OOC discussion

Just noticed many of the servants (children) have "Weak Characteristics". Is there something going on, or is it just mere coincidence? :open_mouth:

I have been rolling characteristics to make things a bit more random (and discarding the outlandish rolls) and this is just how things have come up. To be fair the rolling method does weight towards stats of 0... I should perhaps change that... if I can figure out a good way to weight it without changing the range...

Sorry for the delay. I am trying to keep up with the Seasonal Activities spreadsheet. Hopefully I'll be back to posting in the next couple of days. It will take me a few days to catch up, however. I am not intending to abandon the characters or the saga.

Silveroak, I'm not sure what you mean by "covering" for me ... I'm sorry if I have not understood the expected etiquette about absences.

basically in order to keep the game flowing you can name another player to run your fast adventures in your absence- especially if you know ahead of time when the absence will be.
also I do not consider posts promising to post in game later to be participation- I have seen too many games die while people posted a series of posts promising future actual involvement. As I say to my kids- show me, don't tell me.

I'll schedule something in 1111 for a longevity ritual for Pazzino. Evan's price is just that he be allowed to try original research on it.

I see Camilla wants to learn spells. Evan, in his extreme generosity, will let her use the lab, while he reads a book. So she can use the lab in Autumn

At what point does the covenant want to build her a lab? Money is certainly not a problem (at the end of 1110 there are over 3 tons of silver in the treasury) and it would speed her education.

Yay for Master Evandrus! Anna will also need a Lab, even sooner, she's Gauntleted I think 6 seasons in front. Guess we'll have to start begging/paying for lab access in the meantime.

She can use Evandrus's lab for now. Also the lab text's he scribbled out.

So you need to experiment when making creating something from insight as per pg. 9 of Ancient Magic. So not taking any "exceptional" risk. Now for the extra-ordinary results roll. Stress(3). Nothing extra-ordinary happens, and we get a nice mag 6 spell, and 6 breakthrough points.

I also have an idea for a custom spell. - Somewhat inspired by pg. 58 of Transforming Mythic Europe - Notably the bit about "Unnatural Stones" - which seems to indicate you can make self-healing stones by adding a Corpus and Muto requisite.
Great Tower of Life Giver - CrTe - 50
Requisites: Muto, Corpus
R: Touch D: Mom T: Ind, Ritual
This spell creates a massive tower seemingly created out of a solid chunk of white marble. The tower is 30 paces in diameter and 150 paces high. Each level has about 4000 square feet of free floor space, and in addition has stairs, thick walls, strong supports and numerous places for archers. Furthermore the tower is sunk deeply into the ground. Theoretically it should be over a thousand paces deep, but traveling more than 50 levels down is not recommended. Beyond that the tower is no longer designed for people, but simply to support itself. The caster can decide the floor plan of the above ground levels and the 50 first below ground levels if he wishes, but this will require a finesse roll.

More fantastically, the tower is not truly marble, but something more like coral. While it has the strength of marble, it weighs little allowing the tower to stay upright even after sustaining significant damage. Finally, the tower will "heal" itself. The process involves, oozing blood and scabbing which mundanes will likely find disturbing. Any fragments of the tower that are broken off will soon die and become very fragile. Killing the tower itself would require ripping up the foundations themselves that are deep below the surface of the earth.

Despite what the autocrats might hope, this will not save any money on buildings. Keeping rooms of the tower in a livable condition requires just as much work and resources as with a perfectly normal building. A little money might be saved in terms of the building itself, but the furnishings inside the tower seem to wear out just a little faster.
Base 3 +1 Touch +2 Complexity +1 Muto Req +1 Corpus Req +6 Size

So comments? This spell isn't quite as a straight line from the guidelines to the spell as I normally prefer. It would be fairly difficult for him to pull off too, but I think it would help spread his reputation, so he has a good reason to try.

P.S. I'm intentionally playing Evandrus as a bit of a jerk. I'll try to make up for him with Anna. BOOKS!

Hehehe, I forbid you to read my mind. One of the first things Camilla was going to create was a Tower of Bone. Not quite as grand as this, but also in the plans was a (Muto) (Terram) requisite version to make it as solid as the hardest granite. I think you need to add at least a +1 to Complexity (maybe decrease the size by 1), in line with the "Conjuring the Mystic Tower" effect, and certainly avoid Finesse rolls for such a gigantic building. As for the rest, looks good. Maybe experiment a little at first with a CrTe (Mu, Co) ritual that creates the material, or an adventure or 2 to locate similar materials? (Or maybe that's just me and is simply unnecessary). Next up, a Living tower that grows and spawns little buildings. And moves and mates with other towers! A world overrun by buildings! Fertility Cult madness!

