The rest of the spells from my trip in September
Stagnant air of Eviction
Range Touch, Duration Momentary Target Structure
Perdo Auram 15
The air in the target structure becomes stale and bereft of salubrious properties. The air has a foul smell and any creatures that breathe this air suffer a -3 penalty on any die rolls involving physical exertion. In addition, for each round of physical activity a creature within the building must make a stamina roll of 6+ or loose a fatigue level. The speed with which the air within a structure replenishes itself is dependant upon the structure.
(base3, +1 touch, +2 structure)
Rousing Cry of Assent
Rego Corpus 15
Range eye Duration momentary Target individual
The target of this spell shouts out one to three short words chosen by the caster
(base10 +1 eye)
Gardener’s Insight
Intellego Herbam 15
Range touch, Duration momentary, Target group (+1 size)
The caster learns the general health of a group of plant that she touches including what each plant is most in need of.
(base 3,+1 touch, +2 target, +1 size)
Uninterrupted Lecture
Creo Mentem 15
Range eye, Duration concentration, Target individual
The caster creates a full memory in the mind of the target.
This spell was invented by Malicus of Bonisagus, a magus who had poor social skills and could never seem to get a word in edgewise when speaking to his wife and children. He typically inserted the memory of him giving a long lecture into their minds and then maintained concentration on the spell while reminding them of “what he had told themâ€. He later discovered this spell to be an excellent way to communicate information quickly to his grogs.
(base 5, +1 range, +1 duration)
The Attentive Student
Rego Mentem 10
Range eye, Duration sun, Target individual
The target’s interest in the subjects which are discussed by the caster is greatly increased during the duration of this spell. This spell functions by increasing the amount of interest that a person has in a subject. In the rare case where target has absolutely no interest in something then the spell will fail to create any (it is uncommon for a human to have absolutely no curiosity what so ever regarding a subject but it is much more normal for supernatural creatures).
This spell was originally designed to aid in the teaching of apprentices. The spell does help with the uptake of information (increasing the caster’s effective score in teaching) but the spell causes slightly more warping than normal giving the student one warping point per season.