Table Talk (OOC)

This was a very short story, with few obstacles and low danger. So I'd go with a Source Quality of 5. If a character also participates in another story during the same season, then that would raise the total Source Quality for the season to 10.

As for how much vis the source yields, 2-3 pawns per year would sound reasonable based on your description of it being a small source.

I'll be unable to post until Wednesday, August 17th. I'm the midst of preparing to collect Creo vis in a cave present my master thesis.

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Good luck!

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I'm reading the posts, but have been down with a bad cold for over a week. :sneezing_face:

I'm hoping I can resume posting soon.

Hope you get well soon!
For my part, all should be finished, with good results. =]

Is someone thinking of running a story about Regulus' trip to Confluensis? If not I think he would have made it back by now (spending the Spring researching the records of the Normandy Tribunal and half of Summer on the trip back). I'm thinking of assuming that he uncovered whatever info it's appropriate, no big problems occurred and have him present for the next council meeting.

A player new to Ars Magica is asking to join our saga. (See Troupe-style PbP Saga? - #7 by Lyroch)

He appears to have no experience with Ars, so wouldn't be able to create stories for some time, since he'd be concentrating on learning the game.

What does the troupe say?

I say yes.

EDIT (I think a few comments are due):

I agree with all you said to him.
If preferable he could create a freshly gauntleted magus, I don't think it would be a problem.

I see no problem with him taking his time before being a SG. I worry a bit more about the slow pace and if this wouldn't make him lose steam, since he is new.

All said, I'm still for yes.

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I'm ok with it too. I think it's just the three of us left.

A faster pace would be nice, but at least we're slow but steady?

Regarding story stuff, I feel a little guilty for not having anything for Regulus' trip, but nothing really comes to me. I'm not really good with stories about mundane difficulties.

I do think I have stories to tell about Regulus' activities as a Quaesitor, though. Tbh I don't have a good handle on what drives Leonardus.

It occurs to me a newly gauntleted magus could come in as a runaway or rescued apprentice, but I would only want to suggest that as an option, new player should play whatever they want, that gives them joy and enthusiasm.

I think you are mistaking Clusius for Leonardus. =9

About Regulus, I was just making sure. I think I'll have him around for the wrap up of Pilgrimage for Vis then.

For future stories, I've promised giants. I could also go ahead with the Telsberg Trouble plotline if no one else wants to, and postpone the giants a bit, so that we can change the narrative focus from Wolfgang to Clusius.

Regulus's intention is to be around Tugurium through fall and winter. He'd keep an eye open for any case worth investigating, and anything related to apprentices. As soon as we have a redcap he will resume contact with a few friends in Thebes. Otherwise he, should get to know the surroundings and try to grasp the political situation of the valley (mostly to make sure we are not breaking any hermetic law).

Oh, my bad, yeah, Clusius.

Clusius isn't the driven type. He will seize on a momentary interest, follow it for a few seasons, then move on to something else. Only sculpting will constantly remain an important part of his life.

He also lacks maturity as a leader at the moment, but hopefully after a few years (or maybe decades) of being the Princeps he will learn. He is trying to build the covenant as a legacy to Leonardus (his grand-pater), because he has fond memories of him, not knowing that Leonardus was also his mundane grandfather.

This is new for me! :open_mouth:
The plot thickens!

Yep. Clusius is Leonardus' heir in more than one way. When Clusius first arrived at Tugurium, Julius prensented him with a flat rock which was a test (see Journal entry for Spring 1204).

That was a hint. :wink:

I remember reading that and thinking "well, how does this prove anything about hermetic lineage? Can any kind of test even detect hermetic lineage?". Now it's explained.

I can't wait for the next chapter. XD

I will begin writing an answer to the Trouble with Telsbergs today, but it may take me a few days before it is ready, since it will probably be a bit long. And I need to put myself back into the Clusius grrove too.

BTW, Lyroch is unsure if he will join us. I'm leaving the offer open, so if he changes his mind he will still be welcome.

The problem is that Stephen would be the SG for that one, but he left. Houlio had also shown interest in running it AFAIR, but he hasn't posted in a while.

I'm ok with jumping into the driver's seat if everyone agrees, but I'd rather give the chance to @Plot_Device if he so wishes.

Go for it, if you have an idea.

I wouldn't say I have an idea exactly. I just want to keep things going and to try my hand at different plots. ^^

@Arthur if you could send me any relevant details about the Telsberg I would gladly pick up from where Stephen left.

Information sent to Rafael by private message.

Plot_Device, this might be a good opportunity for you to introduce a companion. That way, you'd be able to participate fully in this story.

Good point. I'll see what I can come up with over the weekend.

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