Magus: Janus ex Flambeau

Player @John_Graham_52
Please keep the first few post for current character sheet, familiar, talisman etc, and keep an advancement log further down the thread.

Current Character (updated to end of Winter 1014)

Name: Janus ex Flambau
Gender: male
Age: Born Winter 977 - 37 (gauntlet at 25, apprenticeship starts 10)
Apparent age: 37
Longevity ritual: None
Size: 0
School. The Founder
Personality: Hatred of Diedne and their allies +3, Brave +3, Brutal +2, Communicative -3
Warping: 2(5)
Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 143 lbs. (65 kg)
Soak: +6 (+1 Animal, +3 Aquam, +3 Auram, +1 Corpus, +4 Ignem, +1 Imaginem, +1 Mentem, +3 Terram)
MR: 35, Animal 40, Aquam 46, Auram 46, Corpus 36, Ignem 54, Imaginem 40, Mentem 41, Terram 46.

Confidence score: 0
Confidence points: 0

Reputation Incinerant warlock level 1 based on Nottingham

Characteristic Score
Intelligence +3
Perception +0
Presence -3
Communication -3
Strength +2
Stamina +3
Dexterity +1
Quickness +2
Virtues Level Type Points Notes
The Gift Free Hermetic 0
Hermetic Magus Free Hermetic 0
Puissant Ignem Minor Hermetic 0 House Virtue
Tough Minor General 1
Elemental Magic Major Hermetic 3
Puissant Creo Minor Hermetic 1
Mastered Spells Minor Hermetic 1
Method Caster Minor Hermetic 1
Life Boost Minor Hermetic 1
Puissant Parma Minor Hermetic 1
Puissant Penetration Minor Hermetic 1
Total 10
Flaws Level Type Points Notes
Enemies (The side of the Diedne) Major Story 3
Low Self Esteem Major General 3
Blatant Gift Major Hermetic 3
Hatred (Diedne) Minor Personality 1
Total 10
Ability Specialty Score XP
Anglo-Saxon Mercian 5 0 (Native language)
Area Lore: Northumbria Settlements 1 5
Area Lore: Scottish Lowlands Settlements 2 15
Area Lore: Stonehenge Tribunal Battle sites 2 15
Artes Liberales Ritual Magic 1 5
Athletics Running 1 5
Awareness Searching 2 20
Brawl Dagger 2 15
Code of Hermes Wizard's War 1 5
Concentration Spells 2 15
Craft:Scribe Copying 1 5
Dead Language:Latin Hermetic Usage 4 50
Finesse Spells 2 15
Folk Ken Peasants 2 15
Magic Theory Creo 4 50
Parma Magica Mentem 5+2 81
Penetration Creo 4+2 50
Philosophiae Ritual Casting 1 5
Survival Forest 1 10
Stealth Sneaking 2 15
Swim Staying afloat 1 5
Art Score XP
Creo 13+3 91
Intellego 0 0
Muto 7 28
Perdo 0 0
Rego 7 28
Animal 5 15
Aquam 11 68
Auram 11 68
Corpus 1 1
Herbam 0 0
Ignem 16+3 136
Imaginem 5 15
Mentem 1 1
Terram 11 68
Vim 0 0
Spell Name CT Pen Level Masteries XP Spell Effect
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk +18 +9 MuAn15 - 0 +3 soak to animal based clothing at touch range
Bind Wounds +23 +20 CrCo10 - 0 Stops a wound getting worse for sun duration at touch range
Pilum of Fire +42 +30 CrIg20 Penetration 5 +15 damage to a single target at voice range
Ball of Abysmal Flame +44 +19 CrIg35 Penetration, Multicast, Magic Resistance 40 +30 damage to a single target at voice range
Wizard's Sidestep +18 +14 ReIm10 - 0 First attack from each attacker misses and then +9 defence at personal range
Mighty Torrent of Water +34 +22 CrAq20 Penetration 5 +10 damage and a Str+Siz roll vs 9 to avoid being knocked back to a single target at voice range
Wealth of Croesus +37 +14 CrTe30 - 0 Conjure £650 in 13,000 silver shillings
Conjure the Mythic Tower +37 +9 CrTe35 - 0 Conjures a tower 100 ft tall by 30 ft wide
Crystal Dart +25 +22 Mu(Re)Te10 Penetration 5 +10 damage to a single target at voice range
Action Ini Att Def Dam
Dodge +2 N/A +4 N/A
With spells +2 N/A +13 N/A
Punch +2 +3 +4 +2
With spells +2 +3 +13 +2
Dagger +2 +5 +3 +5
With spells +2 +5 +12 +5

Chainmail Load 6 Soak 9+Sta 3+Tough 3 = Soak 15
*With spells - Soak 18, Load 6, Enc 0