Evan may be a big jerk, but he's certainly an insanely great teacher!

Question: are you going to make it a thousand paces deep? :smiling_imp:

Hi all --
My apologies for not posting this month. Unfortunately, time for playing has been really hard to come by this month, and while I thought my RL work load would relax a bit, it does not look like that's going to happen after all, and I need to leave the game. Thank you for the interesting scenarios, the different style of play, and the really creative stories. I've learned some new things and I have enjoyed myself.
Best wishes and happy gaming.

Sad to hear it! Hope to share a game again some day.

Question, silveroak, is Camilla familiar with Evandrus's scribbles? That is, can she read his Lab Texts without translating them first?

Also, Quite Possibly a Cat, does Evandrus have all the Lab Texts for all his spells ?

There does not appear to be any benefit fortranslating lab texts derived from being the apprentice of the magus in question.

Archemedies- if you find you have time later and wish to rejoin the saga you will be welcome to do so, though the characters will obviously be different.

So after running the numbers, it turns out it would be fairly difficult to manage a level 50 CrTe spell, with a Muto Req for Evan. So I made a slightly scaled down version.

Great Healer's Hut – Creo Te - 40
Req: Co, Mu
R: Touch D: Mom T: Ind
This spell creates a small keep that looks like it was carved out of a large block of white, slightly translucent stone. Even the doors appear as if they were somehow chiseled out of the same block. Thin "windows" provide some light above ground although. The keep is 20 by 20 paces as its ground foot print, it is sunk 10 paces underground, and goes 15 paces above ground.

The top floor has space for two labs at 1500 sq feet (Size+5) each. The three other above ground levels are each subdivided into 4 500 sq foot rooms each with two attached 10ft by 10ft "closets", and plenty of hall and stair space. Each each lab has its own stairway connecting to one of the rooms below. This allows for a magus to have a sanctum consisting of a lab, a room, and two closets.

The three underground levels have 3000 sq feet of floor space and thick support columns and stairs leading to the level above and below.

The material making the keep isn't regular stone. While it has the strength of marble, it is very light. Also the doors aren't too difficult to open or close despite apparently being made of stone. Even more increadibly it is capable of repairing itself from moderate damage. The "stone" will bleed and scab and slowly rebuild itself.

Base 3 + 1 touch + 2 Req +2 Complexity +4 Size

Design Notes: The Mystic Tower has one magnitude more for complexity, but I consider this less than "elaborately carved". Note the guidelines for Creo Te, only suggest adding one magnitude for elaborate shape, so I figured we should split the difference. Does that makes sense? Evan could probably cast a level 45 version too, so its not that big a deal either way. Thoughts/comments? Still want me to tack on an extra magnitude?

Looks good to me, how about The Healer's Den? The Healer's Demesne? Hut sounds just a step above Hovel.

Evandrus's Abode? Healer's Hospital? The Corpus Creche? :smiley:

I'm wondering where you are planning to cast it, given how much living space is already crowded into the covenant...

Good question... is there a map or something? Technically he could just cast it anywhere in the Aura I suppose... maybe I should go look at the building thread

I had assumed that the covenant had spread to cover the aura within the walls of the castle- on the basis that the magi would want to surround the entire aura. He could go looking for another unclaimed aura, which would put it outside the covenant, or he could cast it just outside the castle... make some room by moving more mundane functions into the... demense, den?
20 paces by 20 paces is 50 foot by 50 foot- certainly this could be cleared within the castle though it would obviously cost resources to relocate people... right now there is space occupied for 404 points of occupants, up from the 193 points in 1100. Some of this is from population growth, some from the fact that you just transitioned to a summer covenant. The original conjured tower holds up to 100 points in inhabitants, and a lot of the space (especially any storage) is already underground...the dimantions of that were 30 feet wide (706 sq ft) and 80 ft high (presumedly 8-10 stories), for 5648 to 7060 sq ft, or 56-70 sq ft of building space per point of inhabitant, roughly speaking, which means you currently have between 22,624 sq ft and 28,280 sq ft of floor space occupied. The 10 largest castles in the world range from 35,737 sq ft to 143,591 sq ft. and most of these were either built or expanded since the 14th century. Covenants lists the largest keeps of the type the covenant has as being 53 feet in diameter and 151x111 ft for a rectangular version. Using the second of these (Colchester) as a basis, this would give it a ground area of 16,761 square feet- which means that for those living outside the conjured tower there is between 17 and 21 thousand square feet of floor space in 16,055 sq ft of ground space- easily doable with a combination of excavation and 2 story buildings, but also not somewhere I would expect to find 2500 sq ft of space in a single location to place this newer tower...

What are the tethers to our aura, where does it originate?