Tartessos ex Verditius

You can certainly make a season an exposure season, or free study, but it is not necessary to perform services... that's one of the benefits of the Hermetic Magus social status... unless of course a covenant specifies otherwise.

Okay, it looks like I need to change twenty two seasons. Can I use practice? I would think that falls under the caravan resource, since it does not involve any interaction outside the caravan. If so, I can still increase Parma and Leadership. If not, I'll edit the timeline to show the books he studies, instead.

Maybe I'll make some yummy Lesser Enchanted Items as well!

Yes, you can use practice.
Please let me know when the later seasons are finished so I can update my records.

I hate it when this board eats a post!

Looks like I have 22 seasons to replace for Tartessos, and 14 for Vulpus. Order does not particulary matter, except that the last two for both are at Sardinia, and therefore does not have caravan resources to draw upon.


11 seasons studying arts: Re 10(57), Aq 10(63), Au 10(57), Co 10 (55 - capped due to source level restrictions), He 13(92), 2x Ignem Ig 11(66), Me 11(66), Vi 13(96), Cr 13 (93), Pe 12 (78)

5 seasons studying Finesse 5(84)

2 seasons studying Magic Theory Tracti (Book learner and affinity increase exp to 21 each) MT 9+2 (134)

1 season writing a Magic Theory Tractatus SQ 13, allow Verdi to copy for 2 vis

1 seasons enchanting Lesser Enchanted items using Rego Terram Lab total (ensure it matches a cyclic magic season)
Re10+Te12+Int3+MT(specialty items)12+Aura3+Cyclic Magic3+inventive Genius3+Vulpus Int-3+Craft(specialty)9+Vulpus MT(specialty)9+IOQ Beechwood Folio3+IOQ Mason's Chisel2+IOQ Workman's Glove4+S/F Boni7 = 77
Make "Attentive Chest of the Mage's Desire" ReTe(He)25 and "Sculptor's Wand" ReTe13, requiring lab total 76, use 5 vis (8 remaining)
Use the Chest in further labwork granting +3 item specialty

1 seasons enchanting Lesser Enchanted items using MuTe Lab total (ensure it matches a cyclic magic season)
Mu8+Te12+Int3+MT(specialty items)12+Aura3+Cyclic Magic3+inventive Genius3+Vulpus Int-3+Craft(specialty)9+Vulpus MT(specialty)9+IOQ Beechwood Folio3+IOQ Mason's Chisel2+IOQ Workman's Glove4+Lab specialty3+S/F Boni7 = 78
Make "The Mason's Friend" MuTe20, "Stone Like a Feather" MuTe9, and "The Mage's Exit" MuTe9 requiring lab total 76, use 4 vis (3 remaining).
Sell Stone like a Feather and "The Mage's Exit" for a total of 6 vis (9 vis remaining)

1 seasons enchanting Lesser Enchanted items using InVi Lab total (ensure it matches a cyclic magic season)
In8+Vi13+Int3+MT(specialty items)12+Aura3+Cyclic Magic3+inventive Genius3+Vulpus Int-3+Craft(specialty)9+Vulpus MT(specialty)9+IOQ Beechwood Folio3+IOQ Mason's Chisel2+IOQ Workman's Glove4+Lab specialty3+S/F Boni7 = 79
Make "The Queer Ear that Vis is Near" InVi 19 and "The Chiming Aura" InVi20 requiring lab total of 76. Use 4 vis (5 remaining).

Magic Items detailed in the next post. I'll edit the first post to show Tartessos at game start, and add Tartessos at guantlet to the second post.

