Terror in Transylvania (Summer 1234)

(Just one point of clarification. Solomon specifically made it clear to Sigmundo that he could not “disguise” himself. He was able to assume a new name, like many magi do upon joining the Order, and he is allowed to take any form he chooses, again, like any shapechanging magi can. However he is NOT to claim he is a dragon-blooded descendant [that’s what Sigmundo wanted to do but Solomon so no to that] of himself. He is simply not required to announce that he is a dragon. These may seem like semantical differences, but they were pushed by Solomon for important legal reasons.)

Two points of Confidence for an awesome report that was entertaining to read. Yes, it is dry and factual. It is supposed to be dry and factual, which is why I love it. And pure fictional "dry facts" as well.
And yes, I said 2 points
Solomon gains one point, even if he is not there. See, while at home, coincidentally at the same time he is being talked about, his "ears start burning" as it were. He reflects on that incident, and is sure of himself that he did the right thing.

The gravy train closes soon. Just trying to fuel you guys up for the challenges ahead :wink:
And I also want to encourage, by means of reward, the excellent writing and roleplaying you guys do. You don't need to be a great writer (which you guys are though), you just gotta have fun with what you write (which you guys do).

But as for Poena then...

[tab][/tab]Poena maintains an expression that can bet be described as "pleasantly taciturn". She is dead serious and friendly at the same time. Vocis is a mature magus (g.1206). He remembers how she tactfully seized the reins of power from Roto (the 4th edition primus) back in 1221. It is best never again to speak of the shame Grimgroth would have brought upon the House if he would have been exposed. But it happened under Roto's watch. It is sufficient to say that Roto has since distinguished himself as the leader of a vexillation dedicated to ferreting out and eliminating any further indiscretions of a similar nature.
[tab][/tab]Poena seized power in such a way that the previous primus was able to save face as well as achieve greater accomplishments. That's her style, achieving positive results out of potentially negative circumstances. And now she is going to apply the same philosophy here.

[tab][/tab]I am pleased to see that your covenant is prospering so well. We were confident that it would. And it is wise that your leader is secretive about your resources, for that is what has enabled swift recovery. Just as we must be equally as discrete about our own resources.
[tab][/tab]As for any new young Tremere magi settling in your region, that is the discretion of Exarch Markus. I can speak to him about it though. Myself, I would like to see us have more influence in Barcelona, and this could be a way to do that. I made a graph, indexing numerous factors, and I can mathematically prove that the situation in that city has rapidly degenerated over the last twenty years and withing twenty more things will implode if we do not take action. I have informed Markus of this, but he seems to be unable to cope with it. I told him I intend to find someone who can, or someone who can help him do it. This is not your burden, but keep it in mind.
[tab][/tab]Here, try the lemon cakes. They are delicious. This little tea ritual, Roto says he discovered the beverage in distant Cathay. I will be bringing this custom home with me when I return to England after my next term expires. I was planning to step down next year, but the elders have urged me to carry on until '42 and give them a chance to vet candidates for the next Primus.
[tab][/tab]Scholars, eh? I can grant you two of them, with the condition that your Exarch may periodically draw upon their services. Once every other year for each of them.
[tab][/tab]I wouldn't worry about the dragon wizard. It is not the first time. It is wise that you spoke of it with me, ut I advise that you henceforth make no mention of it again. Obtain for us an Arcane Connection for our sense of security and we should be satisfied.
[tab][/tab]As for your apprentice, I would otherwise be delighted, but it would set a bad precedent. The lobbyists clamoring for my attention, they are ever trying to bribe appointed visitors to invite them in as guests. Last year, a Bonisagus magus was given an apprentice by a Tytalus magus just before meeting me. I would not let him bring his new apprentice in, for the apprentices name was not in the audience request. I know the girl has been your apprentice for years, but you should remember to name her on your request next time. I am very formal about this. The only exception I make is for familiars, and for the first visit only. I have accepted that most magi unconsciously think of their familiar as part of themselves. I simply ask that next time you make mention of your familiar next time you put in a requisition for an audience.
[tab][/tab]Now, tell me more about this "hospital" idea.

  1. This was a memory lapse on my part. I didn't review the details of the agreement before posting. However...
  2. Vocis is biased about this. He doesn't trust Sigmundo and thinks allowing him into the Order was a mistake. And...
  3. Vocis is a relative novice when it comes to Hermetic law (Code of Hermes 1). It's possible he didn't catch the critical semantic differences when Solomon explained them.

So, apologies for the misrepresentation, but I'm going to stick with it. :slight_smile:

My fragile ego wants to know what Vocis thinks of Fédora. :smiley:

Ha! His report was just before I joined so I'm not on the list.

Well, she's negligeable, obviously :wink:

Gah! I knew I'd forget someone. He speaks highly of her patience, wisdom, and dedication to her House, if for no other reason than she married Vulcanus four years ago and has so far refrained from causing him grievous bodily harm. :mrgreen:

I'm glad Vocis is well-informed, but I have no idea what you're talking about. I know almost nothing about previous editions.

