Table talk (Bibracte)

As far as I'm concerned, you didn't even need to wait this long. Someone needs to start a chapter thread for your arrival. 1226.3 ____, for Autumn of that year, right?

I've added a column for you to the Magi Planner Spreadsheet.


And here's a fun bit of nigh-useless number crunching to start my morning:

Viscaria's Lab Total for Spells
Rego 10 +Terram 15 + Affinity 3 +Int 3+ Magic Theory 6 + Rego Aura 10 + Familiar (+Int 1 +MT 7(enchant) = 8) + Lab (General -2 + Terram 2 + Texts 6 = 6) = 61

Hermes Portal is ReTe 75.

Which means that if:

  • Korvin found me a lab text for the spell
  • I borrowed Abigail for +11
  • I borrowed Sheelagh for +6

...then Viscaria could learn the ritual. Now, her Casting Total is:

Re 10 + Te 15 + Te Affinity 3 + Sta 0 + Rego Aura 10 + Artes Liberales 2 + Philosophiae 4 + Talisman (rego terram effects) 4 = 48 + Stress die.

So she's NOWHERE close to being able to CAST the spell. But she could absolutely learn it from a lab text. Though I do note the covenant owns summa capable of teaching her the required levels of Re and Te.

I'm going to go ahead and send the letter to Roberto and santiago and Ariel, figure the season after the initial letter.

It's awesome being awesome, isn't it?

Call me crazy, but I still have a bit of a preference for playing journeymen magi struggling to turn a winter covenant back to spring. Having a character with this much power is.....I mean, it's just a completely different game.

Without adjusting Ogmios's Saddle or taking over Princeps Duties for Korvin so he can sort Apollodorus's stuff, I have 3 seasons currently empty on the schedule. The Finesse book will get me up a level in 2 seasons, so I'm going to spend the 3rd season learning Leap of the Homecoming -- which, again, is a shift in power level that is kind of awe-inspiring.

OK. I can take up the cup, and tomorrow I will post a thread "On the Road to Mons Electi". I'll write a scene of Roberto & entourage riding along, some banter, and some one can catch it from there. Tkae up the voice of one of the members of the entourage, introduce a situation, &/or paint the scene of what Roberto will see when he arrives. We can go from there.
What is a mage planner?

Get well my friend.

The Mage Planner spreadsheet is a document that allows us to keep track of who is doing what in which season, and make sure no one is doubling up on Experience Sources.

Why do you need Korvin to find Hermes Portal. It is available for everyone. If you are thinking Mercere portal then the short answer is not going to happen. The long answer is it is never, ever going to happen.

My understanding of canon is that Mercere Portals (the items) are a lost art, and that Hermes Portals is a ritual that is closely guarded by the Mercere.

you are not getting it :smiley:

It must be a punny title based on a book or movie. Perhaps Pale Rider or The Flamebeau who came to Dinner.
Up In a Heaval(Think Piers Anthony for good thread titles). The Man from Novus Main,Band of Others :smiley:

Anyone can do a Hermes Portal which lasts one year. Only the Mercere can do a Mercere Portal (HoH:TL pg 100) which lasts until destroyed.

are you not familiar with the famous "On the Road..." pictures? Bob Hope & Bing Crosby, sometime in the 40's or 50's.

How about "Danger in a Strange Land" ?

You mean Road to Mons Electi, which could be based on such timeless comedy classics as Road to Morocco, Road to Utopia, and Road to Bali, among others. (Which, in turn, were the inspiration for Myth-Adventures)

You could also do Escape From Novus Mane (Escape from New York).

I revised my build point picks as follows...

75bp of covenant resources...
Items given Roberto by Santiago with the intent of sharing them with Mons Electi in effort to earn their favor.

Grimoire of Novus Mane, by Roberto of Flambeau, 120 levels of spell lab texts (24bp)
Cr(Re)Au30 Wings of Soaring Wind
CrCo30r Gentle Touch of Asclepius
ReCo35 Leap of Homecoming
PeIm10 Hide from Prying Eyes (As Veil of Invisibility, with R: Personal, D: Conc)
ReVi15 Transfer the Essence of Vis

Pyromancy, by Incedius of Flambeau, 55 levels of lab texts (11bp)
CrIg5 Palm of Flame
CrIg25 Arc of Fiery Ribbons
CrIg25 Coat of Flame

