Table Talk (OOC)

Not a big deal, and not really something to worry about. I just found it strange, but was putting it down to a translation quirk.

Oh yeah, I just enjoy obscure Christian heresies. It is a weird hobby, no doubt.

Also, the Waldensians would absolutely have called knights, kings and monks bad Christians for swearing an oath, which was a big part of what fucked everyone off enough to get them excommunicated and then persecuted.

Also, they still exist!

This has been heresytalk, a Fleetwood podcast. Like and subscribe to receive more Christian heresies on a bi weekly basis. :smiley:

Maybe you should do a "30 days of heresy" next november! :wink:

So this will get interesting for the apparent Waldensian on our midst? I take it no PC is enough of a theologian to figure that out yet?

Regulus has a bit of knowledge on that, but nothing to write home about (Theology 1 (heresy)).

I think they will get interesting, but how much depends on how Father Luc and the monks from the nearby abbeys would react to rumors of Waldesians in Laimunt. I'm totally on board for that story, when the time is ripe. =9

I feel we have deep dived on a small comment. :slight_smile:

Indeed. Unless Julia confirms that it was her intent to express some sort of theological statement from Eikona, I am putting down the comment to a simple linguistic misunderstanding.

I thought she was acting historically correct (see Matthew).

Anyway, I, as a player wouldn't ever swear any oaths, but I keep my promises if at all possible. The only vow I have ever sworn was my marriage vow. I am state employed, but I didn't add "so help me God" when asked to promise my loyal service to the state, because that would have been blasphemous.

I guess I am truly a Protestant.

Sorry for causing a complication.

Sorry for going off on a heresy thing (because that is a genuine interest of mine). Medieval people required a holy oath to do damn near anything. Also, some medieval people noted that all this oath taking was explicitly against scripture, as you rightly point out. Everyone gets angry :slight_smile:

I wasn't expecting to cause a debate on oath and heresy. To me, historically most mediaval people took many oath during their lives, and didn't consider those blasphemous. It was simply a fact of life.

Specifically in Ars Magica, magi swear the Oath of Hermes after their Gauntlet, and will be hunted down and killed if they don't. The Oath of Covenant is not much different, because it is akin to a marriage vow to your covenant-mates. Pledging loyalty and to "uphold and protect" the covenant.

That is why me, as a player, was taken aback at Eikona refusing to swear an equivalent oath as a protected guest. I felt that Clusius was offering a nice gesture by doing something similar when officializing Eikona's status as a protected guest. Basically a formal way of giving one's word.

No offense intended.

I'm not against a bit of heresy, but I have no clue on how I'd run stories for that character. =/

Humm... should we use the Character Creation Discussions topic to post concepts and evaluate companion ideas?

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My bad! Deleted

I may have trouble finding time to post for a few days.

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Move him to the Characters Discussion topic, he seems interesting! Maybe someone else has a better idea on stories to throw at him. =]

In case you wonder, these will be stories in the coming seasons. There will be other types of stories as well, such as harvesting vis sources or securing some of the resources the covenant lacks. So it is a matter of what kind of story you'd like your magi to be involved in.

In this first cycle, I think each magus should probably be involved in 2 stories -- maybe 3 if they are short enough. That number includes any story in which you pursue personal goals for your magi, or generated by your Story flaws.

I don't know the best way to handle this, but at some point while Augustus is here (maybe the next day after lunch), Wolfgang will press for a meeting with him and any of the magi that are up for fighting/dealing with Normandy raids, tourneys, etc. He wants to know the rules well, he's also trying to gauge how many of his sodales are up for that sort of fight.

Would you like to do it as a small side scene, or a summary of what you would find out?

Whatever is easiest. It also depends on what other PCs would show up.

I don't want to drag things out if it's just an info dump.

Makes sense. Marcus can currently hold off like a mundane bandit at most. He wants to be better in a fight, and will spend some time on it when he gets a free minute.

He is also willing to play very fast and loose with house Verditious prices for enchantment if it is to help arm the covenant, and has some ideas after seeing a fully armed battle turb in action.

Perion would probably go to a meeting like with Wolfgang and Augustus about Normandy retribution, but there's no guarantee that he'll do anything beyond that. He's more interested in learning as much as he can about the kinds of threats he might still be facing from back in Normandy.

That said, Perion would be up for visiting the Normandy (but not Brittany) or the Rhine Tribunals in the coming seasons.