I will contact Markus upon my return regarding the addition of a young Tremere to Andorra. I'm also willing to assist in any way I can with the Barcelona situation. It's possible the new arrangement between the two covenants will give us new opportunities for resolving the problems you've identified.

Of course, prima. This is more than fair. I've also considered the possibility of making their services available to magi from other covenants, depending on their abilities and how frequently Andorra's members utilize them in the coming years.

Certainly, though I must inform you that I spoke of this with Octavian when I arrived in Lycaneon. Aside from that conversation, I have told and will tell no one else. Octavian also suggested I acquire an arcane connection, which I will pursue in the near future.

I understand and apologize for being unaware of your requirements. My only excuse is that I've been away from Transylvania too long.

The current plan, which is far from finalized, is for our House to establish a zenodochium of sorts on the site of the Andorra Mercere Lodge. Pylaeus will enchant the healing items required. (at least I think he is - that wasn't entirely clear) In addition to standard healing effects, these items will also contain more effective powers which can only be used by a Tremere magus. The Andorran Mercere will manage the day-to-day operation of the hospital. Pylaeus is adamant that his items and the hospital itself must be available to those in need, not just Tremere magi. I therefore assume the Mercere will make the hospital available to the Order as a service-for-pay arrangement, with our House receiving an appropriate portion of the proceeds. I will also ensure that all customers know this service was established by House Tremere and that a stockpile of Creo or Corpus vis is maintained exclusively for Tremere use.

On a related note, Octavian informed me of a secret vault he had constructed within the Andorra covenant. He suggested that a portion of the Strategic Reserve could be stored there. As I haven't seen this vault yet, I don't know what could be stored in it. I can follow up on this after returning to Andorra.

Octavian also wants to coerce Andorra into the Provencal Tribunal. I would prefer Iberia but I stay out of it. Markus likes things the way they are, and it is his Exarchate so I think his decision is better informed than mine. Without Tribunal affiliation, and thus being involved in the community of that tribunal, I do not see a portion of Strategic Reserve being well deployed there. Still again, Markus has insured that a Tremere magus is in position there for decades now. You, Octavian before you, and I do not recall if there was any before that.
[tab][/tab]I trust Markus. But having said that, I also think he is growing old and inefficient. The situation in Barcelona, the infighting at Doisettep and their rivalry with Castra Sola, the travesty called the Normandy Tribunal; just to name a few issues I have. He has been Summer Exarch since before I first became Spring Exarch in Stonehenge. My home covenant is Blackthorne.
[tab][/tab]This is neither here nor there, just food for thought.
[tab][/tab]As for this zenchodium, please forgive my insistence on calling it a hospital. But I thing it is a splendid idea. And we don't have to burden the Mercere with it if they are unwilling or unable. I will gladly supply you with the staff and resources you need to run it yourself. When Pyalus is through with his term next year, I will send him to you. I heard that you were seeking a medical mentor for your apprentice? He is just the man. Train he to be a physician and groom her to take over the hospital one day.
[tab][/tab]That is my suggestion anyway. What other ideas and permutations of ideas do you have? Give me all your original thoughts.

Sometime after you finish with Poena - which I understand may take a while - a servant will find you and deliver the following letter:


Salve! My name is Antoine, magus of house Verditius, resident of this covenant. I am presently engaged in enchanting an item in my laboratory, so I must keep this brief.

News of your visit has reached me, and I have been told that you have brought armour of a - shall I say, unusual? - origin. This is a matter of great interest to me, and I would welcome a chance to speak with you.

If you are amenable, may I suggest meeting in the main courtyard an hour before the sun sets? I know of a most enjoyable stroll through the grounds, and an inspiring view.

I await your response with the greatest anticipation.

I appreciate the support. I'll discuss the matter with the Andorran Mercere and offer Tremere management if they're unwilling to give us the deal we want. And I've actually spoken with Pylaeus about fostering Micaela and he's agreed. I want to ensure the fosterage occurs after his return here, though. She needs to spend time in Transylvania.

((I've decided that saying 'give me all your original thoughts' should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. After much deliberation, I'm just going to stop thinking and jump. I expect to immediately regret this decision. :slight_smile:))

Vocis takes a long drink of tea and collects his thoughts. Very well. Earlier you mentioned that Octavian seeks to push Andorra into the Provencal tribunal, while you would prefer Iberia and Markus prefers the status quo. It's my opinion that we should explore a fourth option. When I first joined Andorra, I discussed its status with the existing members of the covenant and they spoke briefly of a theoretical Catalonia tribunal. It seems a handful of covenants in the area, including Barcelona, have considered forming a new tribunal independent from both Provencal and Iberia. This hasn't been actively pursued by Andorra due to the recovery efforts, but the covenant should be strong enough now to explore the possibility.

