Table talk: OOC

Crisis averted :smiley:
I was this close to the homeless shelter! No joking! Got a new place, moved all my cats in, and I get my stuff outta storage next weekend. I am still time crunched, but I am here.

o_O That's pretty harsh!!
I'm relieved to know you're safe for the moment.

As am I!
I just held on to my faith and God provided for me :smiley:

Busy week, will probably not be able to post anything until Friday night

Having a big birthday party this weekend (I am turning 30) and then I am going on a shorter trip so posting will be difficult until Wednesday.

Have a great Bday. 30 is a good age. I'm almost to 40. Not sure how I feel on that score.

I am 40,and it sucks!!!
Not so much because of being this specific age, it is just that my life is still pretty much the same as itwas when I was 25. Which is good in some ways, but not so much in others. I don't have the stress or worry of a married man, but I haven't really accomplished anything.
But I still look young and I have my health :smiley:. I pass myself off as 30 all the time and people usually believe me (when they doubt, I confess that I am 33 and they seem satisfied).

I am 33. Reading you, I read my future :laughing:

Thanks everyone, I feel much older and wiser. :smiley:

Apologies for the slow posting, a particularly busy early week . I always have some problems on Tuesdays and Wednesdays but this week I missed my normal lunches and was out of town on Monday so was even less able to post

A question: I guess when you talk about magnitudes, you're talking "enchantment" magnitudes, uses/day and penetration included? It makes little sense otherwise. Not that, even then, this couldn't wipe the floor with us :laughing:

For both the enchantment on the chest yes it included the built in penetration and uses/day . The PeVim effect was 16th magnitude as it needed to be capable of taking down an 8th magnitude spell

It hurts!!!

Home internet was down yesterday , not sure what the problem is or when it will be back up. This will reduce my posting

Got my home internet back this morning, particularly important as I have been off work this week, Will try and catch up today

How do people interpret the parma magica protecting carried objects. For instance if a magus is carrying a magical item which had recently been stolen would his parma protect it?

Magic ristance keeps magic away from the maga, her clothing, and other items that are very close to her.-- pg 85 of ArM5 under Magic Resistance.

this would mean to me that if the Mage is holding the item, it is probably protected, but if it is away from said Mage's person, even just sat aside for a second or two it will not be protected. My 2c.

My sentiment too.

Apologies been really busy this week, and next week I will probably not be able to post much if at all between Tuesday and Saturday

Sorry for the delay. Crazy busy at work.