((As much as I want to use my new spell, I just doubt that it has any chance to penetrate, so we'll go with stabby-stabby))
Alexei has rarely been as angry as he is now and under ordinary circumstances he wouldn't stab someone from behind, but this so called 'Hoplites' had invaded his home and murdered his host, they deserved no better!
"Hai!" Alexei shouts as he lunges forward and tries to stab the magus in the leg, even a minor wound would give him an advantage; disrupt his concentration and provide an Arcane Connection to help his other spells.
Since you're trying to pull your punch, I'll modify the results a bit
The magus botched his defense roll, which wasn't much, and his soak was pathetic (rolled a 2).
Which, given a +3 (15 Terram) +2 Stamina +3 DoIS +2 (Die)=10 (soak total)
With a botched defense roll AA is 17
9+17=26 Damage total, if I have it correct?
He's out. It appears he may also be stuck in the partially closed entrance when he collapsed.
Meanwhile, back in the parapet, Fiona is feeling a rigid feeling again, as if she's being pressed down or put upon. "Hold a bit longer, Fiona, the shockwave has not yet come back. Ulrich, give her your staff!"
((Yep that damage total is correct, and Alexei would want to take the magus prisoner if able to))
As the magus falls Alexei pulls the spear tip from the wound and quickly gathers the blood onto a cloth and tucks it away before attending to the man.
He turns the spear over and touches the wound with the blunt of the staff, willing his magic to stop the blood from flowing until he can be properly healed and taken care of. From there he will bind and gag the magus.
((Casting Bind Wound, lvl 10 spell, casting total 36, plus Penetration 4, plus Aura, and will use the blood as an AC if necessary. He will bind him at the wrists and the thumbs as well as shoving a gag and bit into his mouth and taking away obvious items and vis if possible))
Appear to be missing a die roll?
It can wait until later. You don't want me doing die rolls, I've rolled 3 botches.
So, I would roll the worst roll I could for you, probably a 1.
((I'll roll when I get home, I wasn't expecting he'd need one in this situation, it's not a ritual and he easily makes the casting total, but Penetration is a factor I guess, I figured Alexei had enough, but these guys might have the ol' invulnerable Parma))
I'm reasoning that Alexei would want to judge the strength of his Parma. And knowing if he penetrates before the AC or needs the AC helps judge that a bit.
Ok, it appears you're getting to a Casting Total and calling it Penetration, forgetting to subtract the spell level.
Above you said your CT was 36 +4 (Penetration & Specialty) and die roll is 4, which gets me to 44, but you're not subtracting the spell level, which is 10, leaving Alexei with 34 penetration. That's insufficient to go past his Parma.
I'll use the same roll of 4 (if you really want you can reroll, I thought you'd give me two tries when I suggested Alexei would try with and without the AC).
I get 36 CS+4 Die-10Spell level=30; 30 +4*(1+3AC bonus)=46
The last one does penetrate.
Immediately after having done this, the shockwave hits Alexei and he feels as if he's held rigid for a moment.
Next round actions (rounds still apply for Alexei, as I'm ticking off some events here).
After casting the spell Alexei is stunned for a moment, when that passes he immediately gets into a defensive guard, holding up his spear and looking for the attacker. Not seeing an immediate source of it he attends to his prisoner, but keeps a careful eye out.
He's not exactly a prisoner, yet. He's kind of wedged and stuck in the entrance.
While Alexei, contemplates how to get him unstuck, the shockwave bounces back, but feels significantly stronger. Significantly so. Str+size check of 9+ is required to remain standing.
((Everyone in this story should go ahead and roll the same Str+Size check to remain standing. Those who fail will feel themselves literally picked up and placed onto the ground in an extremely precise and orderly manner.))
Just before the shockwave comes back"Fiona, hold fast! The shockwave is coming back!" Fiona feels something brush up against her foot, and glancing down she sees that Apollodorus' body is now next to her. "It should center on my body. It is my hope that you're being on both the mundane side and this side of the regio at one time that you'll prove to be an anchor keeping the connection to the mundane world open. Tell Maris that the book is not for House Tremere. Efforts to retrieve it will result in its destruction. Be wary of those of House Guernicus, not all are what they appear to be. It is possible that Laetitia is being held by her superiors, against her will. Goodbye, Fiona. Extend my farewell to my sodales. There are some instructions in my sanctum."
Str 1 + Size 2 + die roll of 2 = 5. Well, this is awkward...but if she does go arse over teakettle, she's going to try to land so that she's still bridging the entrance...or if not, get back in the entrance asap.
[color=blue]"What are you talking about ? What book? What's going on with Guernicus?"
Ulrich and Theraposa both see Fiona fall and then disappear, along with Apollodorus' body. They also both hear him shout out a warning to Fiona to remember the staff and it being useful to get back home. The also heard the things he'd said previously, about the book, House Guernicus and Laetitia.
((Peregrine, look in this thread to resolve what happens to Fiona.
Thera: Str -4 + Size -2 = -6 + die roll 9 = 3. Would have been impressive if she'd managed it.
If Fiona managed to grab the staff from Ulrich, then Thera will just try to figure out what the deuces is going on. If she has not got the staff, then Thera will grab the staff (or Ulrich with the staff), and leap towards Fiona's position mid-way through the border (assuming she can).
It looks as if Fiona fell into a hole, but no hole is visible. She was holding both her staff and the staff Deykin had. (I had previously said Ulrich, but it should've been Ulrich. Consider this corrected to Deykin.)
Okay, well she failed her Str check anyway, so I dunno if she's able to react in time. When she can react, seeing that the intruders have all disappeared or been dealt with, she'll go to investigate where Fiona was. If she fell, perhaps Thera can spin out a line for her.
Theraposa's second sight was such that she appeared to fall into the floor, which is unlike the normal transition between the regio and the mundane world. However, whatever hole Fiona did fall into isn't visible.