Scroll of Santiago, by Santiago of Flambeau, 100 levels of spell lab texts (20bp)
MuAn15 Doublet of Impenetrable Silk
MuHe15 Aegis of Unbreakable Wood
CrTe15 Sword from the Unseen Scabbard
MuTe25 Hardness of Adamite
PeTe30 Hauberk of Sublime Lightness

Title & Deed to a Share of Tagus: Vis source yielding 4 Ignem per year (20bp)
Granted by Master Santiago, approved by Grandmaster Antonio.
The Knights of Seneca hold a collective claim to an isolated valley near the Tagus River in Spain. In said valley exists a weak magic aura, and the herbs and other natural objects accumulate vis in the Form of Ignem. This deed entitles Roberto to a share of this vis and use of this land, yielding an annual dividend of 4 Ignem. Santiago's intent is for Roberto to share this vis with his new covenant, but if he is not accepted or relocates, the deed goes with him. It is not necessary to travel to Spain to harvest the vis. It may instead may be acquired from Redcaps who hold a small reserve on account in the name of the Knights of Seneca.


I sympathize with you, but I think you are foolish to think yourself as powerful. You do have power, yes. This is the dawn of your Years of Power, your summer. But there are magi many more times more powerful than you. Leap of Homecoming isn't really a power level shift. I could design a magus starting with that straight from gauntlet. Heck, I have designed a magus with Ball of Abysmal Flame and Incantation of Lightning straight out of gauntlet.
But I will confess I do prefer a natural progression model, developing the character through game play. Winter & Spring covenants are not as much fun as you think. A young magus in a Summer covenant, now that can be a blast :wink:
And you are weak for your age. The rule mandating you spend xp on spell levels hampers you. It either siphons away xp for a few levels of spells, &/or it results in you having few spells for a magus your age. Realistically, even without lab texts you should be able to pick up 20 or more levels of spells in a season just from raw invention.
So, you really are not that powerful at all.
Put Roberto in a Dimicatio versus most any of the magi here. This younger magus is a match for all of you. The one I see giving me a run for my money is Issen. My Pilium of Fire and his Ice Daggers would be the perfect spell/counterspell competition, and he is one point faster than me (thogh I have the Confidence advantage).

Dimcatio is where you land a spell forcelessly correct?

Yeah, I think you'd have Alexei in that kind of contest, his Quickness isn't too good, and his own spells have to be delivered by touch. Other than that, it's actually (from what I recall, I can't look at Alexei's page at the office) a close match. They both are great melee fighters with a common defense that adds an additional +9, making them practically unhittable. Alexei has a few more tricks than that, but still is more along the lines of buffs. Alexei doesn't have much offense aside from melee combat, though does have a decent spell to wound he just added. Overall I haven't had a good test with him in a fight, except for the joust, which didn't cater to his strengths as much. I'm a bit underwhelmed I think, but he can shine depending on the circumstances.

Total non sequitur, but is Wonder Woman's golden lasso a Talisman?

Yeah, it is a forceless casting speed contest, and since it is supposed to be non-penetrating, Alexi could employ some mastered spell at range.In an actual melee, I think you may have me beat. You have the Puissant Single Weapon virtue, right? Again, only my confidence might give me the edge, and when you start blowing c-points left and right, they go quick. I have a Confidence score of 2 because of my Self Confident Virtue, and I saved up to 10 c-points in the old saga. Do you know how impossibly hard it is to save that many when you are so tempted to use them to solve every little problem, and you can spend two at a time? It has saved my but more than once though, and I am sure it will do so again.

Roberto has a counterspell he invented for Dimicatio, but it doesn't work as well as he had hoped. "Thwarting the Thaumaturgical Threat, which has been useful in a tense situation once (though I blew a ton of c-points to pull it off), but it has diminishing returns. At level 15, employed against spells level 15 or lower, is the optimal balance for this spell. It takes an additional ten levels to reliably counter each additional 5 levels of the opposing spell. It gets real weak really quick, and is nigh useless against competitors using BoaF or IoL.

Dimicatio and Certamen (Test of Flames, aka Inirelte's School) are the only two competition events Roberto is really interested in. They dressed me up for joust once, didn't do so good. And the Wizard's Melee is kinda bothersome to him. War is not a joke or a game. He has seen the real thing too often, up close and personal, to want to engage in it as sport. As practice? Sure, that can be fun :slight_smile:

Nope. Wonder Woman is not a maga, but instead would count as a Mythic Hero or Magic Human type character. The lasso gets it magic from the material it is woven from, the Girdle of Gaea I believe.