Magic Items made prior to game start:

Attentive Chest of the Mage’s Desire
ReTe(He) 25
Base ReTe3: Control or move earth in a very unnatural fashion
Range: Touch (+1 Mag)
Duration: Concentration (+1 mag)
Target: Individual
Maintains concentration, +5 levels, +1 magnitude for complexity, + 2 magnitudes to affect Iron
S/F Boni: amber wand 3” long. Amber + 3 control movement, Wand +4 control things at a distance
This wand, when placed inside a chest, allows the box moves itself to be within arm’s reach of the user at all times. It follows simple commands allowing it to position itself in the manner most advantageous to the user. The chest may be filled at the beginning of a work day/season with commonly used tools and materials. By always having the right tool/material on hand, and being able to maneuver itself, the tool chest allows the mage to work efficiently, and occasionally even accomplish something that requires a third hand.
Besides the stated effect, if this item is installed in a lab, it gains + 3 in specialties chosen from: Items, Rego, or Terram.
Cost: 3 Rego or Terram vis

The Mason’s Friend
Base: MuTe1 Change one property of earth
R: Touch (+1 mag)
D: Sun (+2 mag)
T: Part (+1 mag)
+2 magnitudes to affect stone, glass. Metal or gems
S/F Boni: Electrum Mason’s Chisel. Electrum +4 MuTe, Mason’s Chisel +2 shape stone
When the use touches the tip of the chisel to a terram based product and lightly taps it with a hammer, an individual sized part of the target changes to be as malleable as clay for Sun duration. It can be worked by mundane means, and when the duration ends, regains its normal malleability (or lack thereof), retaining any physical change made. It is commonly used to work stone and or metal products in a similar manner that a mason works wet clay. Note that sculpting may produce a product that looks good, but does not benefit from other crafting processes. A sculpted sword, for example, may look identical to a forged one, but it is useless for combat having not been tempered.
Cost: 2 Muto or Terram vis

The Queer Ear that Vis is Near
InVi 19
Base: InVi1 Detect presence of Vis
R: Touch (+1 mag)
D: Conc (+1 mag)
T: Hearing (+3 mag)
+5 levels maintain concentration extra use/day +9 levels
Shape/Form Boni: Silver Earring. Silver +2 Intellego, Earring +5 Hearing
This earring, when worn, allows the user to hear vis, in the form of low tinkling in the direction of the vis, that does not interfere with normal hearing, although it may interfere with hearing very soft sounds. Vis out in the open may be heard using the loud/booming voice guideline for distance while hidden vis may use the soft voice guideline for distance.
Cost: 2 Intellego or Vim vis

The Chiming Aura
InVi 20
Base InVi 2: Detect strength of a magical aura
R: Touch (+1 mag)
D: Conc (+1 mag)
T: Hearing (+3 mag)
Item maintains concentration +5 levels
S/F Boni: Silver earring, Silver +2 Intellego, Earring +5 Hearing
This earring, when worn, chimes the strength of the magic aura it is in, similar to how a bell tolls the hour. The chime is low and does not interfere with normal hearing, although it may cover soft sounds. If the user leaves it on and is not attentive to it, they may miss a minor change in aura strength, requiring a simple Pre roll of 7+ to recognize a change in the number of chimes. This roll is made 1/diameter, so the use will eventually notice a change, but may not be cognizant of exactly when it was made.
Cost: 2 Intellego or Vim vis

Sculptor’s Wand
Base ReTe2 Shape and form dirt, as if a craftsman had worked it
R: Touch (+1 mag)
D: Mom
T: Part (+1 mag)
Use/day (extra) +3 levels, +2 level affect glass/stone/metal/gem
S/F Boni: Bronze +3 Terram, Wand +4 Control at a distance
When the use taps the wand to a target, he may sculpt up to an individual sized part of it, substituting Finesse for Craft: Mason at a +3 difficulty. As long as the wand can touch the target, any part of it within arm’s reach can be worked, as long as the magi has some means of perceiving it, including parts not reachable by mundane means such as the inside, or areas too small to reach with tools.
Cost: 2 Rego or Terram vis

Stone Like a Feather
Base MuTe 1 Change one property of earth (weight)
R: Touch (+1 mag)
D: Conc (+1 mag)
T: Ind
+2 magnitudes to affect stone/glass/metal/gem
Extra use/day +4 levels
S/F Boni: Bronze +3 Terram, chain link glove +4 by touch, to affect
When the user places his gloved hand on an individual sized amount of Terram, it changes weight until an averaged strength person can easily lift it. This affect lasts as long as the user concentrates (15 min/level of concentration, min 15 minutes).
Cost: 1 Muto or Rego vis

The Mage’s Exit
Base MeTe 1 Change one property of earth (shape)
R: Touch (+1 mag)
D: Conce (+1 mag)
T: Part (+1 mag)
+1 magnitude for stone/glass
Extra use per day +4 levels
S/F boni: Granite +3 Terram, Mason’s Chisel +2 shape stone
When the user places the tip of this chisel on an individual sized mass of earth, rock, glass or clay, it changes shape as the mage wills while the user concentrates (15 min/level of concentration, min 15 minutes). Often used as an entrance or exit through castle walls, this item has many other uses.
Cost: 1 Muto or Rego vis

don't forget to add 3 to book quality as a book learner when calculating seasonal studies.

