library plans

We should put a column in the magi planning thread for scribes to show what they're copying. Because right now we have both copies of Corpus Hermeticum spoken for by magi in Winter, Spring, and Summer of 1237. If the scribes need one for copying, then we have an issue.

I think I can say pretty safely that in that case, both Deputy Librarians would agree that copying is more important in this case. That would mean that the person who requested a copy later (that would be Frederika, alas), would have to be denied the book.

This shows the importance of using the magi planner and getting your requests for books in early!

Hopefully once we have 5-6 copies of Corpus Hermeticum, this won't be a problem.

Also, Twice during the jump I have Lucas scheduled to travel through other tribunals (Iberia and Normandy) working on diplomacy and book trades. How has the saga generally handled book trades in the past?

I think the rules in general prioritise the magi at the moment. But it's not like I've got a pressing need for the book. Simply asking Frederika to hold-off might well be enough (for me, I'd just shuffle around my planner stuff - nothing is a matter of urgency).

Right now I have the scribes copying 2 or more books a season. The link I published earlier outlines that... for Corpus Hermeticum specifically it is (currently) being copied in winter 1237, summer 1237, and spring 1238. I haven't figured which books are being copied in 1239 onwards yet, but that will put us at 5 copies. Of course starting in 1239 the plan is for the student-writers to be using 3 copies pretty much non-stop (4 students, each reading for 3 seasons), but it sounds like some more copies would be useful as well... also as we have more copies keeping one back to copy should be less of a problem. As long as there is only one person reading a copy in winter 1237 the rest should not disrupt any standing plans. I can add another copying session in 1238 if we want another copy and postpone copying something else like Secrets of the Earth.

I would think so too. Assuming the scribes can be quick about it!

We'll certainly start by making a simple request. But ultimately, we could characterize it as Vocis wanting the text for copying. Masters trump Journeymen. :wink:

We have two copies reserved for winter and summer of 1237, so I think we'll have to try and reschedule one.

Also, from a book trading standpoint, I can shuffle things around to make Lucas's trip to visit Tribunals be a little later if that'll mean more books to trade ...

considering I haven't even started with the new student scribe copying on the charts yet, yeah it'll mean more books to trade...

Don't forget that the three great summae Lucas brought to the library are open for copying as well.

When was that, are they currently in the library wiki, and what are the names/stats?

Mutare Naturam Magicam: Andronicus of Mercere (Muto Summa, L20/Q11)

Catalogus Plantarum Mysticum: Johann of Tremere (Herbam Summa, L18/Q13)

Ad Operationem Corporis: Petrus of Bonisagus (Corpus Summa, L20/Q10)

Their qualities are middling, but their levels are very high. That's because you were limited to 31 total when buying them at character start.

These appear to already be on the wikki, some I believe are already on the copy list. However since copying is based solely on levels where value is based on level+quality, high quality texts tend to be the best value for copying first... though that does not always mean they are picked first (for example, some scribes tend to get frustrated copying several low level summae each season for several seasons in a row...)

I tried to open the scribes activity spreadsheet today and can only open it in view only- I am not that familiar with google docs- does someone else have it 'checked out' or is there something I can do to unlock it?

never mind, apparently because I was checking my secondary email it wouldn't let me write in spreadsheets in my primary account.

How much of her personal time is Fleur putting into this?
Also, Roberto will come inquiring if you have any space in your school. He wants to send a few grogs at a time, teach them how to read and write and a little Latin.

Aside from the books she is writing, a few days each season (she is adding a tractus or commentary every 2 years)
as for space we have a class of 30 but the teachers look like they can handle 35, winter and summer 1237 Latin is being taught (20xp/season), in 1238 there are no group classes scheduled so we can handle a lot of grogs during that year, 1239 and 1240 Draganna has one teaching season each year open and otherwise teaching is being taught, 1241 each teacher has a teaching season open the other is for teaching, 1242 our student-teachers graduate- while most will be going to work the grammar schools we are establishing we can keep the best one or two to set up our own internal school. They will have teaching:7 Latin:5, and probably com:2.

Also, Bashir Com +2, Teaching 4, Latin 4, and Good Teacher. He's available as a teacher several seasons throughout the leap. That's quality 13/16/19 for 20/2/1 students. Not as good as you'll get elsewhere. But if others are busy, he'll get a class of 20 up to Latin 4 in four seasons, or one student to Latin 4 in three seasons.

I really ought to get him up to Latin 5.

If Bashir wants to sit in on a latin class or teaching class- the second group especially we could fit more people into. Depending on the season, Marius has SQ:20, Draggana has SQ:16, and that is already for teaching a group. Ceiling on Latin is 5 for Marius, I believe for Draggana as well...

Do we have a character sheet for Draganna? I'm trying to remember where I got SQ:16 for her...

Somewhere. Check the Covenant of Andorra thread up top, I think there is a link in the roster.

however, i question if we really need her. we have too many companions as it is.

If we are going to drop her can we wait until 1242? We can replace her with a student grog, but her teachings cores are an integral part of the plan for development of the teachers and library. Then she could get loose on a full moon and meet an untimely end...

Have to go waaaaay back in the WABAC Machine to find it.