So, we all agree the tribunal is in summer 1221? Max? You're the SG, do we have it wrong?
Oh, and while you're there, I guess you rule out that anyone who practices OoH lore at it will gain 5 XP instead of the usual 4?
Winter 1220 Sangria in Toledo 5xp Charm, 2 XP Nature Lore
Spring 1221 Iolar Flies off and meets with fellow members of the huntress of the Woods and studies cult lore (Probably at Shadows of the Past unless someone else prefers it happened elsewhere) (Assuming 1 student, a teaching of 6 and a communication of 1 thats 16 xp in Huntress Lore)
Summer 1221 Iolar flies around a lot and studies Ignem from her own vis
dice roll 5 gains 11 xp .
Autumn 1221 For the Covenant Iolar writes a Tractatii on Ignem - The Fire within which ends up as quality 7. 2 XP in Scribe
Winter 1221 Tribunal . 5 xp in Order of hermes Lore
Spring 1220 Practice Great Weapons
Summer 1220 Practice Local language
Autumn 1220 Practice Great Weapons
Winter 1220 Practice local language
Spring 1221 Sangria in Toledo 7 xp awareness
Summer 1221 Practice Great Weapons
Autumn 1221 Practice Local langiuage
Winter 1221 Train locals in Great weapon(2 xp eXPOSURE TEACHING)
According to the wiki, he practiced Intrigue in Spring 1220.
Where is the error?
Ouuuups!!! Hadn't noticed this...
I was following the Kilica Model for Jan Axel (saying they practiced great weapon together), but you're right! I must redo it all T-T
Andrew, we can't have all of our companion's seasons be free seasons!!!
Refinement becomes +1
I updated this (For the record, your season of service extracted 3 pawns, for what it's worth).
And I've (ALSO!!!) forgotten about the tournament for Jan Axel. It'll be one of his seasons of service, with exposure XP.
I found no trace of this book on the covenant's page (I hadn't updated the wiki on this). Where is it from? Have I missed a secret library somewhere?
EDIT: Checked Havlard's page to see if there were similar omissions, and there seem to be some problems (I cahnged nothing):
Your MT went from its original 4 (50) to 5 (79). According to my calculations, it should have gained 9 (Key to Bonisagus) + 2 (autumn 1220 exposure) + 2 (winter 1220 exposure) + 2 (Autumn 1221 exposure) = 15 points, not 29. This is the biggest problem. Didn't you update it multiple times by error?
your Order of Hermes Lore was 1 (5). Adding 5 points from the tribunal puts it at 1 (10), not 1 (6)
Your scribe was 1 (5). 5 practice should put it at 1 (10), not 1 (13)
Deep Waters is a new book in the Covenant Library that came from the Sangria in Toledo adventure. Growing Seasons is the other book they got also added to the Library( in the Wiki) I can not edit the Covenant page on the Forum.
You are correct. Mistype on the MT. I try to track the character with MetaCreator and sometimes it does things I do not catch.
I will make changes to the others. Must have been multiple updates on my sheet.
The only refinement to the lab was to remove the missing equipment flaw which moved upkeep up 1. I missed the refinement increase. Not sure where the safety increase comes from ( reading through Covenants now).
The apparition visiting worth carries with it a plot seed that will take wirth on a fairly long journey. It will need to take place in Spring or Summer, when would be convenient for me to plan a plot which will take several agi away from the covenant?
I intend to write up the details at the weekend and will fit them around other plans
Write any tomes that should be in the library in a post, use the same format as I have and I post it in the library. Andrew; Aelianus can end the council meeting and we could then go onto your plot I have a few things in store but they would be better of a little bit into the future.