Off to Tribunal!

Hi chaps,

We have a real time update service now running on Twitter. This is mainly for people who are here but might amuse any Ars Magica fan! You don't need Twitter to view it, but you will need to sign up (which is free) to post to it. We will be updating where we are etc, as well as news, gossip and how much of CJ's hair has fallen out through stress throughout the con. I will try and answer emails, but Twitter will be preferred medium for delegates in Cheltenham now as I'm rather frantic :slight_smile: You can read it here --!/search/realtime/%23gt12uk or via the link on the Grand Tribunal webpage

You can post to it by adding the tag #gt12uk to your tweet. 140 characters only remember.

See those of you attending you at 7pm

cj x