Table Talk: OOC

Certamen in a rowboat? :open_mouth:

It definately could happen, the comment that sekhmet could just go back into the ocean (effectively, you can go die) if she doesn't like your decision is not exactly diplomatic and set Sekhmet off. Especially the extreme lengths of spurious logic you are using to try to say they didn't harm, endanger or move her. Suggesting the death of a member of the order to save pirates is more than pushing hte edges of code.

Still we have a Wrathful Flambeau and a Fury Flambeau and things might get out of hand.

Initially I wasn't sure what you meant about getting sent out of the boat, I didn't remember reading it, but was there.

Yep it was there. There is a reason that Sekhmet is so belligerent right now. She didn't start just killing pirates but only spoke what she felt should be their fate and in return she was threatened with death. The rest of you are slowly leaping to the side of the one that made such a threat and being more hostile to her when she is the one whose life was threatened. Yeah. she is going to be belligerant and it is going to get a lot worse if it keeps up because she doesn't feel like dying.

Maybe next time.


Anyone mind if I work up the two slaves into Grogs?

I was thinking the same thing. What about the pirates?

what languages do they speak?

As for the pirates, I say we drop them overboard. Killing them first is optional.

Nah, if the pirates are harmless, who cares?

Or, more accurately, if they're chained to a wall in my lab, allowing me a Free lab customization feature as per Covenants and thus allowing me to improve my Mentem further, why should other people care?

Easy, because once they were questioned, Justice was promised. Plus we didn't know the rest of the trip was going to be uneventful that we would not want to feed and water them on the trip.

I'm still for having them as experimental subjects. I think their future value for magical development outweighs any current cost in comestibles.

I agree about justice, but I don't think punishment was decided upon. Heavy manual labor, being a lab rat or being the first in a party to walk into an unexplored 'dungeon' is punishment as well in my mind.

As for feeding and watering, I don't think it is too far from the coast of Sicily to Sousse, and we were attacked some time after we rounded Sicily I believe.

Hey, there's more than one of them; if we need to split them up for various purposes, we can do that.

I would agree with ThePedant. We split them up. If we get more than four players interested we can roll for it, highest four rolls win.

I'm new to the Play by Post way of doing things. FBM, do we need to update our character sheets or let you know how we're spending the XP?


Yeah, sounds good. Update, and post here with an FYI of what you're doing. It's exposure and adventure xp, so try to put it in somehting you did / saw / used. Beyond that, go nuts. I'll post the new thread tonight when I get a little time.

I updated Sekhmet's sheet to give her 2 xp to swim (about only thing she did). So now she doesn't get extra botch dice if trying to swim.

It is easy enough to capture you someone for your lab once we have labs. Do you really want a prisoner to have to watch, keep from escaping and worry about attacking us in our sleep with us? Dragging along prisoners sounds like a real problem, esp if it is arab prisoner that europeans were trying to drag through arab countries?

Oh, that's the fun part! I'm working on a series of magical experiments in forgetting - to see what happens when people can't remember concepts or large portions of experience. So if they escape, we'll have learned something. And honestly, there's a good chance the pirate's won't have.

Could the pirate captain somehow have a connection to these two pirates? Perhaps he took an Arcane Connection from all his pirates so if any were to steal from him, he would be able to track them down? I can't imagine the captian being too happy with us for incinerating his ship. That would my biggest hold up to keeping the pirates.

I have an interest in the slaves. Does anyone other than Warjoski have an interest in them?

Adventure(5): Terram, Rego, Call to Slumber, Finesse, Awareness
Exposure(2) Sailing, Parma

I have no interest in people we can't abuse.