Master list : virtue and flaw

Not just him. I saw the same behavior and did not see it with prior versions. My guess at how it was saved was based on being able to select individual characters while not being able to have them recognized as characters. So I figured each character was saved as an image instead of as text.


I did, or I can wait for it to appear on the website.

It's more that I don't care about Beguile or Blessing unless I'm making one of those non-hermetic mages, but I might want Animal Ken or Voice of the (Land). I know RoP:D uses Supernatural Power as the descriptor, but HMRE does not differenciate (and only Fetch is useful for non-gruagach, for instance).

Yeah, I guess it'd require reading each and applying judgement, so it's not the brainless job I was hoping...

I forgot to add my thanks earlier, too. Thank you!!!

I had a different idea for a slightly different way to sort things. What about splitting the Hermetic Virtues into two (or four to deal with Minor/Major) categories? I would think it might be nice to have one category be the typical Hermetic Virtues and have another one be Hermetic Breakthrough Virtues, or something like that. Several times I've gone through that list and thought, 'Oh, I missed that one. It sounds interesting.' Then I discover it's not so much that I missed it as it's not really available in the typical setting without a breakthrough being done. These are Virtues I don't really want to look through when designing characters.
