A friend of mine is moving, and unloaded a metric load of Ars Magica books into my lap (not quite complete, but a damn lot of them). I and my roommate are highly interested in playing, and can easily get a couple more people into it. The roommate and I are the type to peruse RPGs, so the comparative complexity and open format isn't intimidating; and I'd be the Storyguide essentially 100% of the time. The other players aren't going to be quite as gung-ho, so dumping them into the sea of advanced options would be a bad idea. We'll likely meet about twice a month, and I have regular online contact; but outside of the roommate, none are the type to talk to each other between games.
Starting Tribunal - The players are too new and uncertain to declare the type of saga they want, so I'll make the tribunal/covenant for them (let them read the core book to shove in any boon/hook that actually catches their attention). So, the question is this; which Tribunals should I stick them in out of the choices of Rhine, Transylvania, Theban, & Normandy (the only Tribunal books I have)? Except for one player, they're not the type to read the supplemental books, but I personally love internal consistency and appreciate the books' information/compilation for saga use.
Starting Covenant - For ease of transition and excuse for a bunch of magi fresh out of Gauntlet, I was going to have them move into a Winter covenant using ~800BP. There will be two or three older magi (or just one eccentric archmagus) who, in a comparative manic fit, acquiesced to new blood to manage the neglected estate. I personally enjoyed reading the Covenants book, and will likely stat up most of it ahead of time (done similar with other campaigns as a GM). Any advice for what their library should look like?
Beginning Saga - I'm not sure whether to have the group start off with character creation for their new magi (companions later), play a fistful of pre-made grogs/covenfolk trying to prepare the covenant for the new arrivals next season, or something different.[hr][/hr]
[center]Starting Scene[/center]
Location: Ruins of Adresina
Elder Magi: Introverts, journeymen due to lack of political ambition. They will let the PCs joins as full members right off the bat, but will require the charter to declare them as Master magi within the covenant (two votes, auto-seniority within the covenant, etc). They will usually abstain their votes, not being interested in most matters. Their UnGifted autocrat will also have a voting sigil for council meetings. The autocrat is an overworked elder who deals with the covenfolk, manages the financial records and covenant library, and was likely the main impetus in convincing the two magi to bring in new blood so the covenant gets out of Winter (long-term thinker). In play, will be expies of Statler and Waldorf.* [u]Sanagos of Jerbiton[/u] - Wishes to study math, loves his tractatus from Fibonnacci. Not interested in arithmetic magic, but raw math itself, but will occasionally do some magic research.
[u]Prokui of Orbus Tremere[/u] - Fell in love with a noble who claimed to be from the Moon, is now driven to research the Breakthrough(s) necessary to go there, and has only recently felt confident enough to begin proper Original Research.
Player Magi: An updating progress as I get their characters* Disrun von Hardenberg of Criamon fili Marcus[list][]Lynn - Kirin and refugee of the Mongol Horde
[/:m][]Viktor Reinhardt Krueger of Merinita[/:m][][strike]Gotvinus of Guernicus[/strike] [strike]Miruna the Hooded Crow[/strike] - Gossip and consummate matchmaker
[/:m][]Joseph Miller of Bjornaer* Count Adalbrecht Werahamun Sylvester von Tutankhamun - Noble cat of the Black Lineage
[/:m][]Tim of Bonisagus* Owlowiscious - Exceptionally morbid owl
[/:m][]Alfonso (Companion)[/:m][][strike]Karl of Verditius[/strike][/:m][]Ehren (Companion)[/:m][/list:u]Vis Sources: Only three will be remembered, and that's after checking the covenant rolls; the elder magi having gone at least 7 years not bothering to harvest the vis, and sold the last of their vis stock . Their combined output is about 20 pawns per year (5 player magi, the 2 elder aren't going to try to claim any for now) The Cave of Magic (6 Vim per year) - Apples of Hesperidae (6 Creo per year)
- Mallorn Dandelions (4 Muto, 4 Corpus, per year)
- Linden Copse (3 Herbam per year)
Income: Typical (stagnant)
Library: Many have been sold, destroyed from improper maintenance, or pulled and kept in their sancta.* All of the lab texts in Roamer's Book in separate books, representing the sum of the troupe's graduation presents and such. Valued at 23BP in cost, valuating such spells at 1BP per 15 levels for lab texts
- Roots - L7/Q21 for Rego, Corpus, & Terram
- Imaginem Summae L20/Q10
- Vim Summae L9/Q19
- Ability Summae - Magic Theory L4/Q15, Dominion Lore L6/Q15, Faerie Lore L4/Q11, Finesse L5/Q10
Enchanted Items: A scrying mirror (InIm 25) similar to the one from Beauty and the Beast.
Hooks* Superiors (Major) - The two anti-social elder magi who have the autocrat at least partially in their pocket and having set themselves up for disproportionate power within the covenant.
- Weak Aura (Minor) - As per the Rhine Tribunal's information, the starting Aura is rated at 2.
Boons* Edifice (Minor) - Taken twice, representing the Temple & Basilica - Unknown Resources (Minor) - Taken twice. Thinking of part of the BP for it to be a forgotten vault with a very Warped book with both Lab Text and advanced Mastery summae for said spell within it.
I'll come up with a list for the covenfolk later and add them to this post; but this is the current rough draft for the covenant that the party will be walking into (roughly 517BP). Any thoughts as to whether this is poorly done, overly weak, or some other flaw that I need to consider for this setup?
Anything else I should be asking?