[Sub Rosa] Call for articles, issue 19!

As we're just waiting on artwork for 19, thoughts have turned to issue 20 and the theme... We now have one. Separate thread to follow.

I've updated the table of contents up until issue #18 (the current one as I'm writing this).

Sub Rosa Table of Contents (Issues #1 to #18)

Edit: Fixed link and reference to issue #19, which should've been #18.

Yirkash, your link doesn't work?

Sorry, you're right. I mistakenly wrote #19 instead of #18 as the last issue.

Fixed now.

And we've got the art in. I'm just finishing up "Under the Rose," and we should be about there.

Burn some grogs in front of the others : it can hurry up the process #JustFlambeauThings

Issue 19 has now been sent out to subscribers.

We'll have full details on issue 19 up before you know it...


How do I go about claiming my free Sub Rosa #19 (second review on issue #18 thread). Don't think I"ll be able to review it on time to claim a free issue #20, alas.



Check your PMs. :slight_smile:

Once I've got it, I can get you squared.
