Table talk: OOC

Criminals it is

Vis salary helps us to keep contributing to the covenant any way

I sound like a broken record… Post the final version of boon/hooks/books in the covenant development forum. That way I know that you have decided and that it will get through the mist and into the game. I will make up a description upon the boons and flaws that are selected.

Who has done what in regards of covenant development and posted it in the right forum.

Who Books Boon/Hooks
Andrew X X
Fixer X X
Jebrick X X
Muttonbone X

As I said, my books/spells are Mark's. He picked 'em out a while back - they just haven't migrated yet.

Guess we're all gonna be real pals, after all :smiley: :wink:

And vis salary T-T :wink:

I do not have the covenant book. Can someone post the text for Vis Salary.

Muttonbone, you gotta pick a boon and hook to. I'll migrate the texts over later today :slight_smile:

Vis Salary: The covenant members get no vis as a right; instead they must earn a share of the resources by performing services for the covenant.

My boon and hook are picked and posted over there. points to the other thread

ah :slight_smile:

just saw what fixer was putting in... if those points stand and we are putting in a total of 100 i need to re work the spells and add some other texts

Kang- only 50pts of books including lab texts.

Yep, I wasn't sure, so I made 2 choices, one with 50, one with 50+50.

Now that we can edit, I'll just supress the later :smiley:

When you start writing in the first post describe how your magi arrive and who he or she brings with them.

Onward to gaming! :smiley:


I make the list you submitted 42 pts

The Summae is pretty much useless at level 4 quality 10, a tractatii of quality 10 would be cheaper and useful to people with any mentam score , while still gicving the same benefit to someone with mentam 0.
so if you change that it makes
12 pts left

I thought I would get Chapter 1 started but did not want to be the first to actually arrive

Halvard will arrive much later in the afternoon.

It's an ability Summae forget my earlier comments, for some reason I thought it was mentam

What is the consensus on the gifted riding horses, I notice Rodrigo rode a horse and I tend not to allow the gifted to ride as per P76 ARM5. I don't mind either way but it may be useful to know.
It is also possible that Rodrigo has a magical horse bred by the Flambeau covenant his paran's comes from

Well, I'd allow it, but with a very good Ride roll, of course penalized by the gift.
Another option my be ReAn magics, of course.