Justus Felix Ex Miscellanea child of Pralix
Int +3 Per 0 Pre +1 Com +5
Str 0 Sta 0 Dex 0 Qui 0
Age: 32 7 years out of apprenticeship
Warping: 0(2)
Hemetic magus, The gift, Comprehend magic, Minor magical focus exotic magic, Ash guild trained, Affinity with Vim, Puissant art Vim, Well travelled, Improved characteristics *2, Great communication *2, Good teacher, Fast caster, Enhanced sense of smell
Weak magic resistance against non comprehended magic, driven (minor), favours, Unpredictable magic, magical addiction, deficient form Auram, deleterious circumstances (high up in the mountains).
Artes liberates/1/ Rhetoric
Athletics/1/Long distance running
Awarness/1/Spoting ambushes
Bargain/2/ Magic items
Brawl/1/ Dodge
Charm/2/ Debate
Code of hermes/1/ Dealings with non-hermetic magi
Comprehend magic/3(18)/Hermetic magi
Concentration/1/ multiple castings
Durenmar lore/2/ Library
Etiquette/2/ Magi
Faerie lore/1/ Faerie magic
Finesse/3/ Fast cast
Folk ken/2/ Magi
Folk Witch magical theory / 2 (9) / Potion brewing
Guile/1/ Elaborate lies
Hunt/1/ Falconry
Infernal lore/1/ Recognition
Intrigue/1/ Motives
Latin/4 (4)/ Hermetic use
Leadership/1/ Grogs
Magic lore/1/ Witches & werewolves of Pomerania
Magic theory/3 (16)/ Inventing spells
Order of Hermes lore/1/ Magi
Parma magica/3/ Ignem
Pentration/3/ Vim
Philosophiae/1/ Ceremonial magic
Pomerania lore/2/Villages
Rihne tribunal lore/3/ Covenants
Speak low german/5/orders
Stealth/1/ Moving silent
Survival/2/ Woodlands
Swim/1/ Long distances
Teaching/1/ Magic
Witches & werewolves of Pomerania lore/1/ Magic
Cr 6 In 6 Mu 6 Pe 6 Re 6
An 2 Au 0 Aq 1 Co 5 He 2
Ig 2 Im 2 Me 5 Te 3 Vi 11 +3
Spells / TeFo/ Level / Bonus / Mastery / Mastery score
The wizard’s leap / ReCo / 15 / +11
Aura of beguiling appearance / MuIm / 10 / +8
The heathen witch reborn / PeVi / 25 / +25
Invisibility of the standing wizard / PeIm / 15 / +8
Daemons eternal oblivion / PeVi / 15 / +20
Trackless step / ReTe / 10 / +9
The crystal dart / MuTe / 10 / +9 / fast cast, multiple casting / 2
Trust of the child like faith / PeMe / 10 / +11
Sight of the transparent motive / InMe / 10 / +11
Intuition of the forest / InHe / 10 / +8
Lamp without flame / CrIg / 10 / +8
The obliteration of the witch’s entrancement /PeVi / 15 / +25
Quenching the Entrancing glare /ReVi / 15/ +24
Unravelling the fabric of Mentem /PeVi / 10/ +20
Unravelling the fabric of Corpus /PeVi / 5/ +20
Sap the Griffin's Strength /PeVi / 5/ +20
Dreadful Bane of the Fae /PeVi / 5/ +20 / mastery score 1 / Penetration
Demon's Eternal Oblivion /PeVi / 5/ +20
Wind of Mundane Silence /PeVi / 20/ +20
Thwarting the Thaumaturgical Threat /PeVi / 10/ +20 / mastery score 1 / Fast cast
Wizardly robes and a masterly crafted dagger
New spell
Thwarting the Thaumaturgical Threat
Similar to Winds of Mundane Silence, but scaled down to affect a single spell. This will counter or cancel a spell if your roll of a SD + (Level + 10) equals or exceeds twice the level of the opposing spell. Countering another spell as it is being cast requires a successful Fast Cast roll.
Justus Felix is a man with quite good looks even though they aren’t extraordinary they still draw attention especially from the women. He has quite long dark hair and shows little sign of ever being able to grow a beard. His eyes are steel grey and full of determination. He is a man who cares about his appearance and more fit into the Jerbiton stereotype rather than the hedge wizard stereotype.
Justus Felix had rather uneventful childhood as he grew up in a little village of Pomerania. Even though he grew up in Pomerania he learned to speak German as a child. Justus father where a trader who travelled the land and traded items back and forth. As Justus begun to develop the gift it became more and more difficult for his father to have him with him. Luckily for his father an magus offered to by the boy for a significant amount of silver. Thus Justus begun his apprenticeship.
Justus followed his master far and wide in the realms of the Rihne tribunal and where trained at a number of different covenants that he and his master stopped by. After passing his gauntlet Justus Felix begun to train for setting out on a mission to civilise his former home, having heard the tales of werewolves and witches as a child he knew that it where work to be done there.
During his travels in the Rihne tribunal he had met lots of magi and made quite an impression on most people he met, especially the women. As he had a self imposed mission to civilise the denizens of Pomerania, Justus begun to work for a chance to fund a covenant of his own in the deep forests. Justus bargained and where give lots of favours but where at last given permission to fund a covenant in the Pomeranian forest.