Greetings all.
Are there any published 5th ed rules for fighting with a weapon in each hand? I know there aren't any in the main book, but there were in 4th ed.
Does anyone have any good houserules for dual wielding in their sagas. I realize that medieval europe wasn't big on two weapon styles (until later when the weapons got lighter) but my next campaign isn't set in mythic europe and i've got in mind a group of enemies who wield 2 weapons but no rules for them.
Thinks i already know:
- dual wielding is hard, I've studied sword fighting myself and i'm well aware that i'm more dangerous to myself than to others while wielding a pair of long blades.
- A new skill (two weapons) is absolutely required
- a well trained man with two weapons has a definite advantage over a man with comparable training and only one weapon. Miyamoto Musashi tells me so
My personal thinking is that i should take the 4th edition system and tyr and adapt it. That makes the rules simple and requires no nasty changes (such as multiple attacks).