OOC Chatter 2

I've decided I 'll make my retirement from this threat a permanent one (sorry).
The life on the ither side of the computer screen has become so intense that I give up my Rhine game and this one, solely posting in one last pbp (which I chose because it was the slowest).

It still makes me smile when I read the name of the campaign. It is aptly named and I'm sure it will go a long way.

I'm sorry to read that, I'm sure you would have been a great addition to the game, but, well, we all know that shit happens.

I wish you well, come back whenever you can and want.

Ditto. There will always be a chair at the table for ye, as far as I'm concerned.

And unfortunately, reality does come first. Which sucks, sometimes.

Fair winds, friend.

Sorry about the delay, folks. I've been out on another trip. I really need to sit down and figure out what sort of time I reasonably have to give while on the road. I'm back for another week or two before my next trip. I will try to update stuff tonight.

Does this apply for newly-joining magi?

I'm thinking about a generalist mage, Hermetic alchemist-- either Mercere or a Bonisagus.

I'm pretty set on a Bonisagus aurum specialist, myself. And I think this OOC thread has been deprecated in favor of this one.

Yes, and it's actually worked so well, that I'm thinking about keeping as a personal house rule for all my ArM games. The saga is about 2-3 days of campaign time in, so you're still going to be part of the "first set" of magi to arrive, anyway.

Actually, the two magi you guys are replacing never actually arrived, so you'll be bringing the game up to the power level we initially conceived of.

As far as concept goes, Viscaria Lynchis Verditii (my character) also has Hermetic Alchemy (minor), but as she's the alpha-SG character, I doubt anyone will mind.

I personally have no issue with both of you being from the same house. I've been reading your other games, so I suspect there's little chance of concept overlap.

The covenant has Divided Loyalties based on religion, and all the PC Magi so far are Christians, except Viscaria who is a faerie-raised atheist. ByMyLastBreathe is thinking about playing a Muslim Jerbiton with a Djinn companion spirit, so that's a little mixed religious flavor, but if either of you are up for the challenge, I encourage you to play either Jewish or Muslim characters. Beyond that, the gauntlet+5 cap will keep you conceptually in-line for the saga, so go to town.

For your character concept questions, please use a thread dedicated to each character, including general OOC questions about house rules for chargen. Oh, and remind me to put things on the House Rules page.

Well, due to the inflation we feared this did, some players took only 100 points. I know I did.
Now, we can either stick to that or I can (or not, depending on time and laziness) add 50 points of things to hiems (Which would probably be a magical item that suspends his spells).

And yes, go for it! :smiley: Alchemy is great, and maybe you'll somewhat get along with esteban (Our doctor, who is also a philosopher), that'd be cool! :smiley:

Yup, I don't see how 2 magi of the same house could pose problem. What matters is character concept, and these are quite different here :smiley:
So, IMO, bonisagus Auram specialist, cool!!! I like bonisagi, and Auram is very interesting and useful.

Oh, right. I forgot about that. So the answer is, 100 build points, not 150. I will try to update the house rules, once I figure out what happened to the buttons.

Due to limited time, I'll be building a character by merging concepts for two characters I've played in the past. Jewish usurer, maga Merceris. Social skills, alchemy, slight Vim focus but otherwise generalist.

I'm not sure what "limited time" means, but please don't rush on our account. Concept sounds cool.

Agreed :smiley:

If I may, I "created" herman and the gate of the dead, which was an item for Hiems. The item was scrapped from his list, but stayed with herman, who made a comeback as the author of one of Hiems Books.
(It's just that it was an slight hommage to a friend of mine, so it's important to me)

One of? Check the lists, my friend. Herman wrote three sound summae, and that's all the info I've revealed so far.

And by all means, take your bow. He proved quite an inspiration for me.


Yes, I remember you were quite striken with him, which was surprising to me since I had so little (the gate, a name, a look), but, well, if it gives you ideas, all the better! :smiley:

Apparently, nobody at work thought as much of my awesome new idea for an alt-setting as I did:

My Little Pony: Friendship is Ars Magica

All of Mythic Europe is ponies. Those with the Gift have Cutiemarks. And the gestures for spell-casting would be, like, a flick of the main, shaking the head, stomping a hoof, flick of the tail, etcetera.

I think it could work :smiley:

Well, it couldn't be in Mythic Europe, it would have to be Mythic Ponlyand.

This sounds almost as bad as the smurfs movie T-T

BtW, is there no one to welcome Ra'am to Phoenix? Raoudha will be present, and Hiems will probably make the effort to welcome and see his potential future sodales, but Cygna? Amos? Jaime?

Yeah! He's gonna feel like he's unwelcome or something.

Friday afternoon, Cygna's probably in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on her grape tarts...and, after yesterday, the Jewish maids are probably loath to disturb her work.

Although Claudia should probably be summoned, now that I think about it.

What is the date? I was under the impression that it is March 14th, a Thursday.
Or perhaps I misread that it is 3/14.