Thoughts on how my Character would be Treated by Mages now??

Ok, this is probably HR territory, but I'd be very interested in how you did it :smiley:

As per your Arcadian Faith, it seems incredibly powerfull by 5th standards, especially as it can influence divine or infernal tempers... :open_mouth:
And, well, tytalus as a buddy... Good for you, but over my dead body :laughing:

Thats modern thinking. Not the least in line with a real or mythic medieval Europe paradigm.

Who said they ever changed realm? And who said divine MUST equal dominion? Noone but you. Dominion is the monotheistic religions buisness ONLY.

See above.

Right. Ars Magica 5th Edition, p.188. I quote:

"The Divine Realm is the manifestation of the supernatural power of God. The most obvious agent of the Divine in western Europe is the Church, and Divine Auras, also called "the Dominion", or "Dominion auras," surround its buildings. The Church does not have a monopoly on Divine auras, as Jews and Muslims also live within a Dominion aura, which appears indistinguishable from that of the Church."

Not a single word about faeries or magic beings, and that's God in the singular. And, on p.182:

"A creature that belongs to a realm cannot be affiliated with any other realm."

Interpret the medieval paradigm any way you like, but Ars Magica's take on it seems fairly clear to me.

Sheesh this is ridiculous... :unamused:

Ah yes... Rather a fun little stunt adding modern thinking plastered on top of a paradigm based on modern interpretation of a christian medieval point of view.

Christian PoV on jews/islam at the time was something like the ones who murdered christ and demonworshipers, islamic view on both others were more like considering them misguided idolworshipping pagans, while the jews were more along the line of false messias... And you still say dominion is monolithic?
Sorry but that would give us a "supreme god" who delights in playing toy soldier games with his different cults pitted against each other. Rather evil a scheme i would say, making dominion an extention of the infernal instead.

And please why dont you say again exactly where even RAW says that non-dominion gods doesnt exist or are false?

So, elder gods provided magic or faerie auras, while recent ones provide dominion, reducing the power of their subjects but empowering themselves. Greedy SOBs those 3 monotheistic entities... :smiling_imp:

Something like that, yes. Still, getting True Faith, Divine Auras that supress hostile supernatural powers, Holy Magic and occasional Miracles doesn't make it such a bad deal.

IIRC, that's also the "official" POW on the 3 faiths :wink: Read RoP: tD

However, I agree with you on faerie and magical gods: they were always Faerie or Magical beings. That don't stop them from being worshipped :wink: Hell, there are even people worshiping demons!
IIRC, david chart also talked of the faerie gods having evinced the magical ones.

Divine Auras have nothing to do with being a god or worshipped, everything to do with being "the One True God", creator of the universe and all. It's a type of aura, different from other auras

Dont have it... Wether its official or not, well i wish they could make up their mind about wether they are trying for a medieval paradigm or a modern one.

Exactly! Thats exactly what i been trying to "point out" to Aurelius who seemed lost with the idea that deities by default had to be of the dominion...

Except it also supress HELPFUL and FRIENDLY supernatural powers. And holy magic sure doesnt seem as common as the "normal kind", and "occasional" miracles is nowhere near as valuable as being able to do it on a daily basis.
Control freak gods. :smiling_imp:

Well, as far as I understand, a little of both.

They wanna allow players to play muslims or jews. If they make them a people of demonists, that's out.

More so, in the medieval paradigm, the jews thought themselves the... chosen people. The arabics were the Ones with the truth.

Medieval paradigm doesn't nescessarily means christian paradigm, although the 2 are often synonimous.

Note, though, that infernal muslims and/or jews are options, IIRC

You don't appear to have read my last post:

You were the one asking why pagan deities couldn't be divine.

Or by "divine" do you just mean having the qualities of a god or goddess or do you specifically mean the Divine Realm in Ars Magica? If it's the former you are of course absolutely right.

Well that was supposed to be obvious... :confused:
Maybe i should start writing with a chisel and sledgehammer... :stuck_out_tongue:

Mmm thats one of few things i never liked about it, calling it a medieval paradigm, when its mainly a west european christian medieval paradigm, except where the opinions on jews/moslems of the era comes in, then we suddenly take the jump to modern day paradigm, but the instant we hoppityskip away from those 3 religions, we go on further to a modern interpretation of "the old myths"... Ie its oh so careful not to tread on some religious toes but merrily dances on the graves of others, while not sticking solidly to a single paradigm ever... Just annoying.

Yeah but thats actually not very fun for playing really. Its just back to the Big Evil Empire that must be defeated or else...
It tends severely to get linear and... well, simplistic.
AND we already did that pretty much with our looong and uberpowerful "the mongols are coming!", all of them and their aunt and just about anyone else they could "recruit"...

Much more fun to even out the realms a little, not by downplaying the dominion POWER, but its extent slightly and just outright let the magic and fae deities be around a bit to allow nonhermetics to be powers to be dreaded.

Like obviously seems to have been the case in Sir Parn´s story.
Sound fun. 8)

Really? It wasn't. On a discussion board about Ars Magica where discussions about game rules are generally to be expected, you might want to make a clearer distinction between when you're talking about divine beings generally, e.g. in classical mythology, and how they're treated in Ars Magica, i.e. by making the God of the Christians, Jews and Muslims the source of the Divine Realm and classifying all the other gods as Faerie or Magical beings (with some Infernal impostors). . Confusing matters further by saying it's okay to put all the gods together and then accusing other people of doing the same thing doesn't help either.

Try using capital letters more often. They can be quite useful.

Anyway. To get back to the original topic...

I think Sir Parn said somewhere his PC had actually changed into a High Elf, so I imagine his soul is bound for Arcadia if and when he passes on. If, however, "Tiamat" is a demon posing as a deity (see the False Gods in RoP: Infernal) rather than a faerie, it's a different matter.

THAT would be a fun twist from the GM's part :smiling_imp:

Well, Tiamat sounds like a wild, primal, cthonic kind of deity to me. Just the sort to be a demon in disguise.