[Table Talk] Return of Table Talk

When Deirdre speaks of "The English", she, of course, means the Norman Invaders.


3/4ths / 2cm of wet ice currently lies over everything here in Iowa. Let's see if I can get anything productive done before the power goes out again... :slight_smile:


Invest in a really good UPS. Definitely a lifesaver, esp if you have dial up - power may drop, but the phone lines often don't. Also act as a bullet-proof surge protector.

(UPS can also be great survival tool for other items - cell phone chargers, answering machines, radios, etc etc. And any phones that need power!) :wink:

We've got a UPS on every computer, plus a 8500W generator. It's when the ISP goes down that I definitely have a problem (No DNS, in particular). :slight_smile: I'm looking at setting up a local DNS server/cache here at the house (Not hard to do, I just need the time to do it... OpenSuse has all the programs, I need to learn to set it up and administrate it...)

Ah, well, back to the mayhem...


Azaelle got her mission but she doesn't know why she she's supposed to assasinate the head of the Kennedy clan. What did he ever do to her?

Note to self : Tone down the quirky humor.

Explanation : It was supposed to be a bit of dark humor. Asa luckily (for someone, if not for him) got hold of a message that was meant for someone else. It was an attempt at a bit of gallows humor. See also Red Herring, Maguffin, et al. It was not meant to be taken seriously, and in no way indicates that Azaelle should go nuke the poor guy.

To everyone else, who is looking thoroughly confused, don't worry about it.

Edit 07-12-14 : 22 hours without power sucks rocks. House gets real cold, too. It was 49F when I woke up this morning. Then the power came back on, and now it's 69F. I'm happy, the dogs are happy, the cats's are happy - everyone's happy. High point of this mess - the Deli at the local Wal-Mart had decent sushi in the cold case when I stopped in for batteries and electric camping lanterns.


:open_mouth: Wow. Is weather out there always like this or are you having an exceptionally bad year?

I knew you were kidding so I didn't write it into the game but I thought it was funny so I couldn't help mentioning it.

This isn't typical, but neither is it so far out of the ordinary to blame it on Global Warming, either. We typically have one good snowstorm (usually late) in the season. Typically, not more than a foot or so. The ice happens, usually not so heavily. When you've got a thunderstorm moving north, and arctic air moving south, where the 2 meet is in for some serious icing....


Is is worth coming up with some ad-hoc research rules allowing two or more characters to be researching Dierdre's book together?

We won't be studying it as such, more like mining it.

True Lineages has Consultation Rules, for Mining Libraries. Essentially, you accumulate xp in a temporary ability for a season; This temporary ability is used to make subsequent rolls to answer your question; You may continue to accquire XP, for up to 4 seasons, to this temporay score, to answer your question.

At least, I think that's how it goes...

I'll have to see how Group Study goes - there are rules lurking for it somewhere, I s'pose...


I thought it might have been in there (although I was thinking Guardians for some reason).

OOOHHH thats a good idea! :smiley: Corvus and Azaelle could both read the book at the same time! How many times will Azaelle have to hit Corvus over the head in a single season? Your guess is as good as mine!

Well, not with that book... or at least, not easily. Azaelle might need Uza's help to lift it. Yes, it's that big. Of course, the bronze in the binding doesn't help at all...


That can be arranged. A book the size of a table should be easier for 2 people to read, right?

Yes, but we also need a large circular library, sweeping camera shots, dramatic music, frequent cuts to one or other of the researchers sleeping in their chairs while the other looks up, sighs, and carries on working, and then, just as the final clue falls into place... tight crash zoom... the truth behind the curse is more terrible than anyone thought possible... "We have to stop her! Now!"

Exit researchers pursued by crow.

I'll send you the storyboard asap.

Not if the Union has anything to do with it you won't. :unamused:

[cut to crane shot of virtual picket line, Sim-picketers blocking internet, carrying signs with IM anti-scab slogans]

The union has no jurisdiction over mythic Europe.

Well, maybe not now, but I hear they're trying to muscle in! :open_mouth:

[shot of a group of writers, in trendy trenchcoats, t-shirts and chinos, pressuring a bard - "Nice harp - shame if it burned down one day, huh?"]

Those pressuring the bard suddenly realize something is wrong the moment their words start coming out as barks, chirps, and croaks. Granted, the animals they have become are all odd and unnatural colors, but soon, the bard is left alone as the horde of small animals scampers off.

Mab looks satisfied with the results of her handiwork. "That'll teach them, messing with a friend of mine..." With that, she hops off, blissfully unaware of what effect her magic has had on her, too...

Da Storyguide.
(You want Guido and Luigi? Talk to the Vezinni's...)