The Theban Tribunal of 1200

"It is allowed, they are endowed as a school, and because they provide eunuchs, mundane pay for mundane service with no oaths exchanged."

Constantine nods. "I understand." He pauses, thinking for a moment, then says,
"Could you introduce me to the magus from Favionus?"

"I think if there some paper missing then it should be brought along by one of the Red Cap that came on the same boat as me. By the way this one is called Ioannes Eirenikos."
Ioannes try to use the little bit of etiquette he knowns to prevent showing his fear and unease about this unknown mage. Also he is not looking toward the the face of the mage during the conversation. If someone from Alexandria is with him at moment then he is looking towards them as if expecting this person to continue the conversion.
If he was alone at the moment he was spoken to then he was drawing the scenery to ease his nervousness about the whole situation.

There is a young maga sharing her parma with you, but otherwise you are on your own. While there are more, there are 11 magi of signifigance who are looking for apprentices: Leukothea Of House Merinita, Ionnia Of House Jerbiton, Xenias The Leper Of House Tytalus, Castos of Bonisagus, Olympia ex miscelania, Deborah ex miscelania, Oriana of Jerbiton, Ulf ex miscelania, Damhnait ex miscelania, Ulysses of guernicus, and Solaris of jerbiton. You quickly lose track of who is asking what as they cover the basics of who you are, where you are from, what languages you know, whether you can read, and whether you have any supernatural talents besides the Gift.
While you are talking Ionas is brought in with the magi who discovered him en route, and a similar process of questioning begins...

«I am Ionas,» says Ionas, who is completely lost in the big room, with so many strangers. Whether he is reluctant to answer or uncertain about the meaning of the questions. Little more than single-word responses can be solicited. «Seven,» he says when a maga asks his age. «The woods,» he says in reply to where he comes from. «No,» he says to all questions about languages and letters.

The maga he came with impressed on him not to say anything about the rituals he had taken part in with his friends. So when anybody asks about other supernatural abilities, he just says, «learn?»

OOC: Having not heard back about this from the previous Tribunal (I forgot to ask, you've got tons on your plate)

So, did Xene hear anything about her family? Was thinking of looking for the the members of that covenant when allowed to wander. (As well as some other things but that stuff isn't dependent on what she may or may not know about her family's situation.

How many gifted children are present this year beside Ioans and Ioannes?

I did 2 roll to try out the dice bot:

Ioannes try to do a carcoal paint of the ruins during the downtimes and on request show it after a token resistance that it isn't finished. Roll result is 14 (Stress Die + Craft Painter + Specialization 1+ Dex)

His Etiquette during the interviews isn't any good with a Roll result of 3 (Stress Die + etiquette + Com)

If the interview comes to his painting or to faerie tales / fable then Ioannes give to long answers because this are topics he is interested in.

there are 16 others this year

The magi of Oikos have found your mother and sister, your father was killed and his shop destroyed. You have been able to send letters for the past 3 years...

(still finishing details on the interviewers, will have more on that soon)

One of the magi, one of the few who actually looks old, is muttering to himself "but without the school records, how can I know..." then is apparently struck with an idea and begins to quiz the two apprentices, giving them lists to see how well they remember them and puzzles of logic and common sense- make an intelligence roll: simple if you aren't especially trying to impress him but stress (2 botch dice) if you are.

Ioannes managed to be calm during this test (Calm roll 7), so I used no stress die on the Int test.
The Int test resulted in a 9 so he did quite good for a ~10 year old looking child. In case the child virtue Deft Characteristics ignore the Late Bloomer flaw its even 10.

For the etiquette roll in the posting above the result was 4 and not 3, didn't see till now that the ability wasn't added.

In case a interviewing magi have some clear disfigurement or a high reputation I would like to make a Order of Hermes roll to see if Ioannes can bring redcap tales together with the actual person.

