OOC Chapter 4: Westerwald

The tree is uprooted, but otherwise just lying on the ground. (Might it contain vis?)
I think we have one survivor held in a pit, and someone else has escaped.
These feel like loose ends. OOC, I am a little worried about this. Carolinus might want to investigate the tree, but otherwise he's ready to move on.

I think I need to reread the earlier posts, since I don't remember any reference to infernalists in the earlier posts ...

To Honorus, these folks are inferalist since his house views them as such. Take it in that vein.

I'm all for seeing if the Tree has vis and extracting it. Honorus was just looking to destroy the tree so it could not return into a druid or reroot itself.

Can we spend xps while on the adventure for skills we have used or for spell mastery or arts? Can we pick up new skills if reasonable?

For skills you used (or might have used, new or old, like hunting, area lore etc).
For arts you used in spells (or might have used without it getting mentioned - like Ig to light a fire).
To master spells you used.

I have not spent my previous adventure so..

From the Trier adventure...Lots of spont ReTe spells.
4 xp to Te
3 xp to Re

From Westerwald
3 xp Te
2 xp Survival


Adding 2 points to Re, 1 to He, and 2 to Im.