Soft leather tunic, hoes and boots, backpack


Season Year Activity XP Confidence Spent on
Spring 1013 Morning on the battlefield 12 0 +5 Awareness, +5 Survival, +2 Area Lore: Northumbria
Summer 1013 Gathering at Ungulus Read 0 +11xp in Area Lore: Scottish Lowlands
Autumn 1013 Rendez-vous at Salmon River 14 0 +3 Area Lore: Northumbria, +4 Area Lore Southern Scotland, +2 Magic Theory, +5 Mastery of Ball of Abysmal Flame
Winter 1013 Invent Conjure the Mythic Tower from lab text 2 0 Exposure 2xp in Parma
Spring 1014 Read Magic Theory summa and cast CtMT 9 0 41 total
Summer 1014 Invent Wealth of Croesus from lab text 2 0 Exposure 2xp in Parma
Autumn 1014 Read Magic Theory summa and cast Wealth of Croesus 9 0 50 total L4 (Co), 6 Creo vis
Winter 1014 set up new lab 0 0 Exposure 2xp in Parma
Spring 1015 set up new lab 0 0 Exposure 2xp in Parma
Summer 1015 Invent Longevity Ritual (Cr 16+Co 1+Int 3+MT 5+Aura 6+Lab 8+2 Vis = 41, +9) 0 0 Exposure 2xp in Parma



Magic item for excessive heating (-1 safety, +2 Ig)
Lesser Focus/Lesser Feature for Ignem (+1 Aesthetic, -1 GQ, +3 Ig)
Superior Construction (free) (+1 Aesthetic, +1 Safety)

Size 0
Aesthetic +2
Safety 0
Health 0
Upkeep 0
Warping 0

-1 GQ, +5 Ig

New lab to be created

Size +5

Natural Environment (Major Virtue), +2 Aesthetic, +3 Cr
Outdoors (Major Flaw) -3 Aesthetic, -2 Health, +2 Upkeep, -1 General quality
Greater Feature: Tree (Major Virtue), +2 Aesthetic, +3 Cr,
Greater Focus: Tree (Major Flaw), +4 Cr, -2 General quality
Auspicious Shape (Minor Virtue), +1 Aesthetic, +1 Vi
Spacious (Minor Virtue), +1 Aesthetic, +2 Safety
Dedicated Building (Free), +1 Upkeep, +1 Aesthetic, +1 Re
Idyllic Surroundings (Free), +1 Aesthetic, +1 Cr, +2 Health
Vulnerable (Free), -1 Aesthetic
Magic item for excessive heating (-1 safety, +2 Ig)

Size +5
Occupied Size +2
Aesthetic +4
Safety -1
Health 0
Upkeep +3
Warping 0

+11 Cr, +1 Vi, +2 Ig, +1 Re, -3 GQ

Then add Greater Expansion (Major Virtue) +1 Aesthetic, +2 Cr, +4 Upkeep, +2 GQ

Size +5
Occupied Size +5
Aesthetic +5
Safety +1
Health 0
Upkeep +7
Warping 0

+13 Cr, +2 Ig, +1 Vi, +1 Re, -1 GQ

Beginning charcter

Name: Janus ex Flambau
Gender: male
Age: 35 (gauntlet at 25, apprenticeship starts 10)
Size: 0
School. The Founder
Personality: Hatred of Diedne and their allies +3, Brave +3, Brutal +2, Communicative -3
Warping: 2(5)
Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 143 lbs. (65 kg)
Soak: +6 (+1 Animal, +3 Aquam, +3 Auram, +1 Corpus, +4 Ignem, +1 Imaginem, +1 Mentem, +3 Terram)
MR: 35, Animal 40, Aquam 46, Auram 46, Corpus 36, Ignem 54, Imaginem 40, Mentem 41, Terram 46.

