The Visitor (Spring 1235)

My concern is that Lucas and Acutus are both on the "junior magus" side of things, as is - I assumed - Roberto. My understanding was that many people had two magi: a powerful one and a newbie. Based on that, there would be 'big' adventures for the powerful characters (Like City of Brass), and 'lesser' adventures for the newbies (like helping Roberto under the sea).

It's tough for new magi like Lucas and Acutus (and all the others) to see big adventures like City of Brass pass us by, and then be told that even the lesser adventures are too dangerous for us. These are going to be the adventures that will likely be the focus of action for the next few months of real time. For us, as players, to sit on the sidelines while they go on can be frustrating. That, more than anything else, is why Lucas is volunteering to go. I suspect that the same may be true for Acutus. And didn't Fleur volunteer as well. I'll bet there was the same motivation there as well.

It is not my story, it is Fixer. So I have no idea what the power level will be. And the way I play, it is easy to bite off more than you can chew yet still triumph against adversity. I tend to not scale things to power. In fact, I rarely pay attention to character stats when designing adversaries. Things just roll. I grant fair warning and let the players decide what to do.
So, if you want, then welcome aboard. You have been warned. Well, this is Fixer, not me, so I have no idea what to expect.

BTW, Roberto would never consider himself "junior". Lower rank, yes. Younger than most, older than a few. The way I play him, he doesn't look at power scale. He simply sees what needs to be done and does it.

After Wirth (Fixer) responds to the current conversation, I am planning to have Roberto address the council and see if anyone wants in on this.

Wirth nods
This I can help with. Otherwise, I agree with your assessment.

All the while, Riad has settled at the covenant, resting and healing from his injuries. Although he has avoided pestering roberto, the grogs and servants that have talked to him know well how anxious he is to depart, and how he worries for his village and his friends of the sea. To the curious, he's told tales of his travels, how he crossed the mountains of illusion, fled before the desert scorpions, was given the sword of the crescent by the immortal sorcerer Khalid Ibn Zayd Al-Kâtib, lost himself in the sea of endless summer, and slayed the twice-headed mantis in his quest for the legendary Roberto of Flambeau.

So, when Roberto comes to him for information, he's eager to help. He spends some time thinking.
I'm sorry, it's been a long time, and the merwoman could only tell us so many things before death took her.
She told us that Attumah had freed other evil jinns. They were enough to overpower the King under the Sea's guard, so I guess they must be either numerous, or powerful. I don't really know. But he seized control of the royal palace, so he must have enough guards for it. She didn't speak about allies, but it stands to reason there would be other mermen and women that opposed dread Attumah's rule. They were always our friends and allies, good and just, so they must resent the murder of their beloved King.
About your paramour... She told us the princess was alive, living in the palace but captive of the devil Attumah. Maybe he wants to marry her so as to consolidate his claim on the Sea Throne? I don't know.
A mundane way to what??? I am sorry, lord Roberto, but I don't understand what you're speaking about :frowning: Nor did I ever set foot in the Fabled city. Only a few blessed souls in my people history did it, when they went to live under the sea. I would really have loved to help you on this, but sadly, I'm as ignorant as ever He strikes the wall in anger and frustration.
Ouch! That's it, I'm just... Sorry. I feel so useless now, I thought you were going to come and magic trouble away, but I was still an ignorant child in this. I understand what you're trying to do, but being unable to help you more... Pardon me, mighty hero.
So, my people? We'll do what we can. We can provide food, shelter, and try to contact our allies for you. They didn't answer our last prayers, but maybe they're on the lookout now. I sure hope so. But sadly, we're no warriors of magicians. I'm the closest we've had to one in 2 generations, and only because I was quite lucky searching for you.

No problem, counting you in. I'm gonna be away for about 2 weeks, maybe more depending on my workload when I come back, but I'll come back and we'll see it through.
Stay tuned.

If I can, I'll try to see that everyone has a chance to contribute somewhat. But even if I don't, I'm sure he'll be able to do something useful.
And he already has an offensive spell: Hex of Slumber :wink: Master it for Penetration, Fast-casting or Multicasting.

This is an (badly done and half-assed) adventure for Roberto. I promised this to Marko some time ago.

But Roberto, although the "senior" junior magus and a combat magus to boot, is still a junior mage. So yeah, this is done with young mages in mind, which is why both Lucas and Acutus are welcome. Knowing players, you'll surely all be able to surprise me and resolve this in a way I didn't think about.
Also, he is the hero, meaning the threats will mostly concentrate on him, just like in an action movie, meaning even a non-combattant like Lucas can expect to survive.

I don't want too many people, because this holds by strings, and I've only got so many time, so I want every player involved to have at least a little fun, but yeah, IMO, this is a junior mage adventure.
Lucas and acutus should feel free to discuss with Roberto, propose their help, discuss plans and all. Roleplay this, have fun, we'll go on once I come back.

Yea, that was one thing that hurt me in making my character. When I made up Lucas, I still didn't really understand Spell Mastery. As a result, he has none of his spells mastered. Just another thing to chalk up to experience. :slight_smile:

Hmm, or I could have him study a summa on Penetration and gain Penetration 2. That might be a better option.