The new Balearic agreement between Andorra and Barcelona is a good place to start. My covenant should be in a position to influence what you've described as a covenant that is unraveling at the seams. We also recently received word of a new independent covenant starting in Pamplona and at least one senior Jerbiton magus settling on his own near Andorra itself. Our Redcap is opening communications with these new expatriates and I'm hopeful Andorra can establish a solid relationship with them and other disaffected covenants in the area. My position of Librarian should give me ample opportunity to strengthen that relationship and expand Andorra's influence further, both through the book trade and by making our library and professors available to outside magi.

And as Andorra's influence spreads, our House's influence can spread with it. This is one of the reasons I'm seeking Scholomance-trained professors and trade agreements with Tablinum. Andorra can become a local hub for magical learning. If the sources of that learning come from our House, those sources can push students in directions we would prefer. I'm not suggesting this theoretical tribunal would become a twin to Transylvania. The Jerbiton and Flambeau influences will be too strong for that. But we will have an opportunity to imbed our own principles at its heart in the formative stages.

In the short-term, I would seek to establish a confederacy of sorts, with covenants interacting and collaborating with no permanent strings attached. Later on, conversations could begin regarding a more formal arrangement. The next Grand Tribunal is 27 years away. I think a petition for a new Catalonia tribunal in 1261 is a realistic possibility, and one worth pursuing.

Wow! Just...
!Muy excellante!
Splendid idea. Investigate the feasibility and draw up a proposal and plan to be submitted directly to me. You may discuss the idea with others, but make no mention of potential Tremere involvement. If, after analysis, the idea demonstrates merit, I will put it into motion at the next Decenial.

Take a point of Confidence :smiley:

Hey, if she's going to go out of her way to suggest (twice) that Markus needs to go, I can only assume that means the golden ring is in play. Might as well go for it. :slight_smile:

As you wish, prima.

...and I need some OOC info now. First, when is the next Decennial? More importantly, can you expand on the brief hints about the Catalonia tribunal in the Covenant of Andorra thread? It mentions 'some covenants in the Pyrenees', but no other details. How many are there? Does that group include Doissetep? And didn't there used to be a Relations announcement that listed friendly covenants? I don't think any of those Pyrenees covenants were in there, but I'd like to check if that thread's still around somewhere.

I presume Deccenials are held in Decade years, so the next is in 1240. And Poena hinted to help him or replace him, whichever serves House Tremere the best. But the brass ring is ever in play young dragon :wink:
And researching True Lineages, I see that in 1220 "The current Prima has governed the House since her predecessor retired at the Deccenial two years ago." So that means they are held on the 8's, therefore the next one is in 1238. It is now 1234, so she has been in power sixteen years.

The Catalan Tribunal is a proposal concocted over a decade ago by some disaffected Vagabundo magi and liberal elements in Barcelona. Old Archmagus Antonio bought into it because he was a fan of hair-brained schemes. His true desire was to revive Val-Negra, establish one new covenant nearby, and unite with Barcelona in a new Val-Negra/Catlan Tribunal type arrangement. That idea flopped.
Doisettep is too far off to the west, and they are a solid Provencal member and a powerful one at that. Pamplona is probably to far west as well. Carmen once spoke of trying to revive a Valencia covenant, but that was before the attack and the later development of the Sa Dragonera project.
Poena knows what is happening in La Vella.
You may not like this, but you may e able to use this to your advantage if you are clever. The magi of Bellaquin have been wuietly purchasing property in and around Andorra La Vella for years. With the assistance of a secret cabal of Archmagi, they are transferring the location of their covenant to your very doorstep.

Ok, I assigned it to summer 1238 on the magi planner.

That's...less than I was hoping for. So there are no extant independent Pyrenees covenants other than Andorra? Either way, I actually see Pamplona's distance as an asset. The more widespread the unified covenants are, the stronger our claim to the title of 'tribunal' (to my thinking, anyway).

This will certainly be a complication, especially if this is a bid to expand Provencal's influence to our doorstep along with the covenant. Thank you for informing me.

Thanks! I hadn't even considered manipulating the Grand Tribunal vote yet, but this gives me a great place to start.

I only referred to it as a 'Catalonia' tribunal because it was described that way in the main Covenant thread. We can call it whatever makes sense once we've identified enough covenants to fill it. As I said in my response to Marko, I like that Pamplona isn't right next door to Andorra. The larger the geographic location the tribunal can 'claim', the better.

Again, things I hadn't yet considered but definitely need to. Much appreciated. Since it sounds like there are fewer independent covenants than I originally thought, founding covenants will probably be necessary. Maybe we could terraform Sa Dragonera and convert the chapterhouse to a real covenant in a decade or so...quadrupling the scope of this saga won't be a problem, will it Marko? :mrgreen:

I think the meeting with Poena is almost done, so...

Vocis writes a response shortly after leaving the prima's office and sends it with a grog.
Salve sodale. I would be happy to join you for a stroll in the courtyard. I will await your presence near the fountain, in the company of my apprentice Micaela.

Moving on to the meeting, Vocis is a man of medium height, with an athletic build and dark hair. He's wearing his formal black Tremere robes, though they are undecorated. Micaela is a small blonde woman in her late teens, with unsettling red eyes. They're lingering by the fountain with a large traveling pack on the ground next to them.