Confidence score: 0
Confidence points: 0

Characteristic Score
Intelligence +3
Perception +0
Presence -3
Communication -3
Strength +2
Stamina +3
Dexterity +1
Quickness +2
Virtues Level Type Points Notes
The Gift Free Hermetic 0
Hermetic Magus Free Hermetic 0
Puissant Ignem Minor Hermetic 0 House Virtue
Tough Minor General 1
Elemental Magic Major Hermetic 3
Puissant Creo Minor Hermetic 1
Mastered Spells Minor Hermetic 1
Method Caster Minor Hermetic 1
Life Boost Minor Hermetic 1
Puissant Parma Minor Hermetic 1
Puissant Penetration Minor Hermetic 1
Total 10
Flaws Level Type Points Notes
Enemies (The side of the Diedne) Major Story 3
Low Self Esteem Major General 3
Blatant Gift Major Hermetic 3
Hatred (Diedne) Minor Personality 1
Total 10
Ability Specialty Score XP
Anglo-Saxon Mercian 5 0 (Native language)
Area Lore: Stonehenge Tribunal Battle sites 2 15
Artes Liberales Ritual Magic 1 5
Athletics Running 1 5
Awareness Searching 2 15
Brawl Dagger 2 15
Code of Hermes Wizard's War 1 5
Concentration Spells 2 15
Craft:Scribe Copying 1 5
Latin Hermetic Usage 4 50
Finesse Spells 2 15
Folk Ken Peasants 2 15
Magic Theory Inventing Spells 3 30
Parma Magica Mentem 5+2 75
Penetration Creo 4+2 50
Philosophiae Ritual Casting 1 5
Survival Forest 1 5
Stealth Sneaking 2 15
Swim Staying afloat 1 5
Art Score XP
Creo 13+3 91
Intellego 0 0
Muto 7 28
Perdo 0 0
Rego 7 28
Animal 5 15
Aquam 11 0 (68)
Auram 11 0 (68)
Corpus 1 1
Herbam 0 0
Ignem 16+3 136
Imaginem 5 15
Mentem 1 1
Terram 11 0 (68)
Vim 0 0
Spell Name CT Pen Level Masteries XP Spell Effect
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk +18 +9 MuAn15 0 0 +3 soak to animal based clothing at touch range
Bind Wounds +23 +20 CrCo10 0 0 Stops a wound getting worse for sun duration at touch range
Pilum of Fire +42 +30 CrIg20 Penetration 5 +15 damage to a single target at voice range
Ball of Abysmal Flame +44 +19 CrIg35 Penetration, Multicast, Magic Resistance 35 +30 damage to a single target at voice range
Wizard's Sidestep +18 +14 ReIm10 0 0 First attack from each attacker misses and then +9 defence at personal range
Mighty Torrent of Water +34 +22 CrAq20 Penetration 5 +10 damage and a Str+Siz roll vs 9 to avoid being knocked back to a single target at voice range
Crystal Dart +25 +22 Mu(Re)Te10 Penetration 5 +10 damage to a single target at voice range
Action Ini Att Def Dam
Dodge +2 N/A +4 N/A
With spells +2 N/A +13 N/A
Punch +2 +3 +4 +2
With spells +2 +3 +13 +2
Dagger +2 +5 +3 +5
With spells +2 +5 +12 +5

Chainmail Load 6 Soak 9+Sta 3+Tough 3 = Soak 15
*With spells - Soak 18, Load 6, Enc 0

Soft leather tunic, hoes and boots, backpack

Born in the city of Nottingham in Mercia, England, John was a reclusive boy, never comfortable with his peers and always the odd one out. When his Gift manifested around his 8th birthday his young life took a turn for the worse as the other youngsters started to seek him out for torment. His family despaired until a scholar arrived at their home and offered to take John as an apprentice, offering a bag of silver to secure him. The family could not believe their luck as John had a training position and they not only did not need to pay to secure it for him but were actually paid by his new master. The boy left his home in the care of his new master Flavius Igneous. The Flambau mage took young John as his apprentice and trained him almost exclusively in the art of magical combat, finding to his surprise that young John had an alignment to all elemental spells not just the Ignem spells his master favoured. At gauntlet John took the name Janus and joined his masters Covenant of Castrum Viridium as a full magus. The denouncement of house Diedne proved the perfect opportunity for Janus to test his battle prowess against enemies of the order at least as powerful as himself. He received additional training in Parma from his Parens in exchange for service in the battles and proved a mighty opponent to the Diedne and their allies. However, years of killing and picking over battlefields of the dead left Janus full of doubt of his own self worth and the reality of what the Order had become with the prosecution of the Schism war. He now seeks a place to rest and consolidate, maybe even finding a purpose beyond the skills of death he has become so adept at.


Grogs 0 - none
Specialists 0 - none
Vis 0 - 1 pawn of Creo
Items 0 - none

6 points for level 3 summa (30 and 27)
“On the Magic of Permanent Creation” Creo Summa L20Q10 by Gregorius ex Jerbiton
“Metal and Stone in Support of the Will of the Magus” Terram Summa L18Q9 by Felix Argentum ex Guernicus

0 point in Wealth £5 in silver

3 point to give level 2 in lab texts (160 levels)

Gift of the Bear Fortitude MuCo 25
Hauberk of Sublime Lightness PeTe 30
Incantation of the Body Made Whole CrCo 40

Conjure the Mythic Tower CrTe 35
Wealth of Croesus CrTe 30

Research for covenant sites

Janus with his area lore and further study knows a few things about Farne Islands.

  1. Saint Cuthbert lived on the islands as a hermit before he became a bishop, and Inner Farne is a known pilgrimage destination with a church.
  2. The islands is a hub of supernatural power, and some of the islands should have a satisfactory aura.
  3. The islands are small and cannot sustain an agricultural living.
  4. Fishing may be possible, but the islands are treacherous in foul weather.

In one of the books Janus finds reference to a magic salmon, and studying the description, the location sounds like one he visited when he rambled North of the wall earlier in the season. The location is a characteristic bend on the river, forming a peninsula just large enough for fortification to house seven magi, and with natural defenses from the river on three sides. The salmon does probably not have a fifth magnitude might, so the aura is likely a little on the weak side for some of the sodales, but it suits Janus' warlord vibes for other reasons. This may be were he saw the camp of soldiers and giants.