Well, you had forgotten some changes in your lab:
- Safety is +3 instead of +2
- Refinement becomes +1
I updated this (For the record, your season of service extracted 3 pawns, for what it's worth).
And I've (ALSO!!!) forgotten about the tournament for Jan Axel. It'll be one of his seasons of service, with exposure XP.
I found no trace of this book on the covenant's page (I hadn't updated the wiki on this). Where is it from? Have I missed a secret library somewhere?
EDIT: Checked Havlard's page to see if there were similar omissions, and there seem to be some problems (I cahnged nothing):
- Your MT went from its original 4 (50) to 5 (79). According to my calculations, it should have gained 9 (Key to Bonisagus) + 2 (autumn 1220 exposure) + 2 (winter 1220 exposure) + 2 (Autumn 1221 exposure) = 15 points, not 29. This is the biggest problem. Didn't you update it multiple times by error?
- your Order of Hermes Lore was 1 (5). Adding 5 points from the tribunal puts it at 1 (10), not 1 (6)
- Your scribe was 1 (5). 5 practice should put it at 1 (10), not 1 (13)