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About the wiki...

I see that only Crawfs has created a user. I encourage everyone to create an account. This will make it easier to edit any page you want on the wiki. This will also allow me to close the further creation of user, in order to avoid someone inviting themselves to the wiki.

The main page has links to pretty much everything. You can create sub-pages (see Cornelius) to keep things organized.

Have fun! The wiki is for everyone to edit and improve. :smiley:

Created account, my daughter AND my wife are both ill :confused: I won't post a lot in the next few days.

Life! I actually had more time to post because of kids who are ill (and slept most of the day). And then there is this pesky little birthday party this weekend.

Well played sir. Well played. Although a question: what book is Bastion referring to? St. Avery is Bonisagus, not Tytalus, which is what it sounds like Bastion is talking about.

Uh, I assumed Avery is catholic right? He's referring to the Bible.

Ah - yep, he is. Although his name refers to the town he's from: St. Avery By-The-Thames. His first name is Michael. (Technically, Emily is also "St. Avery" - but that would get a bit confusing.)

EDIT - but by default, pretty much the whole Order is nominally Christian by default - either Catholic in the west, or (mostly) Eastern Orthodox in the Theben Tribunal. Even mystery cults such as the Bjorner, as a whole, consider themselves to be as Christian as the groups they pull from. The closest thing to atheists we've got are Tytalus, and they're more about throwing off conventional understandings of societal mores than they are rejecting the existence of the Divine.

The actual religion most in the Order would follow would be slightly heretical, as the Order can perceive the Dominion auras of Muslim mosques or Jewish temples; as such, they would likely acknowledge that the Divine is there, as well. But being Pagan, Muslim, or Jewish is the Outsider flaw, and none of us took that.

So...that 'silly book' that St. Avery at least nominally follows is the same one that the rest of the Order acknowledges as well. As such, we're all about equally religious.

We have a chapter 0 and a chapter 1 simultaneously. I don't think that will be a problem, unless you decide to raze the covenant in chapter 0.

You never know when deciding on the covenants name can lead to an all out wizards war.

OK - we've had a couple of suggestions for names; does anyone have a particular preference?

Pit of Death - 'Fovea Mortis'
Black Hole - 'Niger Vorago'
Solitary Spring - 'Fons Solis'
Propitious sacrifice - propitius sacrificium"
Heart of the Mountain/Mountainheart - Cor Montem
Soul of the Mountain - Anima Montem
Profunda Spiritus or Profunda Mons - Deep Spirit or Deep Mountain
Columnae Mons - Pillars of the Mountain

Just slapping together some of the noun/adjectives we've got going:
Solitary Mountain - Solis Mons;
Deep Well - Profoundis Fons

I do still like my suggestion

Personally, I like Solis Fons, (you can switch those around in latin, right?) and Solis Mons - although there is another covenant in the mountains up in the Normandy tribunal, so it's not like we're the only covenant in the area.

I also like MountainHeart (Cor Mountem) and Deep Well (Profundda Fons). Really, any variant of Deep/Solitary Mountain/Spring would work, IMO.

Note that my only real serious one was Solitary Spring - the other two were just St. Avery babbling.

Long day of IRL traveling. Can't write a good post. Also the internet access may be spotty up until new years.

Oh, also: what's the Silver Consensus/Rule of Silver in Provencal? I was under the impression that it was, by default, no more than 2 mp/year per magi per tribunal. However, the discussion in Transforming Mythic Europe says that the Consensus is mainly background, and actually isn't necessarily canon - and it may be Order-wide, or may be implemented at the Tribunal level, or may not be implemented everywhere.

I was going with the default. It means a little more work to make money magically - and in the case of salt creation, it's a potential story source (as salt production rights can potentially be legally enforced), but it's more-or-less in the background.

Your character probably wouldn't know anyway.

And happy Xmas etc to yall. Slowdown is expected to happen. Just be sure to be back when the needles settle.

I think we're waiting on Elizabeth (aka "the one magi they won't stab if she starts to talk") to start up a conversation - if that doesn't happen in 2 days or so, I can have Emily step up and yell at everyone. (Although in looking at the sheet - Elizabeth is WAY more qualified for these sorts of things.)

Cornelius is also gentle gifted.

Oh, right - I THOUGHT there were two people who could...he's just the one that has completely horrid reaction times.

Well, only if they speak English or Latin. Why be Gentle Gifted if you can speak the language?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: