Aeric ex Miscellanea, from the Lineage of Pralix (Gaunlet +0 years)
Concept: Plagued by the failures of his master, this young exMicellanea of the Lineage of Prallix is eager to prove himself in the Levant Tribunal by investigating the magic of the Order of Suleiman and devising a way of integrating it with hermetic theory. He has an almost obsessive fear of arachnids because a death prophecy stated that he will die by spiders. Unknown by him, a more sinister and supernatural type of spider lurks in the shadows of his life and ensures that a series of disasters and negative coincidences plague him.
Why has he come to Capernaum: As soon as he gained independence, Aeric searched different projects that could produce positive reputation for him in order to cancel the negative reputation he gained by association with his master in the Rhine Tribunal. Although he did not part in negative terms with his parens, he probably still wonders why his fillius jumped so fast to the opportunity to establish in the Levant.
Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Pre -1, Com +1, Str -3, Sta +1, Dex 0, Qik +2
Size: 0
Age: 25, Height: 167 cm, Weight: 58 kg, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift (0); Hermetic Magus: House Miscellanea (0); Comprehend Magic (Major, free), Minor Magical Focus: Exotic Magic (Minor, free), Affinity with Vim (1), Affinity with Perdo (1), Death Prophecy: he will be killed by arachnids (3), Flawless Magic (3), Good Teacher (1), Puissant Finesse (1).
Weak Magic Resistance (Major, free), Driven: Make a name for himself (1), Infamous Master: Ineffective (1), Fear: Arachnids (1), Plagued by Supernatural Entity: Damhan-Allaidh (3), Twilight Prone (3), Unimaginative learner (1).
Personality Traits: Keen to Impress +2, Confident -1, Quiet +2, Fearful of Arachnids +3*, Driven to prove himself +3* (*House rule in my troupe, minor flaw is +3 and major +6).
Reputations: Ineffective Magus (hermetic) 3
Dodge: Init: +3, Attack --, Defense +3, Damage --
Fist: Init: +3, Attack 0, Defense +3, Damage -3
Kick: Init: +2, Attack 0, Defense +2, Damage -1
Soak: +1; Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious; Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11– 15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (Ritual Magic), Awareness 2 (spotting arachnids), Comprehend Magic 1 (hermetic magic), Concentration 2 (spells), Dead Language: Latin 4 (hermetic use), Folk Ken 2 (warriors), Hunt (tracking) 2, Living Language: West Norse 5 (Danish), Living Language: Low German 3 (Saxon), Living Language: Arabic 1 (Levantine), Parma Magica 1 (Mentem), Finesse 1+2 (speed), Penetration 1 (Vim), Magic Lore 1 (magical traditions), Magic Theory 3 (Vim), Order of Hermes Lore 1(history), Survival 2 (snowy areas), Teaching 2 (Magi)
Arts: Cr 5, In 0, Mu 0, Pe 9, Re 1; An 0, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 2, He 0, Ig0, Im0, Me 0, Te 4, Vi 13(1)
Twilight Scars: none Equipment: light robes, walking stick. Encumbrance: 0
Spells Known:
Demon’s Eternal Oblivion PeVi10/+24 - Mastery 1 (multicasting)
Dreadful Bane of the Fae PeVi10/+24 - Mastery 1 (multicasting)
Sap the Griffin's Strength PeVi10/+24 - Mastery 1 (multicasting)
The Lesser Enigma’s Gift CrVi 20 (it gives 2 points of warping instead of 4) CrVi20/+20 - Mastery 1 (multicasting)
Pit of the Gaping Earth PeTe15/+15 Mastery 1 (fast casting)
Veil of Invisibility PeIm20/+13 Mastery (still casting)
Brief Cover of Protecting Stone CrTe10/+11 - Mastery 1 (fast-casting)
Aegis of the Hearth ReVi20/+19 - Mastery 1 (penetration)
Circle of Beast Warding ReAn 5/+3 - Mastery 1 (penetration)
Appearance: a bearded fair-haired young lad dressed in humble robes. His skin has been darkened by the Levantine sun and his face covered by freckles. His complexion is extremely thin and his presence unimposing. (I was thinking in this image from Pablo Moreno in devianart: If you dont know him, he illustrates the spanish edition of Ars Magica. Check his drawings of Murion, Birna, Diedne, Prallix, Flambeau/Tytalus/Jerbiton and several others)
Casting Sigil: Whiteness, that normally manifest as white light but that can manifest as the color of an object or as a brief perception of light.
Extended story
Albiorix exMiscellanea, the parens of Aeric, was one of the three magi originally tasked by the Rhine Tribunal to form Occulus Septentrionalis. Unlike the other two, Albiorix made frequent visits to the Northern Lands. In one of those visits, he found Aeric in one of the northern communities and managed to get the tutelage of the promising young boy. He taught him the hermetic magic of his Pralixian Arts and he even brought the boy to some of his northern expeditions.
In these travels, the boy witnessed some fights, some magical creatures, some inexplicable disasters and coincidences working against his parens and, in one occasion was told about his future by a local hedge wizard: he will die by spiders!. That night, Aeric had several nightmares about his death. In all of them one type of arachnid or another was the cause of his death (monstrous spiders, swarms of normal ones, scorpions, the dagger of an assassin marked with the symbol of a spider). Those nightmares repeated for some time, and even nowadays he still have the occasional one.
At the end of his tribulations, Albiorix didn’t manage to get any significant information about the gifted individuals of the north, about their Order of Odin or their magic. At least, none that he would wanted to share with the Tribunal. He was punished in public and earned a powerful reputation as an ineffective Wizard. Two years later, Aeric passed his gauntlet and was eager to find a way to prove that he was more effective than his parens. He took the opportunity to form part of a newly founded covenant in Caepernum. His ambition was to find significant information about the magic of the Order of Suleiman and find ways to integrate it in Hermetic Magic.
Notes about characteristics:
Edit: I have somewhat rediced the extremes (only one +3 and one -3)
Int +3 - the typical recruit of the order is bright
Per +2 - acute senses and alertness (enhanced by paranoia)
Pre -1 - unimposing physical presence that is enhanced by shyness and the idea that everyone expects few things from you.
Com +1 - Aeric is an educated man able to precisely communicate concepts by letter or, in the rare cases he speaks, by word.
Str -3 - he is a thin lad that has not exerted himself physically in the last 15 years. No physical training, no martial abilities.
Sta +1 - despite his thinness, he has a will to endure.
Dex 0 - average coordination.
Qik +2 - exceptionally fast reflexes. He is like a spring, which has a comical effect when he spots an arachnid.
Personality and Story Virtues and Flaws:
Fear: Arachnids - I have expanded the logical choice (spiders) to arachnids (which include scorpions) to make more common the appearance of these creatures. Clearly, the death prophecy has taken its toll.
Driven: prove himself - He wants to prove he is not like his master.
Plagued by Supernatural Entity: - Following the idea exposed in Thrice-Told Tales pp. 107-143, Damhan-Allaidh is not dead but trapped in his spiritual form, plotting against the order and especially against the linage of Pralix, who caused his downfall. He still has limited ways of interfering with his victims, including the use of proxies to spy them or thwart their plans. When/if Damhan-Allaidh completes the events related in Thrice-Told Tales, his revenge will fall first against the Lineage of Pralix. Aeric will be probably one of his first victims (he will die by a spider, just not by the ones he expected). The problems of Albiorix to complete his objective could be explained partly from the same flaw, partly from the lack of support by his covenant members in the task.
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