1221.t The Joust

You can try the fast cast defense. As I said the timing of the joust allows for some spells to be cast.
Need to make the fast cast roll and a concentration roll. I'll await your decision before moving forward.

(Your joust is putting me in mind if your first encounter with Mufarjj)

The fast cast defense just doesn't seem that it will make a difference, I can't cast a spell on him or his gear, if I try the wizard's parry with the staff that might not work or could possibly lead to a disaster, like accidentally spearing his horse, or at least negate his own attack. If I cast the Wizard's Leap, that's likely the same as surrendering and would probably really hurt his Acclaim. He'll plow forward and try to take the lance on the shield. He'll spend the Confidence to improve his defense so he hopefully takes it on the shield. No fast cast defense, he cast spells on his shield, he'll rely on the shield.

Die roll for intiative, spell, attack and defense.
Forgot to include the concentration roll of 6+3=9, so his spell does go off.

Your attack is 19, against his defense of 17, leaving an AA of 2, damage total is 2AA+ 2Str+7Wpn=11, which he soaks.

His Attack is 17+ 8=25, vs your 14 Defense is 11AA+2+7=18 and it is within your soak. You feel a spell bounce off your Parma[1]. He scores a good hit, and you catch it on your shield. His lance is unharmed.

As you pass each other going back on the lists to reset, you feel another spell bounce off your parma. You two are not close enough to talk without being overheard by the crowd.

[1]Since you notice it bounce off your resistance, you can be sure it did not penetrate. If a spell penetrates, you may not be able to detect it otherwise. I draw this conclusion from the spell Bitter Taste of Betrayal.

Alexei is not one to go crying to the Quaesitors, as he passes his opponent he snarls quietly enough to be heard mainly by him. "Is it blood you want? If another spell strikes my parma I'll spill yours, do ye understand blackguard? Or shall we dispense with that and let the Quaesitors sort it out after? The Full Moon being so far and all."

With that he'll slowly make his way to the starting point listening for any return taunts. As he does he starts calling to mind his newly researched spell Titan's Gentle Slap and checks to see if anything of his opponent may have stuck to the end of his lance.

"Do your worst, it's obvious your best isn't sufficient."
He laughs a deep belly laugh and continues on.

Go ahead and do next round rolls.

((Alexei will hold off one more round casting spell, he'll see what happens this round and if he survives will decide at that point))

He offers no salute as he stares grimly down the field at his opponent.

1d10+3 → [2,3] = (5) 5

1d10+13 → [3,13] = (16) 16

1d10+14 → [5,14] = (19) 19

Edit:SG added die roll for Defense.

Rotgiers attempst another spell
First set of die rolls, for Initiative, Concentration, Spell, Attack, Defense.

Not rolling more for Initative, since you're not fast casting a spell, and his concentration fails, and he can't get the spell off.

His attack barely misses, and you connect, but the AA is only 2, so the damage is within his soak.

Rolls for round 3.

Correction. AA is 6, with +7 damage is 13, which is beyond his soak. You've badly bruised his shield arm (light wound).

((Alexei will not cast a spell, he'll keep his honor and then see about afterwards))

"Once more Rotgers! Perhaps you can master the skill necessary to cast that spell on me succesfully this time you honorless cur!" Alexei calls out loudly enough for others to hear. "It's pathetic that not only are you not skillful enough to win, you're not even skillful enough to cheat well at it!" and then spurs the horse and charges into his foe.

1d10+3 → [1,3] = (4) Exploder
1d10 → [4] = (4) 8+3 11

1d10+13 → [6,13] = (19) 19

1d10+14 → [4,14] = (18) 18

Alexei will spend a Confidence point on the Attack roll for a total of 22.

Ok, I did mess up round 2. When I copied the spreadsheet from my work computer to the home computer, only values appeared, and I was too tired to notice.
You missed in Round 2, he hit in round 2. You can soak the damage. Additionally, if you spend a Confidence point you can score a hit.

Round 3, same result (without a confidence point necessary) both competitors hit, no damage due to soak.

From the spectators tier of seating, Fieltarn takes a good look at this Rotgers, echoing Alexei legitimate outburst with his own comment for the benefit of Fieltarn's neigboring onlookers...
Ah, maybe this year we'll see a winner that's both skilled and honorable, rather than one who shame not only his own name but us all, in the Tribunal.

Stating this more plainly, if you don't spend a Confidence point for Alexei in round 2, he will win, as he has hit you in every round. Spending the confidence point will push this to a round 4.

He'll spend the Confidence then, and let's go on to round 4!

Rock and roll. Go ahead and do the initiative, attack and defense rolls.

Also feel free to do an awareness check, hard difficulty.

1d10-1 → [2,-1] = (1) Exploder! Should have saved this for the attack roll.
Exploder die: 1d10 → [9] = (9) Yowza! Total 17

1d10+3 → [7,3] = (10) 10

1d10+13 → [5,13] = (18) 18

1d10+14 → [2,14] = (16) 16

Will spend a Confidence on the attack roll, my only chance at this point.

These rules, since it is the finals aren't sudden death. Someone needs to yield, or fail to hit.

He seems to be putting all his efforts into taking you out.
Concentration fails, so the spell doesn't go off. He does fatigue himself to attack you, for a +7 bonus to his attack. AA+Wpn=14+7=21 damage, you soak 19, taking a light wound.
It's not a bad enough wound for it to be noticed or stop the battle.

You'll both be at -1 on actions.

Go ahead with round 5

The crowd is beginning to appreciate the grand display before them, this display of prowess will be spoken of for some time.
Also, Confidence point not spent.

So you can expend a Fatigue? I thought that was Grogs only. Good to know, I'll definitely be rocking that. Did I notice anything with that big Awareness roll?

Yeah, you/Alexei noticed why his attack was "so" successful.

Alexei grunts at the wound, but does not cast a spell to either heal it or try to ignore it with magic. "As God intended..." he murmurs as he rubs his shoulder.

"Once more steed, once more, deliver me unto my foe!" he whispers into the horse's ears before giving it a smart jab with the spurs. "As God intended Rotgers!"

-1 Penalty added in to all rolls.

1d10+2 → [8,2] = (10) 10

Attack: spending a Fatigue and Confidence point (I believe my last one at this point) total bonus = +22 (initial bonus 13 - 1 +10)
1d10+22 → [1,22] = (23) Oh my...EXPLODER MANIA!!!
Exploder die: 1d10 → [8] = (8) 16, total 38!

1d10+13 → [4,13] = (17) 17

Alexei will know this will be a telling blow, but he won't pull it. Rotgers knew the risks and tried cheating. Alexei will win...as God intended.

Both competitors hit, but Alexei does some serious damage. His shield arm appears to have taken the brunt of the attack. It may be broken, but he's hiding it well. He is not submitting and moves to reset to the lists. The judges are either ignoring or don't see the broken arm.

Round 6...

Crap. Math error. I need to not do this after 10pm, I think.

He submits, you did a heavy (I miscalculated it as medium) wound to him, which would put him at a -6 to all actions.

Alexei wins the Joust. You may add a reputation as Tourney champion. You score 21 points for Mons Electi at the tournament in determining prizes.