellas out of paradigm?
Appart from that, it sounds right. I think it was Apromor, not aprimor. At least in the Spanish version I remember
Umbrellas do exist - they were invented long before the 13th century. Are they in common use in Mythic Europe? This I don't know.
I've changed the spelling. Anyone want to give me a new name so as to avoid the umbrella controversy?
Apromor's Cloak? If the range is touch sounds about right.
Sensing the Reflection of Helios
In Ig 10
R touch, D momentary, T structure (+1 size)
The caster senses which parts of the target structure are illuminated.
Victor Cork of Flambeau uses this spell to evaluate the number of wakeful inhabitants in buildings that he comes across during the night. Victor has a deficency in intellego but his deep understanding of ignem allows him to cast this spell with spontaineous magic.
Base 1 +1range, +3 target, +1 size
Incantation of the Quiet Crossbowman
Pe He 15
R sight D momentary T individual
Causes a non-living wooden object to rot and fall apart
Ustavious of Tremere developed both this spell and a range voice target group version for use against pikemen when he became a master of auxiliaries as a young magus.
base 4 +3 range sight
Galen's Touch
InCo 15
R personal, D concentration, T touch
The caster of this spell is able to feel the presence and nature of any dieases carried by any person whom he touches.
A ring with this spell instilled as a lesser enchanted device is owned by the covenant of Coeris and frequently used by staff there to test visitors (during a welcoming handshake) in order to keep the Tremere stronghold safe from the perils of disease.
Base 5 +1 duration concentration +1 target touch
The welcoming handshake is a very nice touch. That's the sort of material I enjoy.
I posted three new ones in attempting to bring this thread back from the dead. The other two are sitting inconspicuously at the bottom of page two and I fear that people might miss them if they just click on to page three directly..
Once again, I try to raise this thread from a too early grave. I wrote down about fifteen spells two months or so ago while on a business trip. I've been too busy with running my game, play testing, and fiddling with a submission for the open call (not to mention a double helping of real life) to transcribe them for the board.
I'm not certain that I can make out my chicken scratches well enough to recover them all but I'll post a few here in any case.
Disguise of Dionysus
Muto Aquam 10
Range touch, Duration sun, Target individual
Target liquid is changed into wine for the duration of the spell. This spell was originally created by a black hearted Ex Miscellanea maga to conceal poisons but it is now most commonly used for socializing.
(base 3, +1 range, +2 duration)
Eyes of Neriad Insight
Intellego Aquam 10
range touch, duration sun, target group
The target of this spell is unable to see water. They see through water as if it were air, they can not see rain falling or the reflections off of the surface of a lake. They can perceive the changes that water makes to other things such as when clothing or hair is wet. The targets can perceive other liquids.
Occulus of Guernicus created this spell to allow his crewmen to be able to see the aggressive aquatic faeries that often waylaid ships traveling from his covenant.
(Base 1, +1 touch, +2 sun, +2 group)
Obstinacy of Homesick Soil
Rego Terram 15
Range voice, duration diameter, target individual
Target item of stone or metal is pulled to the ground as if a strong man was pushing it down with all of their might.
Base 2 + 2 metal, +2 voice, + 1 diameter
Touch of Twilight
Creo Vim 15
Range touch, Duration momentary, Target individual
The target of this spell instantly receives two warping points and, if a magus, must resist going into twilight.
This spell was created by Dugray of Flambeau before he took part in a wizard's march against an ancient magus who had been renounced. Dugray did not believe that he had a reasonable chance to vanquish his foe if he did not have the element of surprise working for him so he thought the limitation of the spell to range touch was warranted to allow him greater penetration.
(base 10 +1 touch)
This is a pretty boring spell but I think that this spell and ones like it must exist as the easiest way to deal with ancient magi of fantastic power, (and of course for those ancient magi to learn and practice enough to acquire spell mastery with a specialization in defense making such spells much less effective)
Mask of Distaste
Rego Imagonem 10
Range sight, Duration momentary, Target individual
The facial features of the target of this spell momentarily contort into a look of abject disgust and loathing.
(base 2 for one sense, +1 changing image +3 sight)
I expect that this one might provoke a discussion regarding muto imagonem versus rego imagonem.
That's probably enough for one day. I'll give people a chance to respond before I try and decipher the rest my notes.
The 8-Legged Kiss
Level: CrAn15
R: Touch
D: Diam
R: Ind
This spell creates a very foul tempered Black Widow Spider at your fingertips (assuredly touching an enemy). This creeping horror will attempt to bite whatever it is in contact with, and scuttle under cover at the first opportunity. It has a Hide skill of 8, defense of 10, and there could be further difficulties in finding it in robes or layered armor. Check each round to see if the target is bitten. A character in light clothing will be bitten on a simple die roll of 3+, one in heavy clothing will be bitten on a 6+, and those in any sort of armor on a 9+. A target may not know the spider exists until they are bitten, depending where it is created. Stamina save 6+ or receives a Medium wound. These effects end when the spell's duration expire. If dislodged from the targets clothes the Black Widow will flee.
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Diam)
Treachery of the Faithful Companion
Level: CrAn 10
R: Eye
D: Conc
T: Ind
Fills the targeted animal with a loathing for someone or something of your choice. If the animal has a loyal or similar personality trait to the object of its loathing, it may resist with roll of 9+. Otherwise the creature will react according to its nature, often attacking.
(Base 4, +1 Eye, +1 Conc)
This one is full of things to argue about.
Does it take a rego requisite to make an ornery spider rather than just any spider? (I agree with you that the answer is no)
Should there be an extra magnitude boost for orneryness? (once again I agree with you in saying no)
I see that the poison is significantly weaker than the poison of an asp and probably appropriate for a black widow.
I think that your die rolls for different types of clothing are appropriate but I could probably be argued into changing my mind.
I don't think that black widows are native to Europe. This could be a big problem.
This one I like a great deal. The emotion happens regardless, so resistance roll is to see if the animal 's loyalty is sufficently great to overcome the emotion.