OOC Discussion Thread

I just saw a note that this is starting back up again. I had some significant health issues at the end of last year and into this year that caused me to take a step back from PbP, but I'm hoping to jump back in where it makes sense in the not-too-distant future.


Whenever you are ready, your spot is assured. Nice to hear from you regardless.

I have had similar ideas in the past. It seems within the realms of what Muto can temporarily do to Corpus if it is within the realms of what it can do to Herbam.

Well, if the notes about the unchanging nature of Magic beings in TMRE apply, a revenant will recover from its wounds in short order anyway. They're Magic Humans rather than Magic Things, and Magic Things are what have major problems recovering.

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For some reason I hadn't even considered that, but I agree. So good catch mate.

And yet another fun and exciting question! What would you consider to fall under the Major Focus on Necromancy on the corporeal side? Obviously the ghost stuff we've got under Mentem is fairly easy, hence the question.

I would include bodies of dead animals as well. I would not include dead plant material.

Agreed on the Herbam front.

So you'd more or less define it as any effect designed to affect a dead human or animal?

What about parts instead of a body as we whole? Say a Creo Corpus spell to create bones for some purpose. Would that fall under the focus?

My computer decided to stop working. I'm trying to fix the problem, but between this and an upcoming business travel I might lack the time or energy to post (typing on my cellphone is a chore...).

I'll try to keep you informed.

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No worries at all, but thank you for letting us know. Best regards and I hope the fix isn't too expensive.

Just a quick update. I have been working under a deadline that ends today, so starting tomorrow I'll have more time to devote to things. @Nithyn has had a house full of sick people so he has been likewise quite a bit more occupied than normal. We will both be trying to give more attention/time to things in the near term as soon as possible.

Indeed. We've been something of a plague house this past week, and between that and the end of the quarter, my life has been... hectic. The good news is, it looks like everyone is on the mend (fingers crossed at any rate), so I should be able to keep moving forward. Hoping to get a bit of work done on my character today actually. That and review the spell for @callen

I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the new House Rule thread which I recently put up and pinned, to ensure no one is unpleasantly surprised in the future.

Discussion of said rules is welcome. You might just change my mind.

I'm back from the travel, and with a temporary fix to my computer. Will begin to post again.

On House Rules:

  1. About Abilities, would it be ok to change specialties when any XP is allocated to the ability instead of when the score goes up?

  2. Realms: so demons can be detected by hermetic Intellego magic?


  1. IIRC you mentioned on a different saga your distaste for dispelling rituals with spontaneous/formulaic spells (the key preoccupation being with the possibility of dispelling the Aegis). Any reflections of that here?
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I'm a bit hesitant to say that any xp allowance would facilitate a shift in total focus. An example would be putting say 5xp from an adventure or spending one season reading a tract and then allowing a shift in overall specialty. That said I am not sure being restrictive on this really adds a lot of value in gameplay either. Thoughts?

Unless they have a deception power that is powerful enough to overcome said magic. Powerful demons are by nature incredibly deceptive, including to magic. But demons are not blanketly immune to all Intellego magic just by being associated with the Infernal Realm. One can assume that demons are very able to defend against and subvert Intellego magic, and thus trusting results of such magic where the Infernal is involved is suspect at best, but it is "possible" to defeat their efforts and gain actual information. Don't ask me how to be sure.

Yes. This entry from the House Rules thread addresses that point.

I have pondered whether to make that more general so that say suppression or any sort of affecting of a ritual magic effect likewise requires ritual magic.

Oh, I missed that entirely. Thanks.

Regarding Abilities, it was just a though. After some time it's going to be hard to change your focus w/o investing a large amount of time to raise your score... but then, isn't this just like real life? It is also something unlikely to have a huge impact on the saga, so, no trouble.

No comments on the rest, the HRs seem reasonable to me.


Glad to have you back!

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Technically, the core book never tells us how the specialties ever come about. It just tells us to take them. So there is some leeway without really even requiring a house rule. What I like about going up a level is that you never suddenly get worse at anything. Otherwise you might use an Ability at a higher level,, and then it lowers when you get better at something else.


Well said @callen

We tried to keep the rules fairly basic and straightforward here. Nothing too earth shattering, so I'm glad to see folks approve.

As always, this is very much a living document as it were, so if folks ever want to pitch something/have concerns, please feel free to jump in!

Edit: One thing, I would tweak the house rule about dispelling rituals to including Re Vim magic (maybe Mu too?) in general too. Feels like a potential loophole to the dispel angle if someone can just suppress the Aegis for a period of time.

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Perhaps suggest some wording for this overall? I have in mind restricting interacting with Ritual Magic, other than Intellego, to Ritual Magic. Otherwise not altering RAW functioning/restrictions.

Concur, so I think we'll leave that rule as stated re: specializations.

Also, some of you may have seen the recent thread I started Re: Potent Magic. I was also considering a House Rule to eliminate the requirement for Potent Spells to receive the bonus from Potent Magic. Thoughts?

I haven't read it, but I'm assuming that this has something to do with eliminating the need to build potent spells at a given level? If so, I'm all for it. Always felt arbitrary to me if I'm being perfectly honest.