OOC chat

I assumed the coven folk pushed Plasmatoris to the lunch meeting when they noticed he was missing. Because I wanted to participate.

A note on IRL timing, I'm in California, and usually can't check things til after work or during lunch, so I will miss lots during the day's chat and have to catch up on reading.

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Same here. Sometimes I have time in the morning to post.

I live in North Carolina and seem to live at my computer with work (at a tech company) and often have forum window open to check when I'm bored in a meeting.

I'm "trying" to balance the frequency of my posting between "give everyone time" and "don't let the pace drop." It's a hard balance sometimes. I think I fail too often in posting only one point or one action. The wannabe writer in me gets carried away.

So far, though, this has been really fun and thought-provoking.

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Yeah, I'm in Finland and my own boss. The window of common awake time with many of you seems rather narrow, in other words, but I'm usually able to post if I'm awake. For this reason, I've tried to sneak in several posts if possible to keep things moving, but I've been wondering about the proper balance, as Bartomeus said.

For my own part, I don't mind if people post several times in conversations and such while I'm asleep - I think combat would be the exception. Otherwise, we can just say Lares was a bit slow on the uptake.

I am in Sweden myself. Even with all these time zones I think it has been going well. Besides we aren’t forced to be 100% linear. One could address something said earlier and pretend it was said during that time.

Well, I don't know about it being possible to be nonlinear. Silveroak isn't acknowledging my latest post because it happens after lunch.

There is a difference between non linear in terms of jumping scenes and within a conversation. I don't want one person rushing way ahead of the rest to where you are hours or days ahead and then have to change your past actions to respond to someone else.

For the record I am in Kansas (middle of the US) and retired, my only time obligations are to my family.

The asymmetry of posting has definitely lead to me making 2-3 paragraph posts with rambling thought process and multiple topics. Which luckily fits my character.

Waiting for a post-lunch thread. :slight_smile:

I think that's Investigations.

I sent y'all a private message with a Google Sheet that I quickly jury-rigged to contain our library. It's my suggestion for our seasonal activities tracker - tell me what you think or if you even understand how it's supposed to work.


Using the sheet, note the dropdown menus on the leftmost column for summae and tractati. These are set to exclude texts that are already taken by someone for that season, so it should make things a bit easier.

@Red-Shadow-Claws I don't think we have a rego summa at quality 16, just one at 13.

Sorry, it's supposed to be the Vim summae level 16, quality 15.

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I'm not sure I tracked through the result of our plan for the Aegis.

Did we end up with a couple of us prepping to learn the Vigil or did we end up with Lares doing the lower-level Aegis on his own?

Lower level, but also Vigil. Without at least four vigils (preferably five), Lares' total will be too low for penetration.

So Lares has pushed and will continue to push for as meany learning it as is possible in two seasons. Characters are free to wiggle against such collectivism, of couse :slight_smile:

Guess we should take this into account and have some scribes make copy of the lab texts. Technically we have loads of Tracti in vim that would mean score of 4 as well so maybe we can even get more than 4 casters.


More than 5 is overkill for level 30 Aegis, because it doesn't substantially increase penetration but adds botch dice - with 4 casters we have one botch die due to Lares' Careful Sorcerer (-3 botch dice), at 5 casters two.

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I guess teaching spells can only be one on one. Core is a bit unclear but thats how it works with art. Otherweise that would be an option instead of the labtexts.

Yeah, I tend to think copying is the best way. That needs to be done in this first season.

I like the idea of lots of copies in season 1 and we have more learners in season 2.