Officers Amendment vote/discussion

I only remember her being mentioned for Princeps, but either one works for me...although, truthfully, I'd rather she be Princeps than Interpres. shrug

This is something that Tranquillina would be willing to do (perhaps as part of a greater bargain :smiley: ), although does Korvin need it before the Tribunal? - that timing would be a challenge.

There is no time table on needing. It would just take me 2 seasons to invent it but one to learn it from a text. I'm hoping that Alexei will do it as payment for the LR.

Alexei could do it the season Korvin is doing the LR.'s a contradiction of the writing rules that we're going to ignore. Technically, with a score of 4 in Latin, Alexei can't write, but the more I do this the more that it makes sense that a score of 5 is to write a book that imparts knowledge...and little else. We could, if there's a lot of interest in it, explore the possibility of writing a book with a Latin score of 4, but with serious reductions in quality...enough to make the author a laughing stock, but that's beyond the scope of this particular issue.

So, I'm ruling that Alexei can write out 80 levels of his own lab texts while Korvin is doing the LR.

If it looks like there's a need, and we have the means, Alexei can take the time to learn the Latin up and then write, I don't mind. He's actually got some topics he can write about and a positive Comm. His Magic Theory is decent and he's got some above average Arts, plus he could probably wirte about Great Weapon.

I can revise his training, the main issue is if we have a decent source for Latin

Completely up to you. And the resources available for learning Latin is the one you brought with Alexei, IIRC.

Might be thinking of Aodhan in the other game. He brought a teacher of Latin and Philosophaie. I don't think I brought anything with Alexei.

My mistake, zlorfik spent build points on him. He's been used...occasionally.
Again, up to you. Consider that there are a lot of opportunities to do stuff, and the more different things characters do, the more general they will become. Is Alexei old enough where he wants to consider sharing his knowledge? Isn't that time to consider an apprentice, rather than preparing to write a book? Just sayin'.

Korvin will be using Otto to improve his latin and he will be training Abagail in Philosophaie and Artes Liberales

Huh, that is weird. I guess to be super pedantic, the restriction on writing is given only other Living Language, not Dead Language ... :mrgreen:
Ok, but certainly, a score of 4 suffices to write letters, right? - we do this all the time. So how can you write a letter but not a book? Sure, not a great book, but still.... Or else, are our private (yet-to-be-translated) lab notes written in our native tongues?

Just so everyone is straight, Korvin will be the Princeps and Fiona will be Interpres as of 1224.1. Is that correct?

I would have responded in the hot knife thru buttda thread but was unsure if this change was fine.

i think there is a large difference between writing letters and writing what would be considered an academic book to your peers. i think you could write a low quality book with language 4 but you would be ridiculed by your peers for such a crappy work.

I swear I said this exact same thing somewhere. I can't find it, though. But yes, this is my view. I'd probably limit it to a ridiculously low quality score. Perhaps a quality of 4[1], so low that it makes getting to a score of 5 an incentive worthy of pursuit.

[1] If you have a negative communication, and a score of 4 in a language, I'm thinking you just can't write a book that has any positive quality sufficient to impart knowledge.

Sure, why not? poings over to make change in wiki

POING :exclamation:
So would Fiona like to be Deputy Princeps instead of Deputy Vilicus? We still get to play together in the Interpres office :slight_smile:

[color=blue]"I would be delighted."

After the vote on the amendment to the charter and a couple of other sundry items, the various magi present start to gather themselves up to depart the council chamber. Tranquillina, emboldened by the confidence the other magi have placed in her with the dual officer roles, decides that this might be a good time to confide in the others.

"I know it is late, sodales, but if I may," she begins apologetically, "I would like, while we are all here, to open up another discussion, about a notable event that I experienced a few months ago - on my very way here for the first time, in fact."

"Almost surely the answer is 'yes' for all of you, but to start: do you know Maris ex Tremere, of the Le Maison d'Levrier covenant?"

As the others respond, Tranquillina casts a Diameter version of By His Works (HoH:TL page 73), in a quiet voice and using subtle gestures, to refresh her memory of the conversation with Rose and Maris after she Leaped into their bivouac. ((Sta -3 + Cr 6 + Me 10 - voice/gestures 7 + aura 5 + stress die 1/
exploder 1/exploder 6 for 24 = 35 / 2 = 18, good enough for Moon duration even! so five months....))

Fiona nods. [color=blue]"Not well, but yes."

Not at all, answers Isen. Why would you ask?

Tranquillina begins to pace unconsciously around the room. "Well, at the time I sent my letter to this council back in the summer, Maris led a group of Tremere and their retinue on an overland journey, from Le Maison eastwards all the way to Coeris. Her apprentice, Rose, was to be in charge of the journey, some sort of training mission. Since their path was leading them very close to Mont Beuvray, Maris gave me a hair from one of her grogs, so that I could use Leap of Homecoming at the appropriate time to come quickly to Mons Electi."

"Around midday, of the day I later arrived here and met Isen," she gestures to the somber magus, "I did perform that Leap, but with much greater difficulty then anticipated. I appeared within a temporary camp, with a circular trench dug all around a stone building. When I arrived, I felt a tingling in my fingertips, exactly what I am used to when entering a covenant's Aegis of the Hearth; I suspect you know the sensation I mean."

Tranquillina's young eyes drift up towards the ceiling as she recounts what happened next. "Rose was in charge, the other magi were absent. And Rose, she handed me a token, and said the following to me: 'I invite you into our field Aegis. I apologize for any difficulty related to your arrival. This was the most powerful Aegis I could cast without vis.' Immediately she began to swear at herself for saying too much." She looks around the room at each of the magi in turn. "Her attempts to deny it were transparent falsehoods. This Rose, this Tremere apprentice, cast a version of Aegis of the Hearth without consuming the vis that the ritual normally requires."

With a deep breath, she adds, "And when Maris reappeared, she seemed to indicate that there was some connection to Mons Electi."