OOC discussion

That makes sense, you can go ahead and fill in their plans for 1122 onwards. Obviously Oliverius needs to do his aging rolls...

for some reason I always get excited when Paco gets chosen for an adventure- I mean he is large, stamina 5 (thanks to spell work), heals quickly, and is jinxed. And there's the name. I just can't help but visualize a physical comedy for him every adventure.

Oh, I realized today the big disadvantage with having me try to take over Oliverius:

I have no idea how to 'improve automata', other than to dissect Aegis and staple her together again.

Poor Aegis, you cad! :smiley: I think leo's backstory for Oliverius stemmed from the fact that the Magi of the Praesidium had uncovered more than a few Mechanica of Heron devices and books (in the Collections on the Wiki), and he was going for Integration of that form of magic.

(though we haven't made it public, nobody has actually read or translated the texts, or spent a season investigating the devices, don't know how he found out...there's a traitor in our midst!) :wink:

Hi racconmask

Ignes.Festivus is right, I thought to study these Mechanica of Heron items as described in the Ancient Magic book.

You know, there's this Spies hook somewhere in the Covenants book...

So way back here it looks like we snagged a hedge tradition. I think the final decision was it would be a major hedge tradition boon and a major regio hook. (With the Hedgies as Gruagratch). Should I go add that to the wiki?

We also picked up Hermetic Politics

We actually have the Informants Boon, but it hasn't really provided tangible results...waitaminute...they are informing...on us? :stuck_out_tongue: What a twist!

Ahh...Ancient Magic. A glorious book about.. uh.. ancient.. magical... things... uh. Hmm. I don't own that book.

In this case I can change Oliverius a bit leaving out the Mechanica of Heron part. What do you think silveroak?

If you're interested in the Mechanica of Heron, I suggest that Oliverius's apprentice finds those books and goes hog-wild. I do own the HoH:MC book, so I can at least play around with Automata (and learn how they work) but since the mentor characters aren't the long-term focus, it's cooler for Arduino to pick up the weird stuff. :wink:

ancient magic without the book sounds fun :>
all you would do is investigate items for insight, which would lead you to specific spells or devices you would need to invent, then suddenly you develop new virtues. And without the book you would be researching as blindly as your character...
but if you would rather you can change the background accordingly, though in that case he would need a new motivation to come to PO from Verde.

Well, I don't know the mechanics, and would need someone to give me information/suggestions on how to handle pretty much the entire process. >.< But really, its whatever you prefer for that. I'm willing to ruin things for you... or to you know, have a tutorial on researching old broken things.

getting insight involves studying a potential source (old books, items, or a teacher- if it is ancient magic presumably a ghost or other supernatural entity) and rolling magic theory+int with a target of 18. If you reach the target you are given a spell or enchantment that you can produce in order to get breakthrough points equal to the magnitude. When you get enough breakthrough points the gnomes steal your underwear and world domination... er you get a new hermetic virtue related to what you were studying.

If you don't know the mechanics I prefer to left the Mechanica of Heron discovery to Arduino and make some changes to Oliverius' background.

silveroak regarding Oliverius I'm thinking to replace the Driven flaw with Ambitious and the Magical Friend flaw with Grudge (HoH: Mystery Cults p.136).

In this scenario Oliverius left Verdi for the bitter rivalry with another resident wizard, who has hampered him several times over the last few years exploiting the greatest weight he has within the Covenant.

Oliverius choose Praesidium Orae as his new home because is an ascending Covenant rich in Vis and mundane wealth, located not too far from Verdi where his enemy still dwell.

In fact, Oliverius has not forgotten and waits for the best time to repay the attentions he receives, randomly questioning his apprentice on Verdi's news and hoping to get some useful information.

Works for you?

Hi all!

Once again, a storm heads my way IRL. Probably won't have any connection Wednesday on, and it's difficult to predict how long it will be since I can be online again. Best case scenario, Saturday. Be safe, hope it doesn't affect anyone else!

that works for Oliverius

Ok, raccoonmask and silveroak I updated the Oliverius wiki page with the new background and flaws.

Also, any time a mixed-house covenant doesn't have any Verditius, it's usually VERY happy to have a Verditius. For some reason. No idea why, they're all mad as hatters.

Go ahead and fill in Oliverius, it looks like both Ouragon's and Taurus old labs are available...
Arduino can start as well, but they need to be filled in quickly or started in 1123.