Summer 1229- The tribunal meets

"Do you have a spell we should collaborate on?"

[He can make a tree on his own, just needs to know that it would be helpful. You can spont Wizard's Communion.]

From Wizard's Communion: "This spell lets magi combine their power to cast spells. The group of magi work together to cast a specified spell through the unified power of the Communion. Only one extra magus may join the Communion for each 5 levels of the specified spell being cast. One of the magi in the group must also know the specified spell." [...] "Communion is a remnant of Mercurian rituals, so spontaneous spells may not be cast by this means

So yes, you can spont Wizard's Communion, but you cannot use Wizard's Communion on a spontaneous spell, since by definition spontaneous spells aren't known.

"I have a spell to turn a tree into an abode, but it's nothing fancy. I will make sure to research a more elaborate abode for our next Tribunal."

"Well, let me create a tree, then."

Kriegeist marks out a spot, and casts a ceremonial spell, causing a large Oak tree to grow.

Silveroak - how do you wish to handle correspondence xp for in-game advancement, if at all?

When you make a friend that you begin corresponding with in game then we will note that correspondence and any season where you study that topic you will get +1 to your study total.

You turn a tree into an abode, and proceed to the main hall, where the magi of the tribunal, or those carrying their sigils, are meeting. You are told there will be a formal introduction to the entire group this evening, but to feel free to mingle until then.

You find the trading of magical goods to be far less than at other tribunals, their is a trading hall which dispenses with the usual booths and instead has magi seated in comfortable chairs with a small table giving their name and trade, with another chair nearby so someone could sit and talk. There is also a buffet where seats are around tables designed for 5 or 6 individuals, and most people seated in this room are not actually eating. There is also a gallery which includes both enchanted devices and artwork.

Kriegeist meanders through the hall, looking for a representative of the Redcaps trading in books.

The redcap exchange is not represented at the tribunal, they sell by their own network instead.

Is there a free table in the trading hall? If so, Elia will sit there, and announce herself as a maker of Longevity Rituals.

Tables cost a pawn of vis for the length of the tribunal.

Schwartz wanders through the hall, talking to the mages there, discussing what they have for sale. Even if he isn't interested, right now, in what they are selling, he discusses what they sell with them. If anyone else looks like someone interesting to talk to, he gets some food from the buffet and sits down to talk to them. (Basically acting friendly, finding out about who else is in the tribunal, introducing himself.)

Giovani looks around outside the mage area, to see if there is anyone selling non-magic items, and to get a feel for what might sell here. He also discusses prices for various items that he may be interested in. If he can get into the area where magic things are sold, he does the same thing. (But tries not to offend anyone, while seeing if they are in the market for anything he has access to.)

There are two magi selling longevity rituals who are already seated, an artist apparently of some renown amongst the Jerbiton, who sells sculpted illusions as enchantments, a mystagogue who is more recruiting than actually selling, and an author who is peddling his tractatus on "magical elegances" for those who wish to order a copy. A sixth magus arranges the adoption of magical cats, and one who is offering the sale of various fixed arcane connections to various places, and can arrange the acquisition of arcane connections he does not currently possess. One young magus appears to be selling off the estate of his mentor who has died this last winter and thus has a rather eclectic set of available goods. Another is apparently taking bets on the outcome of various mundane intrigues, such as how the Teutonic order will fare against the Prussian pagans, or whether Fredrick II will actually go on crusade. Finally one older maga is trying to arrange an apprentice breeding program, which is not generating a lot of interest.

Kriegeist is curious about the apprentice breeding program, he will approach and sit down. With a casual tone, he says, "I'm Kriegeist. Apprentice-breeding, eh? Tell me more..."

Before sitting Elia will wander off to chat with the mystagogue, and see what is he recruiting for.

"There are cases where the Gift runs in bloodlines, and there are certainly other traits that sometimes skip generations. I'm worried that because our longevity rituals produce sterility that we are reducing the number of Gifted in the population so I thought we should breed our apprentices, while they are of an age where having children is ideal, so we can watch their bloodlines and see if more Gifted arise from the results. Now do you have a boy apprentice or a girl apprentice?"

I was thinking that Anastasia would have kept in contact with her parens and with the Bonisagus researcher who showed interest in the unusual result of her experiment on a grog, and would be corresponding with them at game start.

Anastasia will also show some curiosity about the type of mysteries the mystagogue is there to recruit for.

That would be fine, that should probably be in the character thread rather than here.

The mystagogue is making vague promises of "secrets of deep magic" which will be revealed over years as you provide service to the mystery cult. She makes some promises about an endless source of magical power and being able to tap into the divine without having to be of service to it.

"That is an interesting observation. I do think young magae often try to have a child or two before they partake of the ritual. I would also observe that Gifted people in the mundane world are less likely than an ordinary person to find a mate and raise a family.
Anyway, my apprentice is a young man, though he is not with me at tribunal."

She sighs "Mine is also male, but if you would be interested in participating then write down a description of the young man and his magical abilities and when I find some female apprentices for breeding there will be more options available."

Kriegeist will exchange correspondence information with her. Then he will go check out the estate sale, mainly interested in what incomplete research, if any, there is.

Or anything non-hermetic.