Ionas is completely stressed up, not because he consciously tries to impress, but because the strange place freak him out. Nobody has shared their Parma with him, and so he feels threatened and intimidated by all these strange men and women. Nevertheless he tries to answer as best he can. and he certainly answers better than can be expected from an untrained child his age.

OOC. Int roll 7.

Someone does notice Ionas stress and comes over nd shares Parma with him.
The old mage introduces himself to Ioannes "I am Castos of Bonisagus, tell me, what are you hoping to get from your apprenticeship?"
You can see a number of mages behind Castos discussing Ioannes picture.
A middle aged woman with a cracked voice approaches Ionas as she has most of the apprentices, and asks "Can you sing?''

Ionas eases a little under the Parma, and looks curiously at the magus who did him the favour.

«Sing? I suppose. Sing what?» he asks befuddled of the woman who asked.

"You mean what I would like to do once I became a mage my self? Its a bit difficult to answer but right now I can think of 2 things. I know that I have some connection to the ocean as it is giving me strength when I'm close to it and I sometimes have dreams of a underwater palace or city with faerie like creatures and strangely I could breath there. So I would like to explore what my connection to the ocean is. A other path I would be interested to explore is the connection of magic with my paintings."

The bonisagus nods "You are a clever child, and should have a great career as a magus, but you have your own questions to seek out, and are not what I seek." As he moves on there is a nearly chaotic rush of other magi looking to interview Ioannes. The first of these is Leukothea Of House Merinita, who stands before you with greenish blue hair and purple eyes. "So tell me about this connection with the sea."
"Whatever song you know best, let me hear you sing." (simple or stress, as before, music+com)

Ionas starts chanting, a somber chant which he has heard used in his childhood worship. Perceptive ears may have made out the first few words, «hail oh lord», before Ionas remembers the maga's warning and starts muffling the words, turning it into a hum. The voice is clearly that of an untrained child, though most have heard worse.

OOC. He rolled 2, impressive given his -6 Com and no skill.

(the order of Hermes lore roll resulted in 6 so I assume that Ioannes for now don't know who he is talking to but as soon he hear that she is Merinata or Leukothea he can make some connections)

After a short thinking break.

"How should I say it when I'm close to or in the ocean everything I do feel more easy to me. Like I could hold the breath longer or that my painting that include the ocean looking better."

During the first day they are there Xene looks around for Anna or Theocharista Psellus ex Jerbiton of Oikos tou Eleous. She also tries to learn who will be defending Meghia, if someone other than Meghia, during the trial.

If allowed to roam by Lucien, Apollon will explore the island. careful to try and obey any rules he has been told which definitely includes not harming anything (for fear of killing it) and he most definitely tries his best not to give birth.

She replies quite quickly "Thank you, that is enough." before moving on.

Redcap tales:
Leukothea Of House Merinita- Nixie blooded faerie magus who lives under the sea and enjoys riding her dolphin familiar
Ionnia Of House Jerbiton- of noble blood, has a habit of conjuring dead poets to hear their poetry
Xenias The Leper Of House Tytalus- an unusually benign and peacefull tytalus, and a reknowned healer. refers to death and disease as the enemy of mankind
Castos of Bonisagus- an old seeker known to be researching more legends and rumors than anyone has time to pursue
Olympia ex miscelania- seer from the court of fools, and leader of the covenant. reknown for showmanship more than accuracy
Deborah ex miscelania- Orphic maga who has withdrawn from public life
Oriana of Jerbiton- no reputation
Ulf ex miscelania - seer, reknown for accuracy, considered unsettling even amongst magi, less for his demeanor, which does nothing to help, than for his abilities
Damhnait ex miscelania- the night poet- a songmistress performance maga who has lost her voice
Ulysses of guernicus- a Guernicus who has retired from (some say renounced) he title of quaesitor
Solaris of jerbiton- well connected snob. rumors suggest his parents actually purchased his apprenticeship from a more charitably minded jerbiton

As the maga leaves, Ionas starts to walk about, looking for something to grab his attention. He studies the people as well as the room.