OOC: Adventures

As I said, watching what these weird (read gifted) people are doing with the statue they found. If you rule that five or ten minutes pass with nothing but hesitation (in addition to the time taken to around both mounds and eating a fig or two), then I shall come up with something more pro-active on sir Georgios' part. OK?

Seems reasonable!

I thought you posted that the child had left the area. I did state that I was only casting the spell if it was observable by coven folk only. Need a call on this as the child observing spell casting is a no no for Aristocles.

(ST EDIT) Child still there with uncle, but they both stayed on the path. In order to cast the spell you need to go over the other side of the fig tree, Aristocles is totally obscured, no worries

Is the party moving on towards the ford and where the wolf howls originated? Are you going elsewhere?

For 1.3: Things Left Too long Buried: Where there a number of stray dogs in town or anywhere nearby? If yes, Maia will excuse herself and will try to convince a goodly number of doggies to come help dig, with food and the promise of more food. She will buy some cheap but delicious food to start the [strike]bribing[/strike] process. This might not be so easy, and she has to do it carefully so that she doesn't become "the witch", but awesome if it can be done (though she will call out to the Magi to conceal themselves so that they do not spook the pack gathered). Anyway, just a thought, but she's trying to put her Animal Ken to good use.

What are the options Maia can perceive?

(ST EDIT) Eh...this isnt a dungeon. Your party can go pretty much anywhere?

:smiley: Well, yes. But the gorge has only a few places where the river can be crossed safely, right? And with no food supplies (assuming that the equipment recovered is Lab equipment), it looks like the way back is closed. Perhaps the wolves can be bargained with, but that might just be suicidal instead.

[tab][/tab] Food supplies? You are less than half an hour from the covenant. As for immediate options, you can take chances cross the rushing river here, you can go north and try to ford it (but there might be wolves around), you can stay put and wait for dawn, you can go south and search for another crossing maybe? No idea....

[tab][/tab] The closest village is south west of where you are, on the other side of the valley, called Lower Plains. The next closest is Tservari which is up the mountain to North East. There could be one or two free dogs there Maia could bribe. There are also the large dogs used by shepherds, big Molossus breed, but those are mean and totally committed to their flocks. Putting aside the difficulty of the task, I doubt dogs are the best method to dig this big amount of clay and debris :S

Sir Georgios has been assuming that and talking and acting as if, returning the way we came is the only option which makes the slightest bit of sense. He should be ready to leave by now. If anybody else appear to be acting differently, he will ask rather impatiently whether they are ready to go. He is not quite ready to leave without them, but might look is if he were.

While he does not mind Miklos bringing as much dead fay as he can carry, I expect that we cannot get rid of it all. I am not sure how this will be resolved if Miklos is hell-bent on a full clean-up job. So far each has been acting out of own priorities; if somebody wants to leave while others are not ready, there is a conflict to resolve. I am not sure if we have arrived at such point.

BTW. While we are at it. Miklos and Maia are talking about rules. I am not sure what they are talking about, covenant rules or standard Hermes rules, Theban or whatever. AFAICS there is absolutely no way sir Georgios knows what they are talking about. If there is something he should know, please advice, before we run into a conflict based on false assumptions ... (I don't mind conflicts if they are based on valid assumptions of course.)

BTW2. The food supplies Ignes is asking for, was that intended as a bribe/ransom for the wolves? How about feeding them a dead telonio?

How long does the return trip take by horse to (a) the market and (b) closest village? I am sure there were shovels for sale!?

BTW. Feel free to advance without waiting for a post from the knight. He keeps observing with amusement, with every attempt to keep a straight face, until I get a better idea.

1.1 Question.

What is the size (diameter) of the clearing? How is the light?
Is mounted combat an option, or is it too dark and/or too rough terrain?


[tab][/tab] The ''clearing'' is about 25 paces wide and 40 long. Most of this area is filled with tall wildflowers and is shadowed by the trees above so light conditions are limited (-2 to rolls that need sight unless you can see in darkness). The path is 2 paces wide and passes through the middle of the clearing, exiting on the other side and is fully illuminated by the moon (-1 to all rolls that need sight unless you can see in darkness). Near the end of the clearing (adjacent to the path and to the right of it, bordering the edges) is a large rocky area under the trees. This is where the wolves are. The ground is good (no penalties) and one can easily ride on the path and off it, but the vegetation does grant cover and will inhibit movement.
[tab][/tab] A line of softwood trees and bushes border the river to your left, making a natural barrier since there is a steep incline towards the waters. To your right, poplars and oaks grow on the slope up to the Towers, the terrain bellow them filled with brambles and long grasses.

Maia responds to what Miklos says, she assumes, wrongly, that ser Giorgios has an inkling of what she speaks. She is speaking about standard Hermetic behavior, but she is also a tyro, so might be wrong. Also, she speaks indirectly about such matters.

Asked about supplies because it seemed likely that the party might be trapped in the Gorge and would have to stay for however long the many denizens blocked the way out.

1.3b Perama Caves
So...what are people doing?

Thanks. Then sir Georgios knows as much as I thought he did :slight_smile:

I think we are only waiting for Scylax' reply. I think Mikos and Alexios agreed that Miklos lead and Alexios follows; that's how I understood them anyway, and Arni tags along, as stated.

What about the ledges that require "no roll" in the Parema caves. Do they not descent down the hole? I am confused.

[tab][/tab] Its like this: Picture a vertical well. Your cave ends on that well, coming from the east. It meets its lip and goes vertically down. There is a small path on the south side that crosses to the other side. The Western side is a kind of balcony created by years of depositions, looking like shallow plates. These are attached to the well's wall, going down, needing no rolls, like jumping lily pads. There seems to be a ledge above that balcony, that you cannot see. The well goes down a distance, to another part of the cave where the moisture and sounds come from. The whole structure is colored yellow, while bellow it fades to azure.

1.3b. (Or general academic interest)

I wonder what underwater applications we have of CrAu; and what would be their levels.

Lungs of the Fish is MuAq(Au); but can the same effect be achieved with CrAu? I.e. create air in your nostrlls? Same level?

Is it possible to create a bubble of air around oneself? Trouble is; core does not give a guideline to create just air; all the guidelines are weather phenomæ. I would guess base 2 to create plain normal air (base 3 is debilitating air) +4 magnitudes for a phenomenon «wholly divorced from its normal context», that's level 10. Level 20 for conc/touch, which is the minimum to make it useful. OK. I cannot spont more than level 15. Base 1 would bring it within reach.

Any opinions?

I'd say base 3 for creating Air (CrAq 3 is create water that is not contained). I wouldn't add the 4 magnitudes, creating air isn't so special, is it? I'd add Rego as requisite to keep the air from floating up and probably stick to Momentary duration (not sure though for how long the bubble would last). So it would be 4 (one magnitude for adding the requisite). Maybe 5 if Personal is no good, although touch doesn't seem too right either.

Good argument for base 3. Momentary creo takes vis, so we are not going there. I don't think there is much doubt about the touch range either; the air is created just outside the body of the magus, touching him. Same argument for lungs of the fish which is also touch range. Then we are level 10 (level 3, +1 touch, +1 conc, +1 req).

The big question is how the bubble reacts when the caster is submerged in water. That's where the unnaturallity comes in, I think. However, if the unnaturality stems from the rego effect moving a bubble which was created in a natural environment, different guidelines apply. Another significant question; for how long can the caster breath in the bubble before the air is exhausted?

On a side note, what happens to the ambulant spring breezes effect if the caster dives? I have no idea.