[tab][/tab]Roberto will ask the council for an audience to put in his request for assistance. All he asks is for the services of Arnau and a few of his men, and supplies for his ship. He will also accept any volunteers. He especially wants to recruit Acutus. If Lucas wants in, fantastic. Virtue united is Stronger :smiley: In fact, looking closer at Lucas, I see a few key spells that will be most useful. Cloak of the Duck's Feathers, Whispering Mind, Improved Disguise of the Transformed Image, and others.
[tab][/tab]Roberto gathers together with Wirth, Acutus, Lucas, Arnau, and Cidito. "Here is my basic plan, and keep in mind that I well understand that the best laid battle plan always changes radically in the field. But it is good to have a start point from which we can improvise. The first leg will be from here to the island of Riad's people. There we can resupply and organize our next move. Hopefully his people can offer more information or contact someone on the inside. If not, then at least a good meal and some rest before action will certainly be a blessing. We'll take my ship, the Malaga. Johan can pilot us under the sea, and has the Syght to spot entrance to the regio. Johan and his stupid @#$%^&* curse, we can only travel with men. Forget my earlier criticisms Wirth, Carmen and Vibria are heavy hitters. Someday I'll have to find a way to fix that.
[tab][/tab]Anyway, we insert our agent, Acutus, who can recon the city in shark form. I may pust a water breathing spell and a disguise on my familiar and send him it too."
[tab][/tab]""Yeah, you. Cidito and I are ever in mental contact, and he can travel between points of Arcance connection, find where the princess is, contact the underground resistance if any, and travel between any of us. We should all share an Arcane Connection with each other so we can form a chain and web of links. Lucas will be essential in helping maintain contact between the rest of us and the grogs, and can disguise us with illusions if need be.
[tab][/tab]"Best case scenario would be for Acutus and Cidito to locate Attuma, Wirth and I hop in and take him out quick and clean. But that is unlikely. That is where our grogs come in. I have two men, Wirth brought two, Arnau, pick your est two or three, Lucas and Acutus should pick out a few. Men only. Just before infiltration, we cast water beathing spells on them. While Wirth and I cause havoc distraction on the inside, Lucas can direct Johan to land our troops in such a way to remain unnoticed. All the while Acutus and Cidito lead the resistance. We will coordinate so all three forces strike at once, causing chaos and confusion for the enemy.
[tab][/tab]"Like I said, the best laid plans turn to $#!+ when you hit the realities of the field of combat. But it is good to have a starting point to improvise from once we have gathered more intelligence. And, having said that, what do you guys suggest to improve or modify these ideas?"

I don't think we have time. Lesson learned :slight_smile:
A number of Roberto's spells are things he learned/invented after he encountered a situation where they were needed. :mrgreen:

(an example of which is that Roberto needs to learn/invent spells to make a ship fly or sail underwater on his own without having to rely on Johan and his curse)

You're always fighting the previous war ...

Yeah, well, I try not to get stung the same way twice. Not fighting the previous war, taking lessons learned from it and preparing myself better. I try to take an organic approach with this character.

"One added advantage I'll have," Lucas replies, "is that I'll be studying up on Leap of Homecoming myself. So I'll be able to jump around as well, to the extent that we have arcane connections. That might be helpful, since I can cast spells without words or gestures. It also means that I can get away quickly if things go sour. I've also arranged so that most of my spells can be targeted by sight as well. So the fact that I won't be able to talk underwater - or at least not well - won't be an issue. Also, I should add, any illusory disguises I place on you will be harnessed and tethered to you. That means each of you individually can drop them at need. Of course, once they're gone, they're gone until I recast them. But the flexibility might be important."

"I don't know what they have in the way of locks in this underwater city," he adds. "But I have a spell that can bypass most locks as well. That might be helpful in the right circumstances. And, of course, while I don't know any destructive spells, I can put people to sleep at a distance. That may be helpful too. Beyond that, I'm in the dark as much, or more, than you are about what they layout of this place is. I fear we'll have to play it by ear and do the best we can."

"Sorry, Horus," he says to his familiar. "But I think that underwater is the wrong place for you to be. I'm afraid you'll have to sit this one out."

Don't be so hasty. The environment in the regio is different than you would expect for underwater. At the very least he can keep Johan company on ship after we disembark.
Your ideas are sound and your magic quirks certainly an asset. What else do you guys have for ideas?

"Good point," Lucas says. "That'll give me a communication link with the ship."

Exactly. Many bagi are blinded by "top power" options and are blind to the subtle advantages that even minor magic can offer. Your familiar is your friend, your partner, your sidekick, and your right hand.


"I just didn't want him to be a fish out of water," Lucas replies. "Or a bird out of the water. Or a bird out of -- well, you know what I mean. I'm glad to hear that he can come along on Johan's ship. I feel much better when he's close by."

"As well you should," Horus adds.

I suppose we are ready whenever Fixer is :slight_smile:

Wirth listens to both Roberto and Lucas ideas. He looks at the team in appreciation, especially lucas.

A plan as good as any.
As I see it: Acutus, who can map of the town. Lucas and I, can pass for mermen and strike silently. We’re the covert action teams.
Roberto, you’re our heavy hitter. Acutus too.
Lucas, you teleport. You can serve as backup, too, and, with Horus, help us coordinate.

But… Roberto, you know me. I worry about your princess. Attacking Attumah may be dangerous for her. Maybe Lucas and I should try to rescue her.

Let’s go. We’re wasting time. We need to see the place.

Indeed my friend. We need to fully recon the place and gather intelligence before we make any direct moves. As I have always said, the best laid plans always fall apart in the heat of conflict. But having a basis to start from allows one to improvise and adapt to the situation.
And yes, time is wasting. Let us away and play it by ear as we go.

After everyone boards ship, Johan pilots the Malaga to the island of Riad's people in short order.
That is presuming Riad is able to guide us :slight_smile: