Weird meteorological phenomena , would be more of a Divine/Infernal thing.
Cursing people with a Rain of Frogs or the like.
Hermetic Magi , even Auram specialists , quite probably rarely tamper with the weather in this manner.
If anything , i would add a Corpus casting requisite to creating Rain.
So when people say , [color=blue]"It's Pissing Down!" , it literally will be.
Oh... thank you SO much... Now I have the mental image of a Ex Miscelanea covenant calling themselves the weather girls...
And I really DON'T want them to suceed with THAT particular spell. Imagine how messy it'd become?
"Just HOW did all these guys splatter o'er the lands Jerge?" "Blasted iffa knows. But we'd bedder keep showelin' em up if we knows whadis good ferus..."
Just a reminder , as i have previously received an Official Warning ,
that we can't be too abusive to , or about the posts of any particular person.
I don't think it is badly insulting anyone to suggest they try searching for an unfamiliar term. ROTFLMAO
This could offcourse be the name of a spell - like BoAF (Ball of Abyssimal Flame) and DEO (Demon's Eternal Oblivion).
Unfortunatly there were no lab notes for any such spell in our local library. I think it be an advanced versjon of the LOL spell (CrIm2) with a Co requisite...
To account for the ass falling off I'd recomend a bit of Perdo aswell - unless you think of assless people as an improved or more perfect person, in which case sticking to Creo is fine.