Table talk: OOC

I have an idea I can run past you and you can put it in or not ( having Hedge magic already).

Would love to hear it!
The economy has got me down, otherwise I would have ordered it already :slight_smile:

Yes, Spring 1222

Did Wirth's advancement for 1221:

  • Spring 1221: Study The Eye of Agamotto
  • Summer 1221: Normandy Tribunal: 5 XP in HoH Lore
  • Autumn 1221: Study Shield of Magic
  • Winter 1221: Invent Thwarting the Thaumaturgical Threat from the text.

Also, I'd like to know how to do companion XP, because of Jan Axel: Andrew gave kilica almost all free seasons, and I was gonna follow his lead, until marko reminded me through Dragor that companions get only 2 free seasons every year.

So what do we do, max? Do we give free seasons to all companions (thus rendering eventual wealthy virtue/poor flaw useless) or not?
First case, Marko'll need to redo dragor, or else, it'll be very unfair to him.
Second case, Andrew'll need to redo kilica.


Wi 1220: Sangria in Toledo 7xp sword.
sp 1221: Practice local language 8Xp
Su 1221: Normandy Tribunal: 5xp Brawl
au 1221: Read Green wisdom Philosophiae 10xp
Wi 1221: train locals: sword 2 xp teaching

Excuse me, I lack previous seasons for marcello on the wiki. What did he do before this?

And I see you went "full-free-time" for him, just like andrew. Does this mean we do this for all companions and ignore the rules? If so, marko should change Dragor accordingly, I feel cheated for him.

2 seasons of Flemish.


Marcello had 2 seasons helping the Covenant ( Summer and winter) and two seasons basically to himself. Did I do something wrong?

That works. You are good. Two seasons a year of covenant duty is all that is required to earn your bread and butter.

I didn't count the tournament as serving the covenant, but IMO, this can do, yes.

So, if i understand correctly, breakdown is:

  • Summer 1220: Practice Flemish (Free)
  • Autumn 1220: Practice Flemish (Free)
  • Wi 1220: Sangria in Toledo 7xp sword (Ok, say, covenant)
  • sp 1221: Practice local language 8Xp (free)
  • Su 1221: Normandy Tribunal: 5xp Brawl (Idem, covenant)
  • au 1221: Read Green wisdom Philosophiae 10xp (free)
  • Wi 1221: train locals: sword 2 xp teaching (covenant)
    4 free, 3 covenant.

Didn't he do something before summer 1220? Or was he introduced then? Did I miss something? Or did you forget these seasons?

He helped with projects. Did grunt work. Covenant work.

Then, he gained exposure XP. If he worked around the covenant, Novus Mane Area Lore might do the trick :wink: 2*2 = 4 XP, almost ability 1 :smiley:

That's not a problem , however I am not sure what she will be doing around the covenant . I intended her to be training Grogs but that is a none starter

Yes, this also killed my "2 grogs group" idea. Or not. Being a bad teacher doesn't mean she's a bad field leader. She could train with her turb, acquiring exp XP in leadership, novus mane area lore... Whatever.

Indeed! In order to get the Trained Group advantage, they need to train together, non necessarilly trained by her.

Should have told me ahead of time, I would have met up with you for lunch :slight_smile:
:wink: next time

Timing of plots
The Noblewomen seem to have turned up at the begginning of Spring , I will presume this takes place shortly before Wirth sets off. I will change the date of the ritual as for some reason I thought that the Hermetic spring started in January :cry:
So Anyone planning to travel with Wirth will be around for a few days but Wirth will need to depart fairly soon

Roberto would be glad to accompany Wirth :slight_smile:

Hermetic spring begins in march on the equinox.

I know, I just forgot briefly while setting dates for magical rituals due at the end of Spring