Micaela's Gauntlet (1240)

corpus attk: 1D10+11 = [4]+11 = 15
Creo defense: 1D10+13 = [4]+13 = 17

oops, should have been +12 instead of +13 for defense, total is only 16, so weakening may be possible by a 1 point advantage- Fleur's resistance is 4.

attk advantage of 3- any losses from weakening, weakening total 7(- unknown modifiers), which will cause 1 level of weakening if she has not been weakened to a -2 or higher penalty.

Isn't Fleur's attack advantage roll 3 + int 3 = Weakening total of 6? Which then becomes 5?

Anyway Micaela will opt to weaken Fleur, so she goes to -1 fatigue level, and ...
..as Micaela won the Certamen's Init does her attack wound Fleur and apply the -1 to the Weakening total. That would make the weakening vs defense = 0.

Does that make sense?

Guess I was having a bad math moment.

on to round 3.

Round Three

Attack: 9+ roll (10, check for botch, 1,) no botch = 9
Defense: 8+ roll (8) = 16

For the illusory expression of the certamen I thought cero corpus might be a series of warriors appearing and dissipating each round, struggling as the certamen resolves.

Or perhaps an infant growing into adulthood taking on the appearance of the two magi? Or two infants growing upon the backs of the relative opponents...

Fleurs certamen defense round 3: 1D10+11 = [10]+11 = 21
botch check: 1D10 = [8] = 8
so she wins her defense still

round 3 attack: 1D10+10 = [6]+10 = 16
tie no damage on her attack.

Round Four

Attack: 9+ roll (2) = 11
Defense: 8+ roll (6) = 10

Si se puede! Si se puede!

round 4 defense:
round 4 defense: 1D10+11 = [1]+11 = 12
and the explosion:
round 4 exploding defense: 1D10 = [6] = 6
for a total 23 defense

round 4 attack: 1D10+6 = [9]+6 = 15

Which is within what Micaela can absorb

Round Five
Attack: 9+ roll ( 3 ) = 12
Defense: 8+ roll ( 6 ) = 14

... Vocis is watching intently, especially as the certamen appears just as vigorous as the initial round. Bravo!

Round 5:
Defense:round 5 defense: 1D10+11 = [2]+11 = 13

Attack:round 5 attack: 1D10+6 = [9]+6 = 15

success by 1, absorbed by Micaela's Parma...

speaking of which, how does she have a Parma Magica before completing her gauntlet?

It's a Tremere thing? Partial Parma, good only for Certamen
. Once she passes her gauntlet, she is taught the final key for full parma.

I thought the order was:

  1. Finish apprenticeship
  2. Take your oath to follow the Order's rules
  3. Learn Parma
  4. Have your Gauntlet
  5. Enjoy being a magus

I mean, once you finish your gauntlet, your parens doesn't owe you any more seasons of instruction. You've finished all 15. When would you learn Parma?

This is supported by the core rulebook on page 32 when it describes Darius' build process. At the end it notes: "Finally, just before Gauntlet, he spends his last 5 exp on Parma Magica 1." (ArM 5 core rules p. 32, emphasis added.)

So she learned it to level 3 in her last season? In any case... next round?

Oh, she has it at 3? Well I got nothing to explain that.

She has a virtue which changes her score. It's 1(5)+2. When she learnt Parma she jumps to level three.
It's on the character sheet.

Puissant Parma is totally legit.

Round Six
Attack: 9+ roll ( 5 ) = 14
Defense: 8+ roll ( 9 ) = 17

round 6 defense: 1D10+11 = [10]+11 = 21
round 6 botch check: 1D10 = [6] = 6
With no botch gives a defense of 11, Michaela wins by 3, I don't see the calculations earlier for her penetration vs. Fleur's defense... which is 1...

round 6 attack: 1D10+6 = [4]+6 = 10

It does not penetrate, so issues of additional fatigue penalties are irrelevant.

Weakening total = Int 2 + Pen 0 + Attack Advantage 3 = total 5,
Less Fleurs' Defense of Stam 3, Parma 1 = 4,

...So yep, I think Fleur is now Winded (-1) to rolls.
Round Seven,

Attack: 9+ roll ( 1, then exploder check 2 = 4 ) = 13
Defense: 8+ roll ( 9 ) = 17
Weakening: 2+ AttAdv, Resistance: 5

This will actually change very little, as I have been modifying rolls assuming Fleur was winded from the apparently unwarranted assertion that she was back in round 1 or 2...

round 7 defense: 1D10+11 = [3]+11 = 14

round 7 attack: 1D10+6 = [10]+6 = 16

round 7 botch check: 1D10 = [1] = 1

now if I had rolled those in reverse order...
another round of not much happening