That should be factored in already. I'll double check things in case I had a brain fade somewhere.

I know for Rego the 57 appears to be 3x19, where the book quality is 19, with a max of 66, which means that you should gain 22 per season.

I haven;t the faintest idea how that got so jacked up. correct total should be 21 xp at guantlet + 22 xp for two seasons study = 65 xp. I'll edit the first post to reflect this; it will not change his level or lab totals at this time.

It would help to put in more information for each entry then- like starting value, number of seasons at how much experience on a score by score basis instead of just the end result.

OKay, the first two posts were revamped. The first is Tartessos at game start, the second at guantlet plus advancement. As expected, several errors were caught and corrected in art/ability scores, and vis management. Possessions were also expanded, especially defining what is cached and what he has with him.

I think he is ready for review again.

not quite done:

I get 2 seasons of Re at 22 per season +21 starting score at 65
Aq is 3 seasons at 21 from 0 to 63
Au is at 3 seasons 19 per season is 57
Co is 2 seasons at 23 per season, starting at 15, capped at 55
He is 6 seasons at 15 per season, plus 3 initial for a score of 93
Ig 3 seasons at 22 per season starting from 0 for score 66
Me for 3 seasons at 22 per season starting from 6 would be 72
Vi for 5 seasons at 16 per season starting at 10 would be 90, or at 6 seasons would be 106
Cr for 6 seasons at 15 per season plus three starting is 93
Pe for 4 seasons at 21 per season starting from 0 would be 84

I count 37 seasons here...

I concur with all those except the Mentem, which is capped by gain limit at 66. I believe these were the errors I caught, and corrected.

All are accurately listed in the first two posts.

There are 46 seasons improving arts, and 42 seasons improving skills, for a total of 88 seasons, as listed in post #2.

Okay, somewhere in here there was a miscommunication- I had craft: mason and magic theory as each having 20(30) points in each, you have listed 27 (40.5) in magic theory and 30 (45) in mason, which is a 17 point discrepancy (plus 27*1.5 would be 41.5). Not sure why this wasn't caught earlier unless it was work related...

If that puts me over at guantlet, I'll take the offending points out of craft. Just let me know how much to adjust.

Depends on your age- which you have as a ?- if we make you 21 you are 2 points over, if you are 22 you are 13 points under.

Hehe. He's actually supposed to be 20 at guantlet and 42 at game start, so it looks like I'm 32 over at guantlet.

He should get 30/year after guantlet, no?

Let's just make him 21 at guantlet, 43 at game start and take 2x1.5=3 points off craft, bringing him to 28*1.5=42 at guantlet and 150 at game start.

I also owe you another aging roll, which is a 3 according to the Excell RNG and should therefore have no affect.

he gets 15/yr before gauntlet (for age 20 you are 17 over), and 30/yr after.

This is also an issue- the caravan did not go to Sardinia at any point in it's history, and these are decidedly non-covenant resources, which may not be presumed.
being 2 years away from the caravan this should be a straight 60 points of xp for 8 seasons in Sardinia: I'm not sure what was being done the other 2 seasons but that should be folded into this as well. Note that this is 60 xp before counting any affinities.

I think I get it now, thanks for being patient with me.

at age 20, he is +17xp, so we'll keep him age 20 (42 at game start), and subtract 17 xp from @Guantlet.

Let's remove 5 from Mentem, and the remaining 12 from craft

Mentem @Guantlet: 1, @Game start still 66 due to gain limit (was 6 and 66)
Craft @Guantlet: 181.5=27, @Game Start: 135 (was 301.5